Firing a full-auto rifle

..doesn't make you a monster.
Why is it demonized so badly?

Here in mongolandia we had pic related as tool.

After the army service I felt just as before towards music festivals etc.
Guns don't kill people.
Change my mind.

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Mostly because outsiders have a knowledge as deep as a puddle on things they're not involved in.

>be finn
>copy shitty commie gun and rename it
>call it "the best device ever implemented"

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better than m-16

USA copied Werner von Braun's inventions and called it NASA

It was the Jews. 1930s Jewish mafia figures were killing err'one out there with their Tommys. Look up the Gusenberg brothers. That's when kikes in Congress passed the NFA to heavily restrict automatic arms purchasable by civilians. It's not like other criminals didn't use them anyway afterward, the Jews just saw an opportunity to throw the cops a bone and cripple American citizens' rights.

yes and no because finland is now the only european state that hasn't gotten rid of outdated M43 cartridge
He's just a copycat of Goddard

its not demonized you dummy , i dont know any person who hasn't fired a rifle at least once in their lives my womanlet ex was a marksmanship fucking grandma has seen combat.

if anything is demonized its illegal weapons trading or stealing military weapons for criminal use .

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>shitty commie gun
Put that meme flag away so I can laugh at your unreliable, lightweight plastic toy that jams in mud and is too fragile to be used as a bludgeon

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Is that why only 3 countries use your rifle?

isnt it a galil copy ?
(also pic related , proof israel makes best anime and best war films)

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The chad 7.62x39 vs the 5.56 bb plinker

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BB-guns are for kids.
If US Army is complaining 5.56 being ineffective in sandland, try that shit in the woods.

No the Galil is a Rk 62 copy

I hope you get gassed very soon.

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Lol good luck hitting anything past 300m

Only fully automatic gun I want is the MG-42, spits out 8mm at an amazing rate. Enough of them could stop anything short of a tank. Probably set a Humvee on fire with a lot of tracers rupturing gas tanks and fuel lines.

Plz kill me...

There is a reason it didn't enter into service. Now look at this manly Valmet M78

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Fuck off meme flaggot.

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ur right senpai i mixed them up . if its the basis for galil its kino af
>tfw no galil fishgun

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It rather engage invading Russians in toe-to-toe combat than plink them from a distance with some ridiculous bb gun that doesn't penetrate foliage or flak armor

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>can't hit shit past 300m
>talks shit about something with twice its range
M885 says hell and tells you to read a fucking book nigger.

>polymer onions gun
>bullpup for weak hands
>optics non removable
>no clean lines, ugly

0/10 would not shoot

I doubt that your M885 is going to travel for 600 meters in this environment. I also doubt that it's going to penetrate the trees and the Russians hiding behind them

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looks like a fish tho
also bullpups are kino until we switch to caseless\gyrojet\coilguns\railguns

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>still trying to justify semi automatic .30-30


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Have you ever wondered why galil has a bottle opener? It's because drunk Finns used to open their beer bottles with their magazines and when the Israelis were making their guns the Finns told them of this fact so Israelis decided to include the bottle openers to spare their magazines from the excess wear and tear.
Can the Galil do this?

thank you based snowautists
i was friendly with the armorers of a special forces unit in the army so i got to try some galils , romanian AKs and most IDF infantry weapons .galil is pretty great other then that retarded handle thing . never got to try the new galils tho i think the parliament guard unit uses them .
what the fuck dude, are finnish guns spiderman ?

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How come all Finn anons here are turbo neet virgins from equivalent such as viesti, huolto, it and etc?

Why the fuck can you not sage threads here?

heitä ryssiä kävyillä ja syö sammalta jos ei kelpaa

You dumb cunt, the valmet is probably the best ak type rifle ever made

Problem is that those greasy cheeseballers discuss military as experts of warfare.


The Tavor is the best rifle out now imo.

The Tavor is the embodiment of Jewish lies in a rifle. If you want a quality bullpup, get a F2000 or AUG.

idk desu, looks pretty solid. I do like the steyr augur also though.

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Because you live in the military ethnostate Jow Forums has wet dreams about.

Basically Jow Forums is /butthurtatnotbeingjewish/

Hughes amendment repeal literally WHEN?

The Tavor lacks a lot of basic features. I'm sure it's an alright rifle, but the aug has a lot more to offer for a similar price m8.

guns dont ont kill people



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best thing i ever fired was M16A1 desu (we have M4s for army marksmen but i never tried em),its light reliable extremely fast and easy to operate and the way the recoil kicks you is very controllable .
the microtavors (main rifle of the IDF now) are shittier in most ways other then being shorter and easier to work in confined spaces and their ambidextrousity \ optics mounting being better .

pic related is a leftie m16a1

true senpai , we do give 3 years of our lives to the army but if you compare young 20somethings from israel and a non-mandatory-service country the foreigners are all childish,irresponsible and lack work ethic .army teaches honor , integrity, determination .

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Jon Lajoie pls go

the FN F2000 looks pretty cool, never seen one before. Probably super expensive.

I don't know how the rifle classifications work in Israel, but that would be an m4a1 here due to its carbine length barrel. Looks prett y aesthetic, I like the jew sight mounts you use on those.

Tbh one giant scythe could've dealt with the entire vegas crowd.

That looks funky

Youre right, the fs2k isn't cheap, that's why I'd say the aug and Tavor are more competitors than anything.

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Beretta's are aesthetic af


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If it came to war the Finnish battlegrounds mostly look like this. Especially eastern borderlands are very poorly developed and just densewoods. It's fitting for the enviroment.

