There are only mockups. What does this mean?
Why are there no photos of Antarctica from space?
it means 85% cloud cover for most of the year.
The UFO's created by the Nazi's are large enough to be seen from space.
There's no photo's of the whole earth globe from space that aren't computer generated or composites, no one has ever taken a Polaroid of us.
Rockets are a hoax.
Bump. We want answers spacefags and NASA shills.
this confirms earth is flat
Most likely almost no light for half of the year. Also it's not very interesting to have a satellite go from north to south pole instead of from West to east over the equator.
Get out. Objective facts and reasonable assertions are NOT welcome.
>Also it's not very interesting
That's an opinion, faggot.
all orbits go somewhat around the equator
The world is flat. Just look at the shadow cast on the moon. It’s coin shaped.
It is very dificult to get into a polar orbit. Getting to a polar orbit high enough to capture the globe will also be very tricky and the orbit will at best be unstable.
How do you take a poloroid of something as big as the earth?
Thats not true, several interplanetary missions have snapped our blue pearl... You just have to get very far away.
The world is flat. The moon is a technically advanced hologram put up in the 1800's by an advanced race who planted false memories in everyone that tricked them into believing the moon was always there. Nobody will ever go to """"MARS"""" because it does not exist and the media will keep lingering on the false promises of man landing on mars long enough for nuclear winter to happen to wipe out 80% of the population. The NWO elite has a weapon that can turn the sky into a blanket of fire and can be controlled. Many people will die by controlled 5G targeted cancers.
ant artica thawed decades ago. all images of what is allegedly ant artica is just the artic or its the real black rocks. thats like all thats in ant artica black rocks and penguins and the black rocks are every where like the entire thing is just covered in small rocks and big boulders. looks like a mix of onyx and dolomite but its probably volcanic like how that island in hawaii has black sand beaches but it hasnt been broken down that much because of a lack of rain fall
they want people to believe it may one day melt because of global warming but that happened before the theory existed. its used as a sort of secondary G7 meeting place so the general public isnt allowed to go there and saying its all frozen is a good excuse
look at it lines of latitude wise. look at where chile is and where ant artica is. 1 doesnt have a winter and the other allegedly is always winter. now think about snowmagedons in america. soemtimes across the midwest or east coast . the jet stream moved some air that was over the artic. you would think chile would get snow every 5-10 years if ant artica wasnt already melted wouldnt you
hello fbi counter-intelligence
Why isn't there a video of a craft leaving earth and entering "space"? I want to see the horizon below the field of vision. It is still at eye level at 130,000 feet
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>I Prophet
Antarctica is where THEY visit
Just look how fake and gay this looks
You're the one who is counter-intelligencing my intelligence, fbi.
The pictures of earth from space are CGI composites, they have to be.
That is ridiculous. I'm sure that was posted to reddit and it received 30k upvotes and the comments were all "wow just wow"
No it’s round muh 25 Concorde flights
Nothing to do in polar orbit.
Nobody is going to send a spacecraft there just to take a photo, that would cost too much,
>muh 25 Concorde flights
What is this a reference to?
A round "shadow" on the moon does not prove the earth a ball.
How can you even prove it's a shadow without already presupposing a ball earth?
Maybe the moon is just a translucent disk that goes through phases as if a circular lid were rotating around it.
Both are speculation.
> inb4 b-b-but muh NASA fanart!!!
lol faggot lol
achieving polar orbit is hard when planet spinning 10k to the East
And yet they have enough money to launch a fake astronaut into space in a car? Or throw a stuntman from a ship in space for a commercial?
>And yet they have enough money to launch a fake astronaut into space in a car? Or throw a stuntman from a ship in space for a commercial?
That'ss a test launch with a car in it just for stupid fun lol.
That was a glorified test with a bonus publicity stunt.
then post one that is real and not photoshopped
Looks like artistic very high exposure filming of a real thing.
>i-it's just for fun lol
You just proved my point. If they have "fun" money to blow then it shouldn't be hard to get that video footage.
It's harder to get in orbit around the poles
Literally before release of photoshop.
The Blue Marble photograph was taken in 1972.
It also shows most of Antarctica, illustrating how Antarctica is barely visible under its cloud cover.
Stop with the flat-earth larping guys, it's getting old.
They had money for a test launch and stuck a car into it for funs, and they expect this to pay off and bring profits as Tesla advertisment attracts more attention to the brand.
>what is polar orbit
>pic related
Fucking weird 1) There was a plane with a medical emergency that flew over the no-fly zone, the scientists inside that plane described the center of the no fly zone as a huge hole in the ice.
Fucking weird 2) The bible and the book of enoch both talk about what seems to be a gateway in the middle of antarctica, as the place where the fallen watchers got locked up.
Fucking weird 3) High ranking navy officials Byrd and Forrestal both wanted to disclose information about antarctica and new land to be found 'beyond the pole', and both got the deep state treatment.
Whatever it is, Antarctica might be the most interesting place on earth when it comes to mystery atm.
