Don't let putin shills and delusional amerifats confuse you...

Don't let putin shills and delusional amerifats confuse you, my country is a fucking shithole and it deserves to be exterminated.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>t. Srul Moishevich
Putin is a piece of shit and there's a lot of problems in Russia, sure. But only a kike would wish for its extermination.

But it's not Russians who bother the world.

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CIA proxy

K, US (((diplomacy))) "workers" or self hating liberashka fag
Either way sage

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You don’t need to be exterminated. But you do need to return Crimea to Ukraine and remove Putin from power. Stop propping up Assad. Stop funding the rebels in Eastern Ukraine. Stop the anti-LGBTQIA+ genocide in Chechnya. Stop meddling in American and European elections. Stop hacking. Withdraw from Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Stop supporting Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. Hold actual free and fair elections.

t. (((my fellow nazis)))

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Russia superpower 2020

Hasn't grudinin won the exit poll but lost in the ballot count

Stop invading countries based on false accusations. Stop making false media campaigns based on lies. Stop supporting terrorism worldwide. Stop organizong orange revolutions and putting countries in a state of chaos. Stop meddling in other countries afdairs. Stop spying on allies. You gotta become less racist and open borders. Ban guns, so no one gets killed anymore. Pay repatriations to blacks and indians. Remove trump and elect a gay trap president. Cut militwlary spending and invest in free education and healthcare.
Withdraw from Syria (its people and government didn't ask you to be there), afghanistan, lybia, etc. Remove cia cells. Stop breaking international law and performing acts of aggression without UN approval. Stop being the world center of degeneracy propaganda. Stop doublefaced policies of blocking iran from having nukes, while giving them to israel.

Stop being a mutt

of course russia is shit, who said it wasn't?

fuck russia and fuck white people

various shills above

>Americans telling other countries to stop meddling in others' affairs

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Fuck off, Navalny shill
fucking braindead liberal hamster with no clue what's going on in this world

>Putin is a piece of shit
And then you realize that every single politician is below Putin

All countries that are not the US are shitholes. That's the whole point. The jEWWs are shitting down our necks while propping their workhorse/watch dog - America.

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This is what I keep telling a friend of mine who thinks Russia is some 1st world country superpower when in reality it's North Korea 2.0 with more relaxed doctrination. Nobody here at Jow Forums knows about the apartment bombings that were staged as a pretext to kill chechens and nobody knows that putin is a con-artist that was living in his car in berlin when the soviet union fell and he walked into the germany russo embassy and declared himself as a KGB agent taking full advantage of the choas and misinformation post-ussr fall. Godbless your orthodox churches the only good thing in Russia.

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Ortodox churches are basically FSB network

>This is what I keep telling a friend of mine who thinks Russia is some 1st world country superpower
Russia is a nuclear superpower with the military industrial complex second only to US. In some areas, they are even more ahead.

>Nobody here at Jow Forums knows about the apartment bombings that were staged as a pretext to kill chechens
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. All I've seen presented as proof is some book that refers to some incident involving FSB, where allegedly they were caught planting the bomb. Proof? Nameplates on the car used by these guys. So we are to believe that these FSB guys used FSB car to go to a building and plant the bombs in broad daylight? Just how retarded do you think we are?

Chechens together with your paki friends (the same militants that were in Afghanistan in the 80s that after USSR's collapse decided to go to Russia's east) attacked nearby Dagestan. There's your casus belli. Not to mention, Chechnya wasn't some sort of independent country. It was still Russia. And those same Chechens later were taking hostages in Russia and committing other terrorist acts, confirming that they are fully capable of any kind of atrocities.

Russia's south*

>Don't let putin shills and delusional amerifats confuse you, my country is a fucking shithole
I don't see how could anyone possibly think otherwise.

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>orthodox churches
that's where USA should aim once they decide to nuke Russia

>born yesterday

Go to any inner city here in US and you'll see shit just like this. What's your point?

Must be a late teen 20 something shitter who did not live through communism or the 90's.

It used to be much much much worse.
And it isn't much much better than today because of MUH MURRICAN interests.

what are you suggestions to stop this shity situation without invasion

Checked. Part of the agenda anyway ...

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>Stop invading countries based on false accusations
Like Ukraine?

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>Like Ukraine?
A̶m̶e̶r̶i̶c̶a̶n̶ western e̶d̶u̶c̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ propaganda, everyone

Learn the fucking history of the region (e.g. Crimea), its ethnic composition, where USSR/Russia's Black Sea fleet HQ was stationed, how many soldiers Russia was allowed to have there, etc.

Learn about the fucking coup:

And more importantly what the fuck has happened there:

This is 100% true
I would kill myself if I had to live in Russia
Balkan is unironically 100% better

your country is a shithole but it's also the only country protecting the middle east (syria and iran) against further american aggression
head up, vlad

fuck off kike

the (((liberal))) nihilist on full display. all liberals must fucking hang, from east to west.

nobody cares

There's one good thing in your country though.

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you want Pissrael exterminated, kike?

>Stop the anti-LGBTQIA+ genocide in Chechnya.