According to pol putting your dick into an aids ridden crossdresser is ok but if women enjoy sex they are whores who...

According to pol putting your dick into an aids ridden crossdresser is ok but if women enjoy sex they are whores who fucks niggers and are on the line to become single mothers.
Dont let Jow Forums infiltrate inside Jow Forums, the incels are slaves to the jews.

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>According to this khazarnigger

>the leaf being an absolute retard.
What a surprise.

you can fuck anything you want user, but dont come crying on Jow Forums when your dick starts rotting and falls off.

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>Jow Forums is one person
have a (you) spiced with sage

This is what's so hypocritical. They act so moralistic and demand religious law yet think traps are more moral.

We need to wash our hands of whiny shits who blame others for their personal failures

He’s right though my sweet summer child

I don't have aids

Jow Forums typically promotes non hedonistic behavior and hopes our men chooses a white woman to breed with. That being said Jow Forums is not one dude.

>According to pol
Neck yourself, Moor tranny

>Jow Forums is one person
Are all spaghetti niggers retarded?

>According to pol putting your dick into an aids ridden crossdresser is ok

You're on Jow Forums and it has always been misogynistic to some extent since I began lurking (mid 2005). There are a lot of bitter and/or bored nerds here--myself included. If you don't like it, get the fuck off of Jow Forums. Stop turning this place into a right-wing Faceberg or Reddit by attracting those types of people. Incels help keep normalfag scum out since we can't spam gore anymore outside of /b/.

>According to pol putting your dick into an aids ridden crossdresser

Shoo, shill.

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>Jow Forums is not 1 person.
Yet in all the anti-white woman pro chinks threads you see everyone screaming roastie like a fucking drone.

It’s the weird Jow Forums incel overlap. I think the whole incel bullshit is a Jewish trap to get white men to hate white women.

This but the real woman hate threads were usually contained to Jow Forums.

There is literally nothing wrong with fucking cross dressers.

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Do not reply to rule-breaking spam threads

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>According to pol putting your dick into an aids ridden crossdresser is ok
fuck off itally and go back to /b/. Jow Forumss official take on traps and trannys is they are ghey

>if women enjoy sex they are whores who fucks niggers and are on the line to become single mothers
if the shoe fits faggot