The founder of Italy’s biggest party is calling for a referendum on Eurozone membership in the latest blow for the embattled EU. >Beppe Grillo, of the 5Star Movement, said: “I have proposed a referendum for the eurozone. I want the Italians people to express themselves. >“Do people agree with it? Is there a plan B? Do we need or not to leave Euro?” >He added: “There are two economies [in Europe]….one of the North and one of the South. And we, Italians, are in the South.” >Coalition talks are still ongoing in Italy after Eurosceptic, anti-mass migration parties stormed the last election.
Why are all the countries giving up instead of reforming it?
>all the countries giving up instead All the countries that are giving up aren't trying to reform it*. You'd think Italy, Britain, Hungary, Poland, would have had some pull to change it.
Colton Butler
He's an idiot btw. (I speak Italian and follow Italian media)
>instead of reforming it You can"t resurrect a dead child
Eli Allen
not with that attitude!
Cooper Lee
There's no point in fixing the Euro because cryptocurrencies will in time replace the whole financial systemm.
Thomas Wright
MS5 is a confusing party
Di Mario is pro-EU and was thinking about forming a government with PD.
And Grillo is anti-EU?
They can't keep playing both sides
Brandon Ortiz
You have to understand the EU is a political project committed to "ever closer union". You can slow it's progress, but you can never reform its raison d'être.
Liam Garcia
He isn't in control of his own party anymore, he went back to be a comedian just before the elections, and the new "leadership" (It'd be better to call them his puppets by now) has promptly given up the anti-Euro talks as soon as the election was over and they got the most votes. Now that the chances of forming a new government are over, and new elections are looming on our country in a few months, they're backing down on the anti-Euro sentiment in order to minimize losses and hope that the same idiots that voted for them in March will vote for them again next year. They're the literal definition of controlled opposition
William Russell
It might split in half.
Same thing happened with True Finns in Finland when Halla-Aho replaced Soini (hardcore anti-immigration replaced lax imimgration attitude)
Ethan Powell
Ayden Morales
(And that's a good thing.)
David Powell
Bs. M5S is losing voters/sympathy, they started again the same whole propaganda stuff that they already betrayed in the past.
Luis Collins
>follow Italian media That's more like a hindrance than anything else
Henry Perry
Germany and France aren't interested in Reform they just want to destroy the European people and use the Eu to accomplish this.
Eli Gutierrez
>He isn't in control of his own party anymore, he went back to be a comedian just before the elections, and the new "leadership" (It'd be better to call them his puppets by now) has promptly given up the anti-Euro talks as soon as the election was over and they got the most votes.
Thank you for the quick rundown.
Easton Foster
>M5S is losing voters/sympathy, they started again the same whole propaganda stuff that they already betrayed in the past. This sounds a lot like what True Finns under Timo Soini did in Finland.
Connor Morris
M5S is a fraud -last year they tried to ditch Farage to join ALDE, the group of Verhofstadt, pro-superstate, pro eu army, pro euro -their immigration program is written by ASGI (funded by Soros) and Comunità di Sant'Egidio, both open borders organizations -they ditched the idea of parallel currency -they wrote a letter to Macron expressing willing to pursue deeper EU integration for the superstate -they went from ''remove NATO bases from Italy'' to ''NATO is good nau''
They betrayed every single key position they were voted for, they are trash, they can't be trusted.
Levi White
It's more like some members will exit M5S and join Lega (it already happened, the best member of M5S in EU parlament joined the Lega's group when M5S tried to ally with ALDE, yes, ALDE, the most "europeist" european party). The truth is that M5S is controlled opposition, they do always what Casaleggio wants, they are losing consensus, so they started again to tell what they said 4 years ago and than betrayed. Their motto was "out of Euro now!" and stuff like that.
Jackson Perez
Damn, they did a nasty one. Do you think Euroskeptic attitude will lose if new elections are held?
Ryder Nguyen
>There's no point in fixing the Euro because cryptocurrencies will in time replace the whole financial systemm. Jan pls...
Anthony Peterson
>Why are all the countries giving up instead of reforming it?
Because there is no reforming it. The EU is controlled at every level by federalists and there is no room for negotiation. They've shown this time and time again.
Owen Miller
> he believes in cryptokeks > becoming the new, uncontrolled financial system Top kek, you uni freshmen are the primary herd to rip any penny of lmao
Jaxon Cruz
I wish EU was controlled by federalists, but it is more akin to a corporate structure and function.
Terrone will still vote for them because of gibs they don't care about Italy and her people they just want gibs.
Owen Thomas
Is Lega's popularity increasing still? Why did M5S backstab their voters? Did they get threatened by upper class mafia or?
Jackson Miller
M5s are not and won't ever be good guys. They are controlled opposition, remember that the only good choice between mainstream politicians are Salvini and Meloni
Evan Green
MS5 is losing support because they proved themselves to be PD 2.0 and Lega gaining. Do you think that Salvini will become Prime Minister if new elections are held?
>corporate structure and function. lets call it kleptocracy.
Christopher Cook
It depends. I believe that in the next elections, PD has a big chance of gaining back the dissatisfied voters who either voted M5S or didn't vote at all, while gaining back the right-wing voters that voted for M5S would be harder, as they're vehemently opposed to Berlusconi since the inception of M5S. A good chance of attracting more voters to the right would come if Berlusconi was to die/retire for good, but I'm pretty sure that old geezer made a pact with the Devil by now.
Ryder Richardson
Please do not listen to this party. Sometimes they pretend they are critical of EU, NATO etc, other times they are cheerleaders of them.