OC but please feel free to improve upon it. I am not skilled with MS Paint
Niggers are the most masculine
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That's not white, more of a Middle easters
Whites have no body hair, neither thick beards
Asians are the most masculine women.
this is dumb, whites have longer limbs, which is why Europeans are the tallest in the world
>Whites have no body hair
t.non white
Are you this stupid, niggers?
Hes right you wouldnt know this because youre a muttnadian but some whites have longer limbs some shorter.
Had some niggers in my school that couldn't grow one. Maybe that's why they act like immature apes. Most whites can grow a beard as long as they don't eat shit during their early years.
>Whites have no body hair, neither thick beards
>whites are native americans
I understand you are a leaf and probably white but I think you may have a biased opinion.
Whites are taller on average and have longer limbs. Giga niggas are prettt rare.
Also not sure how hair loss is a plus.
Dont forget this tho youtube.com
You mean Scandis havr no body hair.
Asians are physically the opposite of blacks, not whites.
>Whites have no body hair, neither thick beards
What are you smoking?
>that webm
o im laffin
Your white looks imbecile.
White man is a big head man too.
Asian men suffer from the highest incidence of 'Micropenis' worldwide, literally EVERY SINGLE ONE of them carries the mutated gene that is responsible for it.
This mutation occurs within an gene known as 'SRD5A2', an enzyme that is less active in Asian men and is responsible for processing the hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an androgen which is more 5x more potent than regular testosterone.(1)
>Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a sex hormone created from testosterone in the body. It plays a major role in the development of characteristics that are typically associated with men (body hair, muscle growth, and a deep voice).
This less active enzyme in Asian men(2) is the reason they have lower DHT levels compared to other races of men,(3) it may also explain why their penises are smaller on average (unconfirmed) as DHT is necessary for the maturation of the penis.
The mutation is known as 'R227Q', and is a non synonymous change in the 'SRD5A2' gene.(4) 'R227Q' been shown to retain approximately 3.2% of normal enzyme activity and appears relatively frequent in Asian populations.(5)
It is time for Asian bois to renounce their masculinity, transition to womanhood, and live out the rest of their lives content as cock sleeves to physically superior men
Majority of Asian women are with white men.
GIMP and paint.net are free ya know
Okay so you're telling me that niggers have big cocks? Are you an americuck by change?
found the homosexual
Everybody has bigger penis than tiny little pathetic Asian losers.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22177168 (penis size & anogenital distance, correlation to higher testosterone)
jcem.endojournals.org/content/91/2/687.full (Swede/Korean study)
Not true at all.
>Asians are the opposite of blacks
>Asians have micro benis
>Which means niggers have huge benis
This is your brain on cuckstianity. Niggerlover
Are these for real? 4" is pretty small. To think think 1/2 the men in China and India fall below is pretty sad
Scandinavians DEFINITELY have body hair.
Why are you so obsessed with black men's penises? It's simply a fact that Mongoloids are the most neotenous.
>Stephen Oppenheimer said, "An interesting hypothesis put forward by paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould many years ago was that the package of the Mongoloid anatomical changes could be explained by the phenomenon of neoteny, whereby an infantile or childlike body form is preserved in adult life.
>It would also explain how the counterintuitive retroussé [turned up at the end] nose and relative loss of facial hair got into the package."[61] "[D]ecrease unnecessary muscle bulk, less tooth mass, thinner bones and smaller physical size; ...this follows the selective adaptive model of Mongoloid evolution."[61]
Why are you so obsessed with asian mens penises?
The only ones with no bodyhair are niggers and asians
This is correct. I'm the only non-white in my peer group and I'm the only one with chesthair.
In fact Scandinavians are pretty high up there. Being baby smooth is mostly a native/asian trait.
I'm obsessed with saying they are inferior because they are. What's your problem with that?
Stop posting your mancrush Ivan.
Proportionally black people have longer arms & legs to torso length, some do anyway, maybe depends on the area / tribe or whatever.
My problem is that youre a nigger lover whos obsessed with cocks
Middle easterners are short weak and brown
Asians are never annoying and keep to their self. I always welcome asians around me.
Niggers on the other hand? I fucking hate niggers and believe they are a waste of life.
They suuuuure are.
I didn't bring blacks into this discussion. I'm here to state facts about Mongoloid inferiority and how they are all retarded down syndrome subhumans.
Why would people have adapted to have less hair? What sense does that make based on their geography?
>Blacks are the opposite of asians
>Asians are the most inferior race
Your exact words nigger lover cock gobbler
> Black people don't lose their hair
Nigger what? Lots of them go bald
>Asians are never annoying and keep to their self.
You don't get to make those kinds of claims when it's already common sense that Chinks hate white men to death.
left one is AYY LMAO
im hairy as shit what are you talking about?
Whites had to store food from feasts over long winters
I'm focusing the discussion away from whites to Mongoloids. You're the little micropenis sucking faggot who got butthurt by facts.
>That niggers are a superior race
kek okay you cock obsessed niggerlover
It makes zero sense. You'd expect people in colder countries to be more hairy but the exact opposite is true, except for Africa which has the least body hair although some of the highest temperatures. Arabia has the highest temperatures and the most body hair
Evolutionary adaptation is total nonsense fairy tales for adults
This is now a Mongoloid hate thread.