Sea salt originally being found in all of the pyramids in egypt, the water erosion found rings in the original limestone coverings and the water erosion found on the sphynix suggest the pyramids only got re-used by the egyptians and are in fact much, much more older than we are told to believe, stand on a nice second place. IF we would find pyramids in Antarctica, egypts' wrong history story will be front cover news as well.
Antarctica is fucking amazing. And a no go / no fly zone for nearly everyone in the world. Strange!
where are the stars and the rocks
did earths vagina suck it all up?
The curvature doesn’t make sense. Fake and gay!
most spy satellite have polar orbits actually.
I thinkis right
>horizon at eye level
How high is the pic taken?
Stars are too dim to be seen within same photo as a bright object unless you have a special camera or do some HDR
>no light for 2/4 of the year
>extremely expensive to launch satellites to take pictures
>most of it would require other countries consent to take a picture of their territory
>it’s cloudy as fuck pretty much every day
>the government doesn’t want their secret bases and shit being discovered by both the public and other governments
>there’s more important things we can do with those resources spent than take satellite pictures of an icy wasteland
Go to Antarctica
Take a picture of the edge of the earth
>edge of the earth
Who is saying there is an edge?
Where are the rocks?
Too cold to send the satellites down there. They’d freeze and drop out of the sky.
What satellites? Nobody has ever seen one.
There are thousands of free floating rocks above us. The big bang didn't just suck up every pebble into your "ball" earth.
Not harder than getting a geosyncronous orbit. And we have many satelites in those.
Common core at work folks
flat earth makes so much more sense with all we know about physics and the known universe
no, most were sucked up by the planets of our solar system, some still remains in the asteroid belt between for instance the orbit of mars and jupiter, but on average they are jut some kilometers long and quite far from each others.
they probably don't want us seeing that big megalith thing
But mars does not exist. You're trying too hard to get me to beleive we sent a metal trash bin millions of miles away and is still in operation, sending back photos of its surface when we still have trouble making a rocket hit its target within earth itself.
I have seen one.
I also used to point sat dishes at them. No bullshit.
Space conspiracy theories are probably the number 1 conspiracy in popularity. Maybe the footage we do have looks weird since it lacks all the ambient bs here on earth. I've never rally gone deep into them, but most seem to make good points. Who knows what secrets of the world are kept from the public, what if they arent even harmful to know? Why arent we given explanation.
>mars doesn't exist
what's this?
That looks like a fucking hologram. Videos of saturn look even weirder
many unwitting comedians
That's a composite. Some of the most bizarre images known to mankind come from the Apollo missions.
>looks like
the only bizarness is illusory
just a lack of comprehension of exactly what and why
Something above the dome nobody knows. It could be a realm. It could be the mirror image of Sheol. But you're a fool to think you'll one day go there and start a brand new, Jewish free lifestyle.
you people never cease to deeply "comede" me
same guys video of saturn
you could be right. we'll never know for sure.
>I lost therefore I'll keep refing to my "hahaha" post
You lost this round, NASA shill.
Composites aren't illusions, this picture is supposed to have been taken by a film camera and digitally reproduced, this is clearly not one image of a photograph.
you wont listen to reason and empiricism
and I wont listen to "reason" and "empiricism"
so hey, if its funny its funny
i said the "BIZARENESS" is illusory
once one understands the what and why of what is being seen, it is no longer bizaree
>Also it's not very interesting to have a satellite go from north to south pole instead of from West to east over the equator.
You fucking ignoramus. Satellites in polar orbits are common, not least because the earth rotates and they can therefore observe all of it directly from above as time progresses. Something an equatorial orbit can never do.
Objects do not naturally orbit along the Y axis, you faggot.
The 4th of July would like to have a word with you.
Because you're a slave.
Is op for real?
There's no photos because it's perpetual darkness
thats why, at this stage of the game, its beyond absurd to think they wouldnt have launched and tasked at least one earth pointing photographic sat to have taken that orbit and achieved a collection of photos that shows a cumulative every inch of antartica without cloud cover
how can anyone look at this and think something like that is really there
Is it not true that you syrup fags experience the midnight sun at high latitudes in summer?
because we arent nomadic purely superstitious cave-folk who think everything is some sign of a deity or spirit and with life spans of less than 40
i.e. because we understanding what we are seeing
Getting warmer.
Yeah well I'll see you in 2045 when they're still talking about sending a white man to Mars for the first time as you slowly die from terminal 8G cancer as you sit on Jow Forums arguing about how Elon Musk should make ""mars"" an ethoplanet.
why do they always use a fish-eye lens? It just gives flat earth fags more ammo
I like this larping. I already know normies who believe this shit. Normies are trained not to use scientific methods, so they can easily be convinced the earth is flat because the government convinces them of other stupid shit like that. The flat earth larping is way more effective than you think.
Stand in space.
i dont know how you managed to misunderstand me so bad
How bout them historical maps that seem to have Antarctica drawn out, without ice.
>when you go so deep in to the flat earth retardation that you underflow back to believing in a globe