And thats a good thing

>The findings mean that the UK could overtake the United States as the world’s melting pot, with fewer people describing themselves as British or white.
>The increase from 2010 to 2050 in the UK – by 22 percentage points – is the highest of the main western countries analysed.
>Over the same period, the proportion of non-whites and migrants in Denmark will rise from 10 per cent to 14 per cent.
>In England and Wales, 25 per cent of births are to foreign-born mothers, the report said. A similar trend is seen in France and Germany.

>The increase from 2010 to 2050 in the UK – by 22 percentage points – is the highest of the main western countries analysed. Over the same period, the proportion of non-whites and migrants in Denmark will rise from 10 per cent to 14 per cent. Declining birth rates among white Britons is another factor. In England and Wales, 25 per cent of births are to foreign-born mothers, the report said. A similar trend is seen in France and Germany.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Britcucks are patehtic desu

>Where the biggest gap emerges is in what constitutes Britishness for different groups. Interviews by YouGov for the Commission for Racial Equality showed that most ethnic minorities see Britishness as an identity that is defined by values—fair play, the rule of law and so on—whereas white Britons overwhelmingly cite fish and chips, Winston Churchill and other cultural and historical icons. The reason, suggests Peter Kellner of YouGov, is that Britain's values, not its culture, are what attracted migrants in the first place.

>Last month the government announced that compulsory school citizenship classes would include work on British values and national identity. A version of Britishness that rests on common norms may be the right sort to teach—but it is the version that most Britons of immigrant stock hold already.

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Hey nigger, this is literally going to be all white nations. Out of 8 billion fucks living on this planet, less than 1 billion are white.
In 100-150 years, whites will be a minorty in every country. We are the last possible generation that could save this shit, and it just looks like we are too late. Too disorganized, too brainwashed.

amerimutts are pathetic too

if people want something badly enough, they will be willing to die for it. if not, we will succumb to our fate. if all you are willing to do is complain about it, you don't really care. kill the soros/rothschilds of the world, kill your rulers, kill the media. kill the people responsible for keeping this trend going, for keeping the borders open, the people keeping the public in the dark. pick a high profile target and kill them. be willing to die. lone wolves cannot be stopped. enough people do this and it all ends. you will not vote your way out.


Now, Id unironically would like to see you making London and the surrounding areas an independent citystate.
Deport the bulk of pakis from manchester and elsewhere there along the most obnoxious leftists (If they dont go on their own because they hate living among stale white brits) and make laws so that only the most well integrated foreigners in the rest of england may thrive and everyone is happy.

Buddy, its far worse than this.

In 2016 only 61% of births in England and Wales were white British.

If you include immigration to the UK.

Only 42% of new people in the UK are white British. We are fucked.

>getting more and more motivation to leave
keep them coming lads

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And go where? This is literally the case in every Western country.

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There is hope. Pic related

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you will have entire british empire in britain. cheer up.

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Either alaska because its comfy and no niggers or somewhere in east europe
much rather live in a hut in the middle of nowhere than live next to mohammed
remember who made you pajeet, youll miss us

They won't make it that long. 2030 maybe.

Alaska is literally the least white state in the USA. Naytuffs, Samoans, niggers, Mexicans. It's going downhill fast.

This is why sperm donation eugenics is so important. Sperm, and people buying genius sperm
to give their children a genetic advantage, can transform populations in a short time, from
stupid to smart. It is the way countries can prevent being swamped by the disease of stupidity from mass third world migration.

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Oooh shit

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Ösi bidde

guess i have to learn some filthy eastern language then


so cut the influx of poles and ramp up paki immigration^?


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the EU I mean

England is finished as a nation. This huge demographic shift not only means that England will cease to be English, it also means the socialist far left will have a monopoly on government. If you think it's bad now in places like London, just wait until 2 decades of far left party rule pass. Within 20 years, England will be a communist country, indistinguishable from a Soviet hell on earth. They deserve every bit of it, too. When those who mock the United States begin to cry out on Twitter and Facebook about how horrible things are getting with the migrant rapes, suicide bombings, and government control of speech and though, we will mock their suffering.

wew, cut back on your katana training


It's so weird seeing this "x native population will be a minority by 2050" about European countries. I'm used to hearing it about America. I'm used to people talking shit about it all the time and calling it a nonwhite shithole. And I get it, because European countries are objectively whiter.