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nothing to do with classification senpai that's literally an american M16A1 with a newer stock handguard and sawed off barrel . we do have the classic triangle handguard M16A1s, we mostly use them for training and call them broomguns because of their length .
all IDF soldiers get a broomgun as their first gun for training . walk around with it for weeks before they even fire their first shot in the rance . after a while those doing combat bootcamp get their main rifles (usually microtavors these days)
and yea israeli m16s and military infantry gear generally has a very DIY feel to it .

>.doesn't make you a monster.
>Why is it demonized so badly?
Because females are literally retarded subhumans.

I figured that was probably the case. I'd assume you got all the a1s that we used in Vietnam. Which is a shame because they are rather expensive here for what they are and I want one.

fuck off amerikike meme flag

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nobody cares, retarded jew

Looks like my backyard desu.

>proof israel makes best anime and best war films)
well kikes run hollywood so any war movie I like undoubtedly had serious kike influence.

Becuase liberal man-children, women, and Jews.

You have a sight pic of that gun. I'm curious

>Be meme flaggot, insult anyone, especially a Finn on matters of war

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i said israel not mutts vast majority of mutt films are dogshit

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The opening shot zooming in on the town of Eastwick was originally to feature a seagull flying along with the camera. Visual Effects Supervisor Michael Owens had great difficulty finding a suitable bird. The plan was to acquire a taxidermy-type bird and put animatronics in it. First, it turned out to be illegal to own a dead seagull in California. When they were able to borrow one, another law stated it to be returned to its legal owner in the same condition it came in. After turning the bird into a rod-puppet of sorts, the team spent weeks perfecting the motion with up to ten puppeteers working simultaneously. In the end, none of their work ended up on-screen, because the opening credits were added to the shot, and the seagull was found to be too distracting.

i went to krakow for two days and had fun shooting at shooting range there. I tried full auto AK47 because i wanted to know how it was to fire full auto, i ended up hitting the roof and the instructor got a little bit angry at me and i ended up firing single shots because it was more fun to actually hit the target instead of just spraying wildly.

Full auto UZI however was fun. No recoil at all just brrrrt. 9mm full auto is fun. Gonna go back soon to shoot some more.


Always makes me chuckle, the universe has a sense of humor.

no definetly not

>Based Fin has the mindset every American should.
>MFW a Euro supports American constitutional rights more than most Americans.

OP, if you ever want to come to burger land, I write letters to Donald Trump every day until he grants you citizenship. I hope someday our laws against full-auto firearms are repealed.

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atleast the reason they gave us for that in army is that when you shoot trough foliage its better to have abigger heavier bullet

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Too bad our gun laws are ridiculous, and there is no change in sight. Luckily this is a safe country, but I'd still want to own my own weapon.

What kind of restrictions do you have in Finland?

Compensation for never getting to operate, of course.

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I visited NYC and DC March/April last year.
No need to mention their gun lw lol.

Tbh New York is way too noisy, pricy and liberal for any decent living.
States such as Montana, Vermont, Maine could do.

>How can I carry all these Bazooka's

It's quite easy to get a rifle for hunting if you really do hunt or it's part of sports shooting hobby, but it's very hard to get licenses to any other kinds of weapons. You need to be a member of shooting range for a certain time for a handgun, for example, to get a license to keep one at home.

Will you still feel the same way after US Marines and Cavalry get curbstomped in next week's Arrow 18? I even saw an overweight American tanker walking down the street when I was going shopping.

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hmmm not so sure about the iron sights. seems like it would obscure too much

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Shall issue, but you need a valid reason for ownership and the means to prove it.
Naturally self defence is not a valid reason, but hobbies and reservist activities are.
Weapons classified as especially dangerous, like full auto, sawed off shotguns, briefcase rifles, etc. are for collectors only, but thanks to this we have very cheap full auto weapons in comparison to the States for example.

They're very good for marksmanship, but bollocks for rapid target acquisition. Can't say they really cover too much.

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Fully automatic fire is for suppressing. Why do you need to suppress?

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>change my mind
>worshipping celebs
Crowder is a fucking idiot. Go back to greddit

muh freedom bruh

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Sorry, but
1) crowder is way too neo-con for my taste
2) neocons are not my problem, can't vote over there

Ak is good gun, better than our M-16. I know...after about 1k rounds, the M-16 starts getting very fouled, bolt starts cycling slowly, then FTF...AK can shoot forever without failing. Yeah, it's less accurate big the unspoken truth is that soldiers can't shoot for shit anyway.

I can't imagine it's that enjoyable. The only reasons you would want automatic is to suppress as part of a squad or to spray a room full of unarmed people. I'm glad it's banned here.

Small arms rarely kill people in modern combat. Most deaths are due to artillery, aerial bombardment or from mounted heavy machine guns.

They are empties, no rockets left inside. The tubes are made of cardboard basically so they're lightweight.

The camera is focused on the rear sight you stupid fuck. When focused on the front sight, the rear sight nearly disappears. Pic related, but IRL gets even thinner.
Automatic fire is used when you need it. Sometimes when breaking contact, urban and ambush. Rifleman uses semi when suppressing (that is when the enemy is not close).
M16 is no longer in active service. They use M4 now.

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And it also has notch sights.

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Wrong fucker...they still use M16A4 as well as the M4, M249, and IAW.

I mean IAR not IAW

Yes in the basic. Sticks and stones are too used there.

I like the durability of the AK. For people like me, having the right tool that will hold up under extreme conditions is the most important thing. Accuracy... One can account for that.

Do not believe his lies fellow europeans

>One can account for that.
New RK95s with Finnish milspec Lapua ammunition shoot at around 1 MOA.