You know what to do

>>Worst president ever?

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Thanks for posting a link, you stupid god damned nigger monkey

>allow attacks on your own country so you can send it into a needless war because your daddy owes some towelheads favors
>somehow infinitely more liked than 2 of the most controversial presidents in American history
How does he do it?

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No hillary vote?

i love how liberal phonies have let dubya off the hook for all the bullshit he caused.

Hildabeast wasn't president dumbass

No problem rim licker.

>Dubya not at 95%+ of the vote

How is Bush not the worst by far??

People have short-term memory

Why isn't Lincoln on the poll?

>recent history

does Kek dislike W over O?

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Not your president

lol no shit. Fuck that guy

>earth 6.6 billion years old
160 years ago *is* recent history


Honestly, it's Dubya. Don't know how he only has 5%. People have short memories

>Bush not ranked highest
proof that leftists are not serious people


worst president was certainly Bush, worst person as president probably Bill the fucking commie cunt

you can always spot a sub-90 iq mongoloid if they say that the current/former president is the 'worst in history.'

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at least he kept us safe

>Trump is 10x worse than Bush despite being in office only 15 months.
>This poll should be taken seriously
What a bunch of losers.

Attached: crazy-hillary.jpg (527x400, 46K)

>ends the Korean conflict
>people stll vote him a bad president
At this point trump could cute both cancer and aids and people would still think this

W is underrated in this poll

Even the SK President said the new peace process was thanks to Trump.

Anyway, Bus was hands down the worst president surely in living memory. He started two fucking wars for no reason, that were extremely unpopular both abroad and at home, and he was also responsible for a worsening of relations in the Korean peninsula with his stupid fucking "Axis of Evil" remark.

the people voting for Donald Trump are too young to remember W, right?

>implying Bill and Bush are not worse than Barack and Don

>>>Worst president ever?
Quite too early to say about Trump. After all he still has like 6 years left.

>still not realizing israel and zionist jews were behind 9/11

holy shit, how new are you?

>George Bush 5%
I hate America

Since Lincoln isn't an option guess I'll vote for Barrack

>Bush Jr.
>not voted high


Fucking what?

Most people answering this only remember Obama and Trump

>Worst president ever?

It wasn't bad being an american at the beginning of this century. Now it is. Is dubbya fully responsible?

No single man is responsible for this mess. Bush did a lot of foolish things(the list is too long to write), but he loved his country and did the best he could in shit situations. The worst blunder he did was believing everyone would love America as much as he did. We know better now.

walker dumb ranger was still in on it

How W Bush is not considered the worst modern pres is beyond me. Next should be Obama...but hes a distant second...Bush was that bad.