I'm a fucking racist and even I'm not stupid enough to think that slavery was a choice

I'm a fucking racist and even I'm not stupid enough to think that slavery was a choice

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_is_ a choice

>I'm not stupid enough
I don't believe you

Not what he said. TMZ jump cut what he said

>I'm not stupid enough to think that slavery was a choice
you must have missed the webm where the nigs maim themselves to avoid work as slaves.

Is Kanye God? Refer to digits for answer.

Even so, it is a choice to work for massa rather than die. Acting like it's not a choice is how you keep niggers on the plantation.

>can't understand what hes saying
grats, you're officially dumber than a nigger

They chose to loose to a greater African tribe by not being good enough.
When the Kingdom of Mali sold off their nogs to the ships they had already conquered a bunch of tribes.

You’re racist and stupid. A useless combination. Gas yourself.

I recall that the very first white-skinned man in Europe, according to archaeological excavations, was found on Afontova Gora (near Krasnoyarsk), 16 thousand years ago.All other Nations, at this time and earlier, were of dark skin color.So checkmate fans of Nazism. All your ancestors - blacks.

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Context matters, cunt.

"We're mentally in prison. I like to use the word prison because slavery goes too direct to the idea of blacks... Holocaust/Jews, Slavery/Blacks. So prison is something that unites us as one race, blacks and whites being one race, the human race. We're human beings and stuff. Right now we're choosing to be enslaved... The mob tries to tell you what to think. The mob tries to make all blacks be Democrats for food stamps and stuff, the mob, like. And by the way, you're just talking to the emotion"


but you enough stupid to follow articles and reading things out of context

It was. It even was in Scandinavia. We called it 'Träl'. You could CHOOSE to become a Träl. Ofc it's not the only way, but the thought that NO nigger chose that life is retarded.

That’s not what Kanye means by a choice. He means 400 years without a coordinated slave rebellion, specifically in America. No one cares about ooga boogas in Africa or how they and other regional people there have always had and sold slaves.

Yes it is. in the sense of everything you do is a choice.
Not making a choice is also choosing
Whether you are pressured into a choice or not is irrelevant, you can always choose.

I think he means that they are choosing to be slaves to the democratic party. Having their thoughts and opinions decided for them.

>The mob tries to make all blacks be Democrats for food stamps and stuff
nice, actually telling the truth

I expect e means, that for the modern black person, holding onto colonial slavery and identifying with it, is a choice.
It's been two hundred fucking years nearly now since white people fought and died to end that shit.
That's like me still crying about the fact my great grandfather was a serf on some lord estate during the middle ages. Get the fuck over it.

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You're stupid enough to not understand what he meant though.

could've chose to kill for freedom.
that's how we made america.

if you read real accounts of slavery the shit wasn't as dramatic as the media would have you believe. the niggers really did accept being slaves for the most part. remember that it took whites to free them. not because slaves were uncontrollable

If you're don't think slavery was a choice and you are racist, you're stupid on two counts.
In the broader sense, slavery as an economic system was a choice, mainly a choice of white colonists.
However in this context, living under slavery was a choice. Every slave had the option to opt out of the system at any time. It was unfortunate and malicious for preantebellum America to only provide them one other option, but the option was provided.

slavery wasnt a choice

but only a handful of blacks rebelled,the rest just took it.......400 years! they just took it

even when freed they stayed on the plantation they still there lol

blacks low key think they are dumb nigger slaves more than any klansmen,they are slaves in their mind still.

no matter how nice we treat them in the back of the black mind their is a voice sayin you are a nigger

I know that (((they))) know what they're portraying it as is not what he said, but its disgusting to think that there are actually people stupid enough out there to simply hear the words "black", "slavery", and "choice" and just jump right on to being triggered.

So blacks didn't choose to sell other blacks to jewish slave traders?

>1 guy owning 60 people
>60 people couldnt fight against 1 dude
how the fuck do you rationalise this?
even if you were going to be rounded up and sold back into slavery by bounty hunters youd still be free for a few weeks or months

Apparently not, but my d i g i t s say yes he is.

Dude, you're literally being cucked by everyone.
The mighty anglo is just an Orwellian joke nowadays.

Native American here, the Europeans tried to enslave my ancestors, but we fought back, and were slaughtered. You can live life on your knees or die fighting, really it is a choice.

Yeah I know but I wanted to make a point.

>I'm not stupid
you obviously are
you don't even understand what kanye was even saying so you're obviously very stupid

Only a faggot hangs on every word Dim voting scum blather.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm pretty sure everything white people were enslaved we would rise up and over through the system that enslaved us or die trying. So yes those niggers had a choice for 400 years. They chose to be Cucks. None of them big dumb super niggers could fight back?

>Slavery in America lasted 245 years.
SO 400 years of slavery, all of yall? that sounds like a choice.


How many slaves ran away to the North? A lot.
That sounds like a choice.
Ergo: staying was also a choice.
I wonder if low IQ Niggers stayed and high IQ niggers ran.

