Being black is a curse

*pic related*, currently me inside mcdonalds just in fucking despair, . been on this site for a year now, lurking til now. the more I think about it The more I hate being black, we're the least liked or wanted race on earth. Barely any culture, we cause the most crime and failure within any country we inhabit.

You have any idea how horrible it feels knowing no matter how much you try to be sucessful it will never outdue the ignorance of everyone else in your race.

I despise rap music, i hate drama and ghetto blacks. I hate my skin and nappy hair. I envy every fucking white guy i see.


The big black cock crap ISNT EVEN real im 6.5 at best. Fuck my life im a black beta virgin.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I feel bad now :(

you could always use your nigger powers to kill as many other niggers as you can. but niggers already do that so they beat you too it. shit it must suck being a nigger

>trying to use sympathy and relatable virginity memes to weasel your way into the ethnostate
Not on my watch Tyrese.

Stale pasta.

keep trying, faggot

nice try, sargonite

Well white boys, the day you