But not for long. And once Europe is gone, what happens to the white man?

Are you even allowed to mention katanas? That could be perceived as threatening. Bust out that Jow Forums loicense m8.

>they keep pushing the date back



I'm sure the (((data))) just wasn't properly analyzed! Foolish goys! You only have a limited time!


>the white man
What is a white man?

i may need a license to browser Jow Forums but at least i dont need a test from dr.goldberg to prove im "white"

>it's beautiful
>and that's a good thing

Thank God they won the war!!!

Why can't we have a discussion on this board anymore without some American having an autistic shit-fit?

A ethiopian man.

Manchester is full of obnoxious leftists

here's the ultimate blackpill

Yeah let's pretend the EU has closed borders and is entirely filled with pro-white nationalist states. Fuck off with this bullshit. We get loads of "French" and "Swedish" hijab wearing people here.

>They deserve every bit of it
No one deserves it. None of us asked for it.

You're using our lefty mongs, often paid activists, as your baseline for all of England? Jesus.

They are not "often paid", that's the problem

It's going to be before that tho,probably around late 2040s/early 2050s

>memeflag takes an opportunity to make a dig at Americans

Then get off of Jow Forums, faggot

Alaska is 66% white, it's whiter than most states in the South.

This, almost every official prediction has been an underestimate so far. Whites don't even have to become a minority, before they are irreversibly fucked. Some people are already saying, that British conservatives will not be able to win elections anymore, they are outvoted by leftists and their pet immigrants.

>objectively whiter

Which is easy when you started at 100%. The modern US was only 70% white in 1790.

>British conservatives will not be able to win elections anymore
>Implying the Conservatives are conservative

Let's be real here even if Britain was totally swamped with niggers they'd still scream about muh culcha and how the pound beats the dollar or whatever the fuck. British people and Europeans aren't shitting on the US because they genuinely believe themselves to be superior, but because they genuinely hate the US for reasons of animalistic savagery inherent in the mindset of European peasants.

The conservatives in the UK are the ones saying this. The problem with Tories in Canada and the UK and right-wing capitalist parties in general is that they think shitskins vote leftist because leftists suck shitskin dick, so they assume all they have to do to win the shitskin vote is to suck their little brown dicks.

In reality the shitskins vote left for the gibs, as long as the right wing is anti-gibs they will lose shitskins in any democratic election. This is why Brazil's "right wing" is composed of white socialists that think communism is a step too far. Not enough normal white people for capitalism to have a fighting chance in BRland.

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I have no idea about British politics to be honest, but I assume your conservatives are somewhat stricter on immigration than labor politicians, are they not?

The future of the UK will be not be White... and it's beautiful. An article by Shaquisha Cohen-Blatt

It appears that Hitler did succeed in destroying Britain after all.

*yeah, I know he initially didn't want to*

>with fewer people describing themselves as British or white
Because more people are describing themselves as English

There is nothing more disgusting than mixed blacky whites. That caramel (sometimes pale) coloured skin with frizzy afro hair, blended with narrow European heads with those weird freckles. I see so many of these mongrels and they look so ugly. They have a massive ship on their shoulder too, especially the lower class ones.
Mixing black with white looks so so strange. Other mixing I don't mind so much, but African and European mixed looks repulsive.

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>implying uncle adolf did us dirty instead of churchill
im still fucking furious that fact sack of shit is on our money

Both party is pro-immigration.

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>fair play, the rule of law and so on
raping 1000s of kids, terrorism, joining ISIS, acid attacks, knife attacks.

Sure they came for the fair play and rule of law. What they say isn't what they actually do.

Just accept it. Whites are to blame themselves for this, if you dont reproduce then nature will take care of you and a stronger breed will take over. If all white families only had 3 children then they would still be the majority. And to be honest, a second Hitler will never return. International jewry made sure of that. America, Britain, or any other nuclear power would anihilate the uprising in minutes. And a " right wing " government wont make any difference, they still have to obey the international masters of jew bankers. The only final solution may be an islamic Europe that can actually take on the Rotschilds and international kikes. White sharia may be the only thing that could save Europe.