For blacks, slavery is a choise now. (and for like 200 years) why is he wrong?

Freedom or death motherfucker.

There’s lots of us, it’s a movement

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better to die on your feet than live on your knees

Slavery is a choice.
Ask why the Native Americans were never turned into slaves...
Ill tell you, cause they would rather die than work as a slave and would runaway ANY chance they got. The best they could do is force them onto specific lands.

That's because you're a leftist.

It was though. If niggers didn't want to be slaves they could either:

a) overpower whitey
b) kill themselves

They did neither and are bitching 200 years later.

He specifically said 400 years was a choice. The first slave arrived in America 399 years ago. Some people are still choosing the slave mentality instead of embracing freedom.

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It was a choice.
Asians faced the same issues and they developed martian arts and fought back.
Americans were getting taxed and enslaved by the british so they made a country.
Niggers sat around and cried for 400 years and then were freed and still fucking cried for another 200 years while every other fucking race got off their ass and did stuff.

Im tired of hearing about fucking niggers and their fucking problems.
You have no fucking problems.
Youre not a minority.
Try being transsexual.
Not only am I a minority but I have fucking 95% of my community filled with fucking faggots pretending to be transsexuals.

Do you have 95% of your black community being white people going around in niggerface wearing diapers and shit?
No you dont.
You havent faced any hardship in your life ever.
You create all your own hardships by acting like a fucking nigger and breaking the fucking law.
Heres a hint:

>For 400 years? That sounds like a choice! Like, you was there for 400 years and it's all of y'all? You know like, it's like we're mentally imprisoned. I like the word prison because slavery goes too direct to the idea of blacks, it's like slavery-holocaust, holocaust is jews, slavery is blacks. Prison is something that unites us as one race, blacks and whites being one race, that we're one, we're with the human race. We're human beings and stuff and eventually you know..

>Can I go back to something you just said cause I don't want to let it pass, you said that slavery was around for 400 years at a point it becomes a choice?

>Yeah, right now we're choosing to be enslaved.

Though convoluted it should be quite clear to anyone what Kanye was trying to say.

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400 years

after a couple hundred years as slaves one has to question how free they wanted to be

Right leaning people get the gist, it's only leftists and blacks freaking out or pretending.

Republican approval of him jumped like 25 points.

Yes you are stupid because what he was talking about was chosing to exist with a slave mindset in 2018.

Learn to not believe everything the liberal media commands you to think. I will help you in the long run.

So yeah..:m. It was a choice
Only niggers in America that deserve respect we’re the malê (oyuille) slaves in Brazil and those crazy Haitians.
Of course they didn’t succeed in the long run cause niggers are dumb.
But at least they fought for liberty.

Of course slavery wasn't a choice.
1. The blacks had no knowledge of the land
2. The blacks weren't educated and didn't speak the language
3. The blacks didn't have guns or weapons to fight back

Well, I mean they tried to enslave native americans but they fought back or just left and went home.

AAAANNNd, they tried to slave the Irish, who didn't know the land, who didn't have guns, but that also didn't work...

Wait, niggers are terrible, why did they put up with that shit for so long?

>stay a slave and spread your butt cheeks in exchange for food and a bed
>fight, escape, rebel, risk death and suffering for a cause
That is the choice.
And what you choose determines whether you even deserve freedom, not to mention whether you're capable of surviving it.

A bunch of cowards that never stood up higher than their owners' heads, have no right to bitch about their suffering and do not deserve any better treatment than their master is willing to give them.

Glad you posted this, Kanye seems kind of scatterbrained in conversation. Ofc this reads absolutely nothing like what the headlines are saying.

It’s a will to power thing. Kanye thinks black people are in such a bad place mentally that it makes them impotent in improving their situation as a race

>I'm a fucking racist
proves you are stupid enough
As long as you can say "no", there is choice.
What choices will you make today?
I have to go to work.
I chose to go to work.

You are a nigger

Almost every Irish immigrant that got off the boat at Ellis Island got a blue uniform and a musket thrust in to their hands.
While it may not technically be slavery, these potato niggers were definitely a means to an end.

You clearly are a democrat. Go virtue signal on reddit. Those common core idiots are just like you retard and they will eat that shit up.


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Slavery was a choice. Other Africans chose to kidnap their fellow Africans and sell them into slavery. Africans made the decision to do that. Slavery was a choice.

See: Barbados

funny thing is blacks only managed to get out of slavery because of white benevolence and they only got their civil rights almost entirely because of jewish support.. they havent fought for or earned anything they have.

