TYT literally calling for forced gun confiscation

Next time a liberal says no one is coming for your guns, show them this video.
Sick em' boys....
Link related: youtube.com/watch?v=wZ9PTleGm88

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Govt. Buy back.
Thank fuck burgers are more aware of the importance of firearms and their place in their democracy. Tha k fuck burgers will not be dumb enough to fall for tge buy back meme.
We had a buy back here it sucks.
gib guns back plox.

T. Boomer who had to give up his arms or face prison time

I own more guns than i can count, they will never take them.

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Why do you care about the opinion of nobodies? Alex Jones calls for absolutely retarded shit all day long too.

You can't buy them back, because they aren't for sale.

>Tyt has any societal influence at all

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Who's that milktruck on the left?

They are one of the biggest political youtube channels. I would imagine they are influential to democrats under 40.

They do in most big cities, as much as I hate them they do have influence.

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>Next time a liberal says no one is coming for your guns, show them this video.
Implying anyone here has civilised discussions with liberals

Fair point, it's more for internet link fodder to prove how draconian the libs are on taking guns from innocent citizens.

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>they will never take them
I sure hope not. Do not let them pass legislation against ownership of your semi autos. It is the end once you lose semis your literally fucked.

They should be deported for that.

Losing semi-autos would be losing 90% of guns in America. lol

This...absolutely this...

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Oh wow he's going to do so much damage against those tanks and missiles.

What did armed guerrillas do in Vietnam and Afghanistan?

Fucking idiot :)

The afgan sandniggers have done pretty well with them. They've killed thousands of US/UK soldier with simple AK's and home made explosives.

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>what is Justice Democrats
they have more influence than you ever will drumpftard

Those were real men that actually believed in their cause, not amerifats REEEEEing about libruls.

idk hasn't been a gun crime here in 40 years. and this is just the kinda place everyone has a gun.

Where do you live?

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I thought everyone knew this. The left never stops when they get an issue passed, just look at the faggot marriage shit, they went from that, to trannies, and now they are trying to normalize pedos. This is why the left ALWAYS win. They never stop pushing for what they want, and they do it in small steps that can actually be accomplished

Too bad Cenk has been disowned by them for being a sexist pig 20 years ago...kek

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how much would 300 million guns cost the government?

Approximately 15-25 billion. About as much as the border wall haha

Don't act retarded. You always knew this was their end game.


Obviously but usually thy atleast try and hide it. This is just blatant anti-American treachery out in the open.

>worked in australia

>niggers roam the streets in packs

>nobodoy has posted the US civil war scenario where half the army defects

this is secretly a request

I'll grant you that most people are sheep, Americans being no exception, but you don't need very many good men to wage guerilla war. The Afghani guerillas had at most about 20,000 people under arms in their little nation, and still fought the U.S. to a bloody standstill. The Provisional IRA never had more than about five hundred trigger-pullers. Hell, the South Armagh Brigade had less than a hundred people, total, and managed to completely shut down British operations in and around Crossmaglen.

at least he's gonna die on his feet like a man instead of on his knees like a slave

They're goatfucking allahniggers that will do anything the local mosque tells them to do to get their claimcheck for 72 individually wrapped vaginas in the afterlife.

Americans will fight to the death over simply telling them that they're not allowed do something because fuck you and fuck your stupid face YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, MOM

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100% this, they are open traitors and openly proud of it.

Thanks for the link Alexander winn

His name is Cenk Uygur.

That explains all the Americans fighting to keep the Mexicans out, you’re fooling yourself cuck

nice to see Ana is taking her 30's well.

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There is waaaay more than 300 million guns. Lots of people own more than 1.

And they view the slightest concession as a sign of weakness and push even harder...look at the difference in treatment towards people who "apologize" for "offensive" statements, versus those who basically tell them to fuck off. Paula Dean approach vs. Mel Gibson approach.

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Think of how many resources the government would have to devote to securing their military bases and the massive logistical complex that keeps the modern military running...one redneck with a rifle who is willing to die can monkey-wrench quite a bit before he is taken down.

"Mike, take the firearms first, and then go to court. Because that's another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures -- I like taking the guns early. Take the guns first, go through due process second."
- Donald J Trump

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Turned it off when that fat ass turkey said, "in america we average a mass shooting everyday"

is he that retarted? Are liberals that retarted to believe that? Fff


>liberals that retarted to believe that?
some libs do believe this
others just say lies like this to try and influence other stupid people

>Sick em' boys...
It's "sic" in this usage, user.

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The problem with the buy backs is that they're never going to be offering even remotely the value of the weapon/accessories/ammo. Fundamentally buy backs are always asking someone to give up something they want and take a loss in the process. Without a registration to threaten people who just don't engage, that game just doesn't work.

they got funding from the Chinese or Pakistanis

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