Why are the people in charge of the EU such morons?

>be EU, get rid of Britain as a net contributor to the budget
>say, wow, better ask everyone else to cough up a shitton of more money so we can fund baby dolphin farms in Latvia and Greek yoghurt streetfood stands in Lesbos for refugees
>EU states say "hold on a second there, cowboys, that's our money"
>EU: "but but but, diversity and refugees! come on everyone, you aren't raaaacist, are you?"
>EU states say "we are talking money, our money, fuck off EU"

How dumb is the EU for asking everyone to cough up so much money for useless shit like farming subsidies, "roads to nowhere" and - you won't believe it - 1 billion for free railway tickets for 18yr olds, which will be "distributed" through a "lottery" in order to virtue signal to young, middle and upper class SJW kids how "awesome" the EU is because it supports their "travelling roastie lifestyle"?

I fucking hate the EU so much, I could die of happiness if it were to disband tomorrow.

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I don't like the type of people that work for the EU or support it.

>Why are the people in charge of the EU such morons?


Arrogant little shit stains.

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They get tonnes of expenses and barely pay taxes



mediocre people swanning around at our expense

i hope other leave and the EU collapses before the migrants wreck it, withotu the English channel i'd be more concerned but thank god we have it.

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Because Communists can't into economics.

EU is a CIA plot enjoy it please

> 1 billion for free railway tickets for 18yr olds, which will be "distributed" through a "lottery" in order to virtue signal to young, middle and upper class SJW kids how "awesome" the EU is because it supports their "travelling roastie lifestyle"?

I heard about this.

My guess is your problems are mostly Angela Merkel. Like if I had to imagine dumb policies a childless German soccer mom would enact it would be ones that empowered Turkish rape fantasies through mass immigration and also riding around on a train like Angela Landsbury in Murder She Wrote.

How wonderful you're entering into the Future is Female stage well ahead of the rest of us Germanistan! Hugs and kisses!

>that yarmulke mark in his hair

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Merkel is up in arms against the EU budget, dude.

old but gold

>better ask everyone else to cough up a shitton of more money so we can fund baby dolphin farms in Latvia and Greek yoghurt streetfood stands in Lesbos for refugees
you mean funding for 2m refugees invited by germany and staying in germany, right?

German pieces of shit never taking responsability for their actions

you niggers need to kill the eu before it kills you. you are running out of time.

>Putting a shitton of countries with different people, culture, economies, geopolitical interests, etc. in a single union with a single currency, no borders and aim to install a single government
>Why aren't things working out?
The EU is flawed as a concept. It should have never gone further than a free trade block

>hey guys, let's pool all our national resources into an unaccountable unelected foreign centralized government body run by Jews which can override our national laws, it'll be fucking fun

>you mean funding for 2m refugees invited by germany and staying in germany, right?
We get 0 money from the EU for the illegals. 0. Only Greece and Italy get EU money (aka German money) for the illegals.

>baby dolphin farms
If politician fund shit like that instead of welfare, I have no major complaints

But in all seriousness it’s another case of career politicians trying to justify their existence with pointless policies

>>hey guys, let's pool all our national resources into an unaccountable unelected foreign centralized government body run by Jews which can override our national laws, it'll be fucking fun

The EU is not the US. The EU is run by morons, not Jews. If the latter, the EU would make sense for the most part.

>Only Greece and Italy get EU money (aka German money) for the illegals.
We received 50 million euros last year and we spent 5 billions on these shits. Refugees became 10 times more after the "wir schaffen das" speech. Learn to take your fair share of the blame

>If politician fund shit like that instead of welfare, I have no major complaints
I was not kidding, mate. Not kidding at all.

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Gotta take care of those 2 million rapefugees that flooded into the EU.

Gotta take care 5x that amount in Turkey and Jordan otherwise they will flood into the EU

Bombing the shit out of Libya and Syria was a huge ROI.

>We received 50 million euros last year and we spent 5 billions on these shits.
We spent 50 billion on them and paid 10 billion to Greece and Turkey for them.

So don't get me started...

>Refugees became 10 times more after the "wir schaffen das" speech.
Bullshit, they got 10 times fewer after the EU (aka we Germans) promised money to Libya.

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Why dont eurotrash vacation in southern states and learn the way of the gun?
You pussies all whine about killing yourselves but none of you ever consider fighting.

Do any of you realize that youll likley not want to kill yourself if you stand up and fight?

>Bombing the shit out of Libya and Syria was a huge ROI.

What is the US? What is the UK?

It is not like anyone else bombed Libya and Syria. And don't get me started with "France was part of the bombing" - they just pretended to be part of the big boys.

the funny thing is plenty of the nato jew politicians still want to take out assad despite the fact that it would be libya x10 in terms of shitskin invasion.

we are entering the dark age, european people have lost their in group preference and will happily fade into demographic non existence


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you still didn't have to take the 'refugees'. I think merkel is a polish spy.