The digits confirm. Asian man will be the extincted man not the black man so chill the fuck out blacks! 8)
None of them do, you dumbass. Give me a single example. Africans and East Asians are the people to least experience hair loss.
Don't give me an example of a half white half black person, they are not relevant
why would that cause shorter legs ? no need to run after prey maybe ?
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Thats fine but you should leave and go back to r*ddit with your niggerloving. You cock loving nigger
>posts picture of two men who live in a society with scarce food
>compares it to a picture of a man who has never gone hungry a day in his life
>thinks the difference in their stature is due to genetics and not environment
You guys really are retarded.
The guy is progecting SO hard
Assuming you're a nigger, that's because American negros mixed with whiteys. Take a DNA test, nigger
African negros have the least amount of body hair
Asian and Indian men are the least attractive: youtu.be
40% of Asian women refuse to date asian "men": sf.oxfordjournals.org
the shorter legs are most likely from the Neanderthals
>Most male body hair of all races
That can't be true, can it? Surely the poos or sandniggers win that one.
Lmao, looks like my video got taken down by Asians. See what I'm saying? They hate white men and facts.
The evolutionary explanation is warmer climate = longer limbs and more narrow bodies to better cool down
And colder climates = shorter limbs and broader bodies to better maintain body heat
And this holds true except Arabs in the Iraq, Iran, Syria and Jordan areas are very short although those areas are SOME of the warmest on the planet
Evolution = pile of crap
Are you even around any black people?
Lebron James is beginning to demonstrate male pattern baldness right now, his hairline is receding radically.
wtf are you talking about , he said nothing about stature , in fact he even said that niggers have longer limbs
no you're just low test
>Whites have no body hair
I wish I had less body hair, I'm gonna have to start shaving my chest soon.
Asia for Asians
Africa for Africans
Europe for Europeans
America for Amerindians
Australia for Austrailian Aboringines
Polynesia for Polynesians
It's a long disproven myth that niggers have low body fat and thin bones because they lack food. Reality is that niggers look like that even when they live for free on whitey's money in white countries
Sand niggers do but they're practically white especially if you regard the Iranians as white as many do on Jow Forums
> I'm gonna have to start shaving my chest soon
It's because of heat dispersion. When you are hot you sprawl out to give your body the most surface area to release heat. When you are cold you make yourself smaller to trap it in. Blacks evolved in a hot climate so their bodies adapted this way.
The other end of the spectrum is the Eskimos with short, thick limbs. It's all about the climate your ancestors evolved in.
But he is half white. How many times must this be said? AMERICAN NEGROS ARE MIXED WITH THE WIHTE POPULATION. Every DNA test done proves this. But mix gold with shit and you have shit
It's not enough hair to overheat and kill arabic people though. You are talking about a difference of basically cosmetic and nonfunctional fur, not a thick mane that helps people withstand freezing temperatures. When something doesn't affect life and death you will get random variation at levels in between.
>The evolutionary explanation is warmer climate = longer limbs and more narrow bodies to better cool down
>And colder climates = shorter limbs and broader bodies to better maintain body heat
Yeah that would make sense I guess.
No I'm a poo. Do you have to deal with having a back that looks like Robin William's hands? Do you confuse barbers when you get a haircut because they're not sure where exactly to stop?
>Evolution = pile of crap
I can't say I agree with that statement tho.
>It makes zero sense. You'd expect people in colder countries to be more hairy but the exact opposite is true, except for Africa which has the least body hair although some of the highest temperatures. Arabia has the highest temperatures and the most body hair
>Evolutionary adaptation is total nonsense fairy tales for adults
no you moron.
In cold weather you wear clothes. Clothes lead to loss of body hair.
There you go, Arabic dna. That's the reason for your body hair.
Every 100% sub saharan nigger has no body hair. Look it up
it's not arabic dna bro i think it's the tad bit of neathanderthal admixture that I have (1.5%) that area is very homogenous. I think the rest of africans though (not including the north and the horn) have no neathanderthal admixture at all which causes them to be hairless.
Taken to the extreme.
No my arms legs and face and fucking NIPPLES are hairy as fuck. My chest has like three hairs on it excluding nipples
what can possibly be more masculine than this
maybe the 0.1% is nothing but hair genes
>curly jew/nigger hair
The invention of wearing animal hides for survival obviously will lead to greater survival rates for conscious, carnivorous hunting animals than pure genetic body hair predispositions. Traits that seem counter-productive can easily survive if other advances lead to adaptation.
Pretty sure Indians have the most body hair of all races.
Fuck man, I have really light blond hair and it still comes in thick enough to be seen all over my body and the only 56% percent I am is Scandinavian, the rest is all Dutch and Scottish.
maybe, either way I'd rather be able to grow hair on my body than be hairless.
I have no nipple hair but my chest is so hairy you'd never be able to tell. My nipples have comb-overs. I forget where this conversation was meant to be going but have a nice day hairfriend.
> Original Content but .....
nigga this ain't ReddiT
everyone is anonymous here
there is no "me", "I" here you dumb faggot
They are Caucasian
Most blacks in the U.S have european admixture which is why they look different from Africans.
> newfag doesn't get Jow Forums but feels to explain his misconception to others