Jews..it's always the jews..

Attached: everytime...png (785x877, 54K)

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>Karl ((marx))

Attached: freeride.png (620x391, 149K)

Communism had two founding fathers, Marx and Friedrich Engels, who was an ethnic German. The Gentiles have to get partial credit for that.

Here's a nice fell who thinks LIVING IN A FUCKING GULAG was better than America. The "5 percent" thing is also wrong - deaths were as high as 25% in some places - probably more.

Leftists have an amazing ability to ignore facts though.

Attached: hahahababababb.png (799x1000, 89K)

t. Moshe

Gradually, I began to hate them.

Engels also stole from workers to pay Marx; which is just fucking hilarious. The rich elite exploiting the workers at the very beginning of their ideology.

They FEEL that communism is fine. Nothing will ever make then change their minds.

Good argument.

Nobody is perfect. The Founding Fathers of America wrote that all men were created equal, and then in their private letters wrote that negroes were inferior.

That's because back then negros weren't considered human, thus they can't be equal.