Why can't millennials afford to raise kids?

Why can't millennials afford to raise kids?

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you see that pic?
does that even close to look fit for itself let alone a family?
they were coddled in the 90s.

because they spend their money on avocado sandwiches

don't forget cell phones, cell phone service, and starbucks

What's a (((millenial)))?

Back in my day all it took was a firm handshake and showing up to work on time. Kids can sit in front of the TV for all I care.




Millenial here. I am 32. I am raising a kid and a wife which is pretty much the same thing. I have a career. This meme is dead. We millennials are getting old already.


Who is this cute boy?

Redditors pls stop responding to bot threads

Only 1 kid, kys.

Because they haven't successfully transitioned into actual adults, they just like to refer to it as "adulting." You've heard them say that shit before, right?

The rich hoard all of the wealth.

>r selection strategy is smart

>Redditors pls stop responding to bot threads


tendies are expensive

This is babby's first ShareBlue thread

Only gays, retarded old boomers, and conservatives still think a cell phone bill and Starbucks are why Millenials are broke.

Maybe learn some critical thinking skills or open your eyes a bit.

If you buy Starbucks everyday and own a cell phone (which you have to have) your talking about $160 / mo.

That aint shit when rent is $1500 for a 1 bedroom.

Fucking hopeless Boomertards.

I think most millennial males could raise kids if they really wanted to but they lack incentive and who could blame them? For the most part, millennial "women" aren't.

>Why can't millennials afford to raise kids?
The allowance they live on from their parents isn't enough.

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Average salary for someone in their thirties is 35k a year right now. White millenials are too smart to make the next housing bubble and it makes scummy boomers with (((401k))) lose their minds

Oh I could afford it but I'd much prefer to keep that money and invested in myself and a comfortable lifestyle

because they're paying $7 for a cup of coffee twice a day and delivery fees from grubhub 4 times a week

Short answer: Cause boomers fucked it all up

Long answer: Boomers let mass illegal imigration happen, destroying the working class. They also voted in entitelments on a socialism level without any of the good socialism benefits. So good honest working people are taxed out the ass to pay for some wet backs anchor babies, while her husband took all the starting position jobs for half the pay.

I could easily afford it.
I own my own home and business... Then again, i probably am doing so well specifically because I've avoided thots and focused on bettering myself.

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hope soon some millenial uprise rape and burn your ass fucking boomer

>go to college for a meme degree
>end up working a low class service job
>still want to live like they're upper middle class like their parents
>no money for a family
>crippling student loan debt

They're still children themselves. Never had to struggle, despite their poor life decisions. It's okay though because these idiots remove themselves from the gene pool. Still better than Niggers though that don't even try to be successful and just sit around popping out kids and leeching welfare.

Who dictates the rate of reproduction? Women do. Why are women not having kids?
>teh jews/no ethnostate
They arent having kids because they are too busy larping as men. Money is obviously not an issue, just look at fertility rates of countries where women are treated like women and fertility rates of countries where women are treated as equals.

Not being able to afford children isn't the new thing here. The new thing is the uninhibited selfishness and lack of regard for the family unit.

millennial women are a strange bunch.

>lets fuck 30 dudes before I settle down and start a family. Age 28-30 with no prospects because she spent her youth whoring.


Unironically though millennials are shit with money. I'm saving money FAST on a minimum wage job while my friends are eating 3 takeaways a week, drinking every night and going travelling every year while simultaneously complaining about having no money

Is robbing banks the only way you can get ahead in life? Or selling drugs? Thats what it seems like.

When did Soe become a Jow Forums meme?

Zoe. She is a host for the Overwatch League.

Lack of purchasing power.
The 2008 bailouts and subsequent bailouts devalued national currencies. Printing currency is bad. The banks should have been left to fail and if anyone get bailed out, It should have been the depositors.

Now we have a generation of people who cant afford a house, cant afford a family and are too expensive to employ. Also, boomers have no one to sell their houses to, so boomers fucked themselves also. These are all effects of devalued currency by way of inflation.




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Thanks memeflag, through your daily posting i can watch this woman geting closer and closer to the wall with each passing day

Its a data mining thread. All repeat threads with 1 post ID's by OP are collecting data on how aware millennials are of their FUCKED situation

Many reasons

A- fucking boomers fucked the economy so bad, and they blame on us being spoiled brats, when they're the actual nutsacks

By what's the point of having kids, when almost divorce rate is like 50% 50. No need to take a gambling here

C- We are simply over grown kids, can't handle another kids.

Stop blindly repeating pol memes. The issues are far more fundemental than "'cuz avocado toast".

The problem is systemic in the banking system, and the powers that be know it damn well.

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You faggots must be retarded.
It’s not that’s millenials can’t raise kids.
It’s that female to male nigger Jamal and hyper-meta-feminist Zoe are forcing Skybound to be a gender less fuck since birth.
Screencap this:
Lefties will die out in 2 generations.

They are bad with money, especially the women. Stupid degree, eating out or ordering in, vacations, buying clothes on credit. Your average woman should not have a checking or credit account.

