German town unveils massive statue of Karl Marx to mark his 200th birthday

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Comment from the the Estonian minister of justice: those people are idiots.

yeh so?

Well, its in his hometown and the statue was gifted to us by the chinese government. A lot of chinese tourists visit there to venerate Marxs birthplace so in that regard it would have been foolish not to accept the loaded gift.
On the other hand you know can see who is an unironic Marxist and who is slightly irked, there is some controversy around this.
Also some liberals say marx was a racist lol.

>literally erecting a statue of the man that is responsible for the invasion and death of millions of your own people


oh look, a statue to culturally enrich...

you should have seen the face of my grama , who lived in the GDR for 40 years, when she heard about that.
looked like gif

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>applauding a Chinese colonization of your country

fucking faggot, kys

I like Estonia

So this is true that EU is neomaoist shithole?

Doesn't even know what a German flag looks like

>it would have been foolish not to accept the loaded gift.
Rationalize it all you want, it was weak to accept it. I hope someone bombs it and inflicts casualties.


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It amazes me that some people still do not understand just how dehumanizing communism has been and is. Like, why do people still support such an absolute shit system?

Oh hahahahahahahaha I just noticed that. Yea I take 100% responsibility for that error. I was too careless with the google image search. Whomp whomp I fail LOL

Triest is in West Germany
In East GermanyCommunism is hated as fuck
The last SED mayor of Dresden actually said that the old Lenin statue should be relocated to the old place where it stood until 1990
He said that because the statue was sold
All called him a idiot, and the statue wasn't even sold because nobody wanted to buy it for the ammout of money they demanded

Might as well erect a Adolf Hitler statue. After all, his ideology has killed far less people than Marx.

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why is communism/socialism so fucking popular with the youth still? will the spectre of communism ever go away?


They are all poorly educated. Most of what they've been taught about the 20th century is, "Hitler was evil and killed 6 million Jews." There are almost no history lessons about the Soviet Gulage system or how communism has literally caused about 100 million humans to die within a span of less than 100 years.

Simple answer: Liberals live in liberal dystopia delusion.

It's your duty as a German to destroy this statue.

Well at least now it's clear marxism didn't fall after 1990, it conquered the West under the form of cultural marxism

Also, OP, why this flag of the United Belgian States?

I consider this nearly on par with unveiling a statue of Hitler

See this post

How? Hitler was a great hero, not some shit Jew.

Trier is a beautiful town with a lot more interesting history than Marx. There's the Roman baths, Constantine Basilica, Porta Nigra, an ampatheatre.

Germany has truly fallen. Your nation is dead, Germans.

It's been dead since 1945, all thanks to America. Lord just imagine if we listen to General Patton.


I was in Trier 10 years ago. I remember walking around a museum there and getting to an exhibit about Marx and just thinking "lol fag" and skipping it.

unfortunately this. Churchill fucked us all.




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Yes, heaven forbid they honour their hometown hero.

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geeee i wonder how big is the mason temple in that town

It is amazing how there are still idiots like you around.

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How did Marx's ideology kill more?

>cultural marxism

That isn't a thing.

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Google "rape of berlin"

Listen to what from him?

Google Stalingrad

That same Estonian minister is a faggot.

.t Estonian larping as libertarian.

>t. assblasted marxist
Good goy we didn't do anything it's just progress!

Churchill also fucked himself. Great Britain would now have overly efficient Germans and great engineers instead they now have been replaced by poos. Israel would have never existed, hence the middle east wouldn't be in turmoil. 9/11 for that reason would have never happened. German Empire and US would have sooner or later made friends since most Americans at that time were German descendants and Mexico would have never invaded the US.

We have to go 88 mph and go back to save 88.

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Hitler fought to keep communism out.

Guys its's Trier, his birthplace. They make madbux off the Marx tourism. This is capitalism, nothing else.

Done already.

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Is dis nigga for real?

Another German Apologist ladies and gentleman
Apologies for everything, political correctness at its best


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>That isn't a thing.
Yeah, nah. You're a cunt.

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Google what that faggot Juncker said at the opening.

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Yep, and we dont tolerate nazis. Why we still count comunists as people I'll never understand.

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he's probably as bluepilled as the people who have erected this statue.

>gifted to us by the chinese government
Never get between a Kraut and his wallet. A fucking disgrace you'd side with those son's of bitches who don't even recognise the Holy Father in Rome. Eat shit.

The Third Reich decided to invade Poland because ethnic Germans were being slaughtered in Danzig by Polish military. I consider the invasion to be justified.

There is nothing about (((Karl Marx))) to honor. He was shit, and his ideas were even shittier.

go fist yourself

Within just under 100 years, about 100 million people died as a direct result of centralized planning systems, i.e. communism.

100 million > 200,000 Jews (or as you would say, "6 million")

Patton said during the war that the United States should have made peace treaty with Germany and focus a combined force to crush the Soviet Union. General Patton was literally say, "we are fighting the wrong enemy" during the war.

Tje same contrarian shit per usual, like atheism. People grow out of it once they live on their own and have to deal with other like minded even shorter term thinkong individuals such as niggers

South African nergo detected

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>It was weak to accept it
We are a rich but not a strong country.

Well to be fair Marx did hate niggers and was a self hating Jew.

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Is that bronze? If so some user should go smear the base with mercury for some Liquid Metal Embrittlement fun (all theoretically of course for any Bundesnachrichtendienst niggers reading along).

>The holy father in rome
He should resettle his Vatican to africa or latinamerica before he continues to speak for the resettlement of his primary base of worship to europe.

>Also some liberals say marx was a racist lol.
Well, he clearly was, that's one of his very few redeeming qualities.

Terminating Jewish people cannot be referred as killing your own people. You cannot own jews you Nazi fuck.

Losers don't get statues. TEAR IT DOWN. Marx belongs in a museum, not the streets.

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Marx belongs in an oven, not a museum.

Communists aren’t people

The house Marx grew up in is a Euro Store now, I think that’s hilarious.

t. butthurt p*lack

You're supposed to use a plunger, not your head

See if he was standing on a huge pile of skulls I'd be down with it.

You're in no place to complain as long as the statues of Confederate rebels and traitors remain up.

"You're supposed to use a plunger, not your head"

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Fucking krauts.

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I'm sorry, but I'm not fluent in Arabic.

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And responsible for jewish world domination and a kike himself

Would be nice, but the german realm is far too cucked for that, in Austria they even discussed tearing down hitlers birthhouse

Or to Adolf Hitler, i bet Patton loved the kikes

Post it you absolute faggot

Would be terrible if it was vandalized.

>isolated incident in a completely meaningless german town
>some chinks buy statue of a useless old wanker
grow up at last, all you basement dwelling weak-ass faggots

kek, dumb polack can literally only use tired memes

>another masonic hand on the heart statue
It's all so tiresome.

>the statue was gifted to us by the chinese government.

Study some history before you suggest that I'm a brainlet.

no. denazification.. remember ameribro... were good goys like you now

Why did they tear down the DDR statues then ?

Hey Americuck, we did this to Germany. Always remember that. The Americans and Brits did this to Germany. As user said, we the Americans turned the Germans into well behaved goy.

Germans truly are the scum of the world. Not satisfied with destroying civilization and starting the dark ages once, they're going for it a second time.

Jow Forums give us a fun way to vandalize it. Do your worst.

/his/ pls go

he's right, but for different reasons

Karl was one of the good guys. He was basically a guy who wanted Facebook implemented in real life (sharing is caring).

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