>Be nigger on plantation
>Have access to shovels, pick axes, and other farming implements
>Have about 100 other niggers there with you
>There are maybe 8-15 white men with flintlock muskets watching over you
>Too lazy to rebel
Nah, it was a fucking choice, and they chose the lazy path because, surprise surprise, they are fucking niggers

everything is ultimately your responsibility. people talk about "having a gun held to your head." does that remove "choice?" no, it does not. the gun doesn't make you choose a goddamned thing: your brain does that. you can still choose the honorable route, rather than the cowardly one of doing what your future torturer desires because he holds your life like a weapon over you.
in the end, we are responsible for our choices because we bear all -- or nearly all -- of the consequences. the person who chooses to betray his family to save his own life -- is that his responsibility? in a real sense, it is. he has to live with himself and his life will probably be hell. and not only because of the most obvious reasons. if you choose to submit to enforced slavery, you bear the consequences on your own body of your decision, forever.
nowhere along the line of bad decisions can you ever find a moment in which your ability to choose was removed. it's merely that all of your choices were bad, and you didn't care for the outcomes. it's not that there wasn't a choice.
life is unfair. people get put in horrible dilemmas. choosing to stay alive -- as a slave, as a traitor, whatever -- for the sake of one's life is a choice. your life is not an unqualified good. sometimes it is more praiseworthy, and the right thing to do, to sacrifice it to avoid a worse, and more dishonorable, cowardly fate.
these are all virtues out of season in 2018 so i expect no one will understand; most of you are bugmen at heart who will lick floors naked on a chain if it means the commissar allows you to keep the internet on.

>I'm a fucking racist and even I'm not stupid enough to think that slavery was a choice
Slavery was a choice. Slavery or Death is a choice.

There are more instances of niggers rebelling AFTER the declaration proclamation than BEFORE it.
They begged to be taken BACK as slaves once set free.

>Be Goyim
>Literally Hundreds of milions
>Armed to the teeth
>Ruled by unarmed Jews

It's a choice Goy, and we appreciate yours

Hello fellow white person

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This Kanye thing is only for the niggers, retards. Why are you humoring this sub-Hotep bullshit? All of the following stories that aren't condemnation are specifically for blacks. They are gathering blacks' support, and you're acting like it affects you in any way. I blame nu/pol/. The only thing good that comes out of the black timeline is separation and mainstream JQ content.

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>(((((((archaeological excavations))))))))

I mean KKK is not that absurd.

>black's don't know their own history

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Read "The Lottery". I think it does a much better job of conveying the idea he is attempting to put forth.

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what's stopping slaves from killing themselves?

Literally nothing.

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Then how are there europeans with no african dna? Checkmate atheists.

Dahomey? I've heard that name before!

>The treatment of slaves in Africa was more variable than in the Americas. At one extreme, the kings of Dahomey routinely slaughtered slaves in hundreds or thousands in sacrificial rituals, and slaves as human sacrifices were also known in Cameroon.

>Human sacrifice was an important part of the practice. During the Annual Custom, 500 prisoners would be sacrificed. In addition, when a ruler died, hundreds, to thousands of prisoners would be sacrificed. As many as 4,000 were reported killed In one of these ceremonies in 1727.[20]

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You're a complete retard and obviously not a racist because you'd be a little smarter if you were

>And what you choose determines whether you even deserve freedom, not to mention whether you're capable of surviving it.

Well said, brother.

>a foken leaf
Is that so Jamal?
My family sure made good profit from slavery.

This but unironically

You can always choose to die, as defeated warriors from certain African tribes chose to do. It literally is a choice.

So they have a choice.

God damn I know he will get the Jackson treatment in the coming years.

Truth be told they lived way better qualities of life as slaves than they did in Sub-Saharan Africa. Africa was(is)hell. Canibalism, Non-stop tribal wars, Witch craft, Disease.

I've never been into Kanye but I really think he is receiving the PlusUltra Transmission from beyond and is now polarized into the side of GOOD.


Basically kanye is going against hollywood, pizzagate, media, mental enslavement and the General establishment.
>redpilling an entire Liberal Bastion

This is a good thing and THEY want to silence this...
>hard to find Entire unedited interview

This is another TOOL and method we have to expose the world to the CABAL!!!


You will Enjoy this... kinda long but school is in session so sit down and get LEARNED

The cosmic great awakening is happening and WE ALL FEEL IT

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Hello fellow racists :^)

Wow kanye sure is stupid, trying to rid blacks of their victim mentality *takes quote out of context*

Foken commies. None of us would say “I’m a foken racis”
Time to spam peepee poopoo cartel gore again


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>This angers the Democrat

Who the fuck cares, puppet go back to your democratic owned plantation with all the other good entertainment niggers. Like Uncle Top Snoop.

So Donald Trump is a nigger?

What? Lurk more.

It absolutely was a choice. They liked the free food and housing. That mentality was passed on to their children and exists to this day.

>I'm not stupid enough
I have bad news for you, muttant.

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For anyone unfamiliar with negro speak, Kanye was simply saying that being in servitude for 400 years without a revolt seems to be a choice to stay non-violent. He didn't mean that people were lining up saying "please enslave me"

Amateurs the both of you

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The jew and the nigger both share the same gene which allows for them to be enslaved.

Slavery and the holocaust is to them the same thing, also jews are obsessed with nigger culture.

The only way to fix the west is to put these inferior species which act like a growing tumor in society back in their place once again.
For they are nothing but a cancer in our civilization.

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Kanye is in with the Spirit Cookers.

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