Why are they so mean?

why are they so mean?
what's so wrong about being a virgin?

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You cant bump your own thread, bud light. I think they hate us because they feel threatened. Not because of the "incel terrorist" media propaganda, but because men stopping to care and chasing after vaginas, the only leverage a woman can have over a man, means women won't have caretakers/providers.

because women can't use their vagina to control them, Feminism is falling apart because males are checking out or ignoring women so they are trying desperately to persecute virgins. Also, "Incel" is the new "Racist", "Nazi", "Sexist" since these words have been overused and lost all meaning.

It means their cushy jobs in HR are threatened, if they are unable to threaten people with vajayjay. Ironically, having caretakers and providers will make them so much more than what they imagine themselves to be, but it's something that needs to be seen to be believed, it seems.

Nobody wants to remove virgins, retards.
Incels aren't virgins, they're virgins that are heavily misogynist and blame women for all their problems. Why would a business want to hire someone who has no respect for women and views them as objects? Doesn't seem good for a business that employs women

Because that person might be...rock with me for a second here...really really good at the thing he's applying for.

People who look at skills as a holistic concept are the most hopelessly feminized individuals.

That's actually an interesting point. Didn't Tesla and other scientists credit their accomplishments to them not masturbating? Masturbation also increases testosterone, no? If I'm not mistaken then testosterone skyrockets on the seventh day of nofap, but then steadily decreases to under normal level.

This isn't the direction I expected women to take once the incel issue hit the spotlight. I can't believe how interesting things have become. Fuck fictional media, the news is now a million times more interesting than any story in modern movies/games/books.

Bingo. Women are angry that more men are "dropping out of the system" so to speak. When sex robots get big expect women pushing for laws to have them banned.