The way I see it:
> Yoda = Adolf Hitler
> Ben Kenobi = Trump
> Luke Skywalker = Jow Forums
> Darth Vader = Hillary
> The Emperor = The Jews
Do you see it?
The way I see it:
So is hillary going to beat Trump?
So Hillary is /pols daddy. At least you confirmed it
Anyone else see it?
So, Hillary is our mother?
Hillary is literally space Hitler
Yes... using the power of the shit post...
May the shit post be with you, always!
Hillary bested Trump in the debate, made him look like a weenie, then Trump came back and against all odds won on election day.
the question is will Hillary throw the Jew down a well?
soys and their fantasy movies
Hillary looks most like Yoda.
>because you’d be in jail
this is just as bad as the harry potter faggotry.
>wookie = Finns
How about we NOT do the thing that liberals do by describing political figures as pop culture icons? We get on their asses about the whole Trump Voldemort shit. Star Wars is entertainment, not a parallel of real life.
>Ewok = Swedes
Hutt(mutt) = Muricans
It's the only thing I saw.
Somehow, your flag is worse.
Tusken Raiders = sand niggers
the Rebels were all a bunch of multiculturalist faggots, the empire would have protected the white man, yoda is a pedophile