Our only hope s that once the white population hits %30 and the mudslimes launch a coup, the white diaspora will group together to save the motherland.

>he doesn't realize that Alaska is being diversified.

No. The Conservatives say they 'want to reduce immigration to the 10s of thousands', but they have the same multicult attitude as Labour and have done literally nothing to lower immigration.

This is actually a good thing.

t. Pakistani

good bait

Not bait.

prove it


They deserve it for attacking our fuhrer.

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>48% by 2066
Are bongs mutts now?

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embarrassing post

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My idea is that multiculturalism, etc is an attempt to right the wrongs of Hitler - a way of overcompensating. So, in a round about way, Hitler has won. I don't think he would be happy about it though.

>Jews control the entire world
He couldn't be further from winning, although the Jews are going into the big oven called hell within the next 100 years so he'll get there eventually

Sorry to hear this lads, what a fucking shame. Hopefully there is still a way out of this.

We all prefer our own kind.

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I honestly find it insulting that basically no politician in the west is screaming at the top of their lungs about this issue. I honestly feel it is one of the most important stories in the history of Europe and yet the pussy ass politicians are too scared to dare bring it up. Pathetic.

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Where do they think this is Nazi Fucking Germany?

The United Kingdom isnt a white ethnostate. You fucking Nazis dont get to decide who lives and who dies.

Don't worry, I'll sort it.

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Good thing I don't have children. wew.

scared? this is part of the plan to have a more compliant populace who loves servitude.

Pakis do

Pakis do

At this point the threat of your family being flayed alive might be real in that career.

The truth is honestly that horrible and inevitable for them, imo.

Do you need a BL1CK BULL prepping loicense in the uk.?

Can I help?

No, since this is a national priority they even get subsidies

Our melting pot doesn’t use acid..

I'm still sitting here trying to work out the mindset of the left, and it's a fucking appalling place so far.

>dislike whiteness because you genuinely believe it caused a lot of problems, but ignore all the good things
>believe being a minority is a good thing because it's different, but don't realise white is different to the minorities too
>believe races don't exist and sexes are equal, but constantly separate people based on their race and sex
>believe being extremely "progressive" is a good thing (I still can't work out why they think this though), but never make any actual progress
>believe accepting everything and making certain "groups" special status victims will help the world, but never want to hear of any different view points

I tried to sit down with some leftists at my old uni. It's an odd mindset and they seem completely immune to both logic and reason. It's either they can't think outside of their current beliefs, or they just ignore it to stay in their beliefs. And every time a discussion steps into a place they don't want to think about, it sets off flags for them to just shout "racist", "sexist", etc. At least when I try to reason with right-wingers, it comes down to a fairly easy explanation that they've been brainwashed by Christianity since birth, so you know why they're incapable of empathetic discussion, but leftists are just this walking paradox.

You did it, reddit.

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Prof Coleman

I'm hearing an echo?

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>french and americans see themselves as less british than fucking paki and ugandans

The world has gone crazy.


Thankfully I'm a faggot and won't have kids so I won't leave people in this shithole to witness the birth of the Great Caliphate of Eurostan. My parents are sad to see what's going on but at least they also won't live to see the downfall of civilized Europe.

This war is lost and there's nothing we can do.

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The minority groups are just overcompensating, because they know that they aren't British.

>Theyve been brainwashed by christianity
Your right wing is genuinly christian?

Probably because they just arrived

No, he's just a fedora. At most 1/3 of Tories are actually Christian, and real Christian conservatives like Peter Hitchens loathe the CP

And nothing of value was lost

Europe in general is dead walking. Shit..the US is basically already minority white.

The damage is irreversible unless literally hitler came back and started mass cullings of jews and shitskins.

Joking right?

Don't let this guy into STEM

>The findings mean that the UK could overtake the United States as the world’s melting pot, with fewer people describing themselves as British or white.

Gee wiz if I didn't know any better I'd say diversity actually meant non-white haha

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Ser the pic. The people who are themselves as brits are the ones whove been in the UK for decades