>average house price has gone from 2x average salary to 12.4
>lower 50% of salaries have not just stagnated but gone DOWN year to year against inflation
>casual contracts now the standard for youth with no job security, no reliable income and no benefits
>rent ever increasing
>transport costs ever increasing
just stop having any quality of life and you can afford a family in only 40 years!

There are so many funko pops to choose from

They are taxed highly to pay for their refugee friends. Their governments want them off the land so their corporate friends can claim it. It is cheaper for corporations to use imported labor them to make population growth affordable.

Have you thought that many of us are behind in life because we've had to struggle? Nah. It doesn't fit your mass media narrative.

I know how to deal with money but I want to live first world while a first world country still exists.

Avacado bread

Spot the leftist shill
You only have problems with the bank if you're shit with money. Andbeing shit with money is buying starbucks and avocado toast

I'd suck on those baby feeders.

this thread again...

And once those homes crash again I'm pouncing. I feel zero connection to this society so I feel zero guilt when older generations call me entitled or lazy or when my generation calls me selfish or materialistic. Let them all complain about me while I show my haters I can and will do what I want. I'm the real life smug Pepe.

You're a mexican probably

Because I work two jobs and can barely afford rent, even through I live in a shit neighborhood
Don't come to Cali boys

If anyone wants sauce

>he's not contributing to a 401k
Boy you're sure gonna be fucked when social security goes to hell


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are avocado sandwiches expensive or something

Don't worry, we won't

Here in Cali they're about ~$2 an avacado
I work in grocery store and we can never keep any in stock

This is why I'm anti moralism. Even investing is seen as "immoral". Everything is seen as some evil wrong.

Nah dude. Student loan debt is a serious problem. You can't even get rid of it in bankruptcy, which is an open violation of the 14th amendment.

the cost of living/wages ratio is way too high and theres no point . the global fertility rate is already unsustainable for long so spawning new humans seems counterproductive .

also dont give me that
>spreading muh genes
bullshit , we all have some shit genes that predispose us to some retarded disease or other , we'll be handpicking genes for our kids from a catalogue in our lifetime (assuming the chink elites aren't doing it already).

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They're only like $1 in Florida

its all a part of the white genocide project

I was told I could do anything with my bachelor's degree in 17th century Italian poetry.

26 here with a happy healthy 4 yr old. You all are just retarded and can't hustle on the internet. Bouts to take a summer in Japan and kinder starts. Kids aren't even that expensive. first 2? years maybe but now the dog is more expensive.

do millennials subscribe to buzzfeed

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Yes and my struggles weren't student loans. They were other issues. People used to be able to file bankruptcy on student loans. I'd rather have that than free college.

No - Im saying the bailouts were a bad idea. Im saying unlimited debt spending is a bad thing. Im saying creating money at interest will inevitably result in an economic systemic failure. Its guaranteed. Its mathematically provable.

It doesn't matter how "good with money" any individual is when the banking system and the central banking system isn't

Not only will our personalt accounts be seized, but the national currency itself will fail. Every fiat currency has.

This is Gottfried Feder tier thinking - not "leftist shill" thinking you FUCKING moron.

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This attitude is perfectly acceptable given the SHITuation we're in

One coffee at Starbucks is $5. How do you figure in a cell phone as well?

Why do you make these autistic threads every single day using pictures of the same girl? She's some Blizzard shoutcaster for their eSporting events. She's also nothing like the stereotypical millennial.

What the fuck. In the UK I pay £1 for 5. They're in a green net. I never understood the "avocados are expensive" meme.

they love the bar more than themselves.

Yes exactly. I don't see why I should have to play along with it when all sides want to make my life worse.

too busy taking stupid selfies of themselves

Where the fuck do you live? I'm in a 650 a month 2 bedroom duplex in WA with a 4 yr old and we vacation twice a year. We haven't bought land because we don't know where we want to live. Shit is comfy as fuck if you know what you're doing. Boomers fucked us but you can live nice if you know how.

I can't even imagine only eating takeout 3X / week. I do it 8X at the very minimum.

Yeah - this.

The most economically illiterate generation EVER are fucking boomers. They've spent way beyond their means and passed it on to millennials through the devalued currency. Millennials get this and boomers dont.

Do NOT let your representative vote to kill social security. You paid for it you get it!

I probably could afford a kid but it would be destined to have a poor future and I'd be forced to life off scraps to at least make sure it gets some education and doesn't end up shooting heroin on streets.
Not a good deal.

why work when I can't even enjoy my money?

Globalists have made sure the pay for milenials is not enough to survive on your own even less with kids
The more time lefties have been in power the worst it gets

Pics or it didnt happen

well, I cant today, but I will get pics in the future

in CZ, TWO avocados cost about 4€ while we have about 1/3 of your income

Building a secure reliable foundation for your future is more important than "enjoyment." Unless you plan to be a selfish manchild your whole life.

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>promises of future
when you tell a modern man to restrict himself for a promise of a better future it's the same as telling him to restrict himself for a promise of an afterlife in heaven
both are abstract concepts today, nothing is worse than restrict yourself/save up for future so that somebody/something can take it from you, future seems like a terrible shit today so people don't invest in it

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