>hating on based EU

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You know the UK,France, and Germany could have said simply said no.

No backbone on you cunts.

You knows Hans, all of this would be solved if you guys chimped out again.. Just one last time Hans, just one last time.


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>you still didn't have to take the 'refugees'.
Even America is letting in "asylum seekers"... so don't get me started with "we didn't have to". Under American international law we need to process all asylum requests and we can only deport people if the home countries allow them back in (which in most cases they don't).

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Comparing beaners to moslems.

>muh laws
No. You didn't have to take them in. Germany and France could have lead the way and the rest of the EU would have happily followed. Instead your leaders sacrificed your future and past on the altar of political correctness.

>You know the UK,France, and Germany could have said simply said no.
Dude, this is what we said. We said "no, don't bomb Gaddafi", and we said "no, don't invade Iraq" before and we said "fuck off, don't bomb Assad". How much more can we tell you not to fuck up other countries?

>they got 10 times fewer after the EU (aka we Germans) promised money to Libya.
Yea no sorry. The number of boats became 10 times more in 2016 after Merkel said it. It only dropped at the end of 2017 once we reached a deal with the UN recognised libian government but not general aftar

>shifting the goalposts

I don't understand why no other country has left yet...

>Comparing beaners to moslems.
People are people. Quite honestly, I don't want illegals no matter the size, color, shape or religion. Ukrainian Christians may be the least of our concerns as illegals in Germany, but some still are awful and fuck up your gf.

Surely Europe won't fuck this up like thr A400M,NH90, and the HALE drone.

F-35 is fugged but still better than anything Europe will shit out in 10 years faam

Liberalism is a mental illness.

>people are unhappy with the EU because it doesnt have enough power
t. guy verhofstadt

Clearly you bitched out to Kang Obama and Sec. Clinton in the end.

tell that to greece and italy

>You didn't have to take them in.
And yet America did just that... yesterday.

Get a life and accept reality. We all have to follow American international law... or otherwise we get bombed.

>Instead your leaders sacrificed your future and past on the altar of political correctness.
The only thing we could have legally done is paid some African shithole or Greenland or Australia to take all the illegals. The island solution would be my favorite solution to the migrant invasion... but SJWs hate it, so it is not happening.

they don't run the eu you know that

Moslems > beaners by far

>the us would bomb europe for not taking in refugees
>we could have only done x legally
you still don't understand it. laws don't matter. your leadership simply failed your people.

>Bullshit, they got 10 times fewer after the EU (aka we Germans) promised money to Libya.

Sorry what? Could you provide some source for your statement?

We asked the same deal done with turkey for lybia which was rejected because muh nazigeld

>The number of boats became 10 times more in 2016 after Merkel said it.
Merkel said it in September 2015... and in April 2016, the boats went down 95%. That's the power of Merkel!

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I think it matters since our brown people can integrate better than some third worlf 85 IQ Moslems that need to be taught not rape little girls and shit in the shower/pool

How many Moslem rapefugees have gotten full employment in Germany? 5%

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They are eating the dolphins, savage.

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OP is cool and based.

This happens because all you eurocucks shame us for protecting our borders.

Pretty sure the US would bitch and complain that we do not follow their international law. They have bombed countries for less.

>you still don't understand it. laws don't matter. your leadership simply failed your people.
New Zealand and Australia both follow American international law. Look it up. Your country even flies in "refugees" as part of resettlement programs.


Our customary annual refugee quota is 750 refugees. Since the Second World War New Zealand has resettled over 33,000 refugees. The Government established a formal annual quota for the resettlement of refugees in 1987. The Refugee Quota Branch (RQB) is the branch of Immigration New Zealand (INZ), which is tasked with operating the Refugee Quota Programme. INZ in turn sits within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

Difference is our rapefugees are absolutely subhuman good for NOTHING and they will always be viewed as bad but your beaners “doing the jobs no one else wants to do“ muuh nation of immigrants muuh based hard working Catholics... yes ours are worse but they give us much better arguments to get rid of them

They are giving us literally free shit and they don't have the balls to force migrants on us

>implying europe needs a functioning military.
as soon as trump is out you are at it again to serve for us as our guards against shits.

Muuh it's everyone but ours fault
Poland and hungary defend their border so why can't you? Is it maybe because of your dumb socialists leftie politicians?

Think about the diversity,the engineers and all those rocket scientists!

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What's your point? We're paying lybians warlords out of our budget, you're implying EU/Germany is paying for that which is false unless you provide some source to that

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And “can integrate better“ yeah that's the big mistake here they should all fuck off and not integrate in the first place

Because the Rothschilds are betting heavily on the Euro decreasing in value.

The people in charge of the EU aren't idiots. They're doing exactly what they're meant to do - fuck up the Euro so their business partners get paid.

>How many Moslem rapefugees have gotten full employment in Germany? 5%

400k who could work do not work or work only part time, 216k work full time.

Not great really, but not 5%.

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Fuck that. You cunts been hyping the Red Menace since Crimea and hella hard since Trump won.

Russia is soft as fuck but they'd be at the English Channel in 5 days in an all out zerg rush.

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Sorry, but the Hispanic illegals coming to the US are not just "muhhh great Christian workers", they are also among the most violent and criminal people in the world. Illegal migrants to the US account for over 30% of the violent crime in the US... only slightly less than Afro-Americans.

cool we take 750 refugees. what % of your

Hahahahahahahahaha and how many in actual real work and not some dumb government programs

Facts are facts Hans...we are both fucked but the U.S is less fucked.

You got Africa and the fucking Middle East right there wanting to get in.

(((They))) arw clearly destabilizing the region to enact the Kalgeri Plan.

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>cool we take 750 refugees. what % of your

Their illegals are all subhuman too i know and they pay 200 billion a year for them but these meme arguments are still used to defend them there while our shitskins can't really be defended for being here

>I fucking hate the EU so much
You're not alone, the smug fucking sjw faces of the political elites that risde in their high brussels offices and steal monye from every part of Europe, only to pamper themselves in luxury while destroying Europe with refugees and spitting the general popualtion again and again and again!!

I hate the EU and the champaign commies who support it!!

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Again, check the dates on what you're linking related to lybia, there's no deal now or in the foreseeable future, I agree you have no fault there, but surely you ain't helping either, it's all on our shoulder

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You fuckers have the whip hand over it. Tell them to fuck off.

>Hahahahahahahahaha and how many in actual real work and not some dumb government programs
If you are really interested, just read the April 2018 report I linked to above


Generally speaking, about 25% of those people aged 15 to 65 who came work, 75% do not, either because they cannot find a job or are in integration courses or German classes or study or are in school or simply just take care of their kids.

Not great at all. I just responded to the 5% claim which is wrong.

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>Again, check the dates on what you're linking related to lybia, there's no deal now or in the foreseeable future, I agree you have no fault there, but surely you ain't helping either, it's all on our shoulder
I hate the EU with all my heart, but don't tell me the EU didn't do shit with Libya and it was all just Italy who saved the day.

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Some EU official said we should get ready for 1 billion nigger rapefugges in the future so NO you guys are much much worse of because your change is slow and somehow you can integrate most of the shitskins so so will be j ust brazil 2 in the future but we will be get in total chaos and civil war when the nigger horde comes which ends with etchnic cleaning of subhumans

Thank fuck for Brexit, never knew it was this bad

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>and all those rocket scientists!
better to collect articles from shills and demand the money back when we regain control

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Hey Abdul, insullah bruv! Ye fook dos filthy kuffar beanies innit, dey not even white blud.

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It's a syndicate that would be useless against many members leaving but strong against a single element. Countries that don't like it are threatened of being excluded from operation with members, which is already a burden on us who are physically separated from the continent, have other allies in the world and have a history of not belonging to another empire. Such a threat is a death sentence on smaller countries.

>Thank fuck for Brexit
Didn't Corbyn win the election just now?

Cuckservatives play the "mad at EU" game all the time, they're never serious about it, it's just to assuage temporary anger from the voters before they cut the EU another cheque

We euros must work together with this it's unbelievable that many nations just send them to the next nation and don't care at all

I'm fucking serious about it idiot!

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>Implying our leaders are not globalists infiltrators since a long time now.

DeGaulle was actually our last real president, the next one that came after him (Pompidou) literally worked with the Rotschild just before being president.

no they stayed the same pic related the council overall control and councillor numbers barely moved.

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I'm referring to cuckservative parties

All parties that belong to the EPP are cuckservative parties who bow to their EU masters. Do not trust them on the EU. Yes that includes """""based""""" Berlusconi and Orban



sorry if you ment Merkel, no Merkel is not a conservative, she's a christian sjw.
Her values mirror those of the progressives in that she hates the people who she is supposed to represent
She grew up in Stasi germany

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Hey Klaus, I haven't got my check this month, what gives?

Literally the only hope is Poland and Hungary, if they stand firm we'll bring this whole fucker down.

When i first heard of the plans, i thought, ''wow, they are going full retard mode, no way anybody wants this''. Than i've read that the EU parliament actually thinks there should be a lot MORE money for the EU, and that this budget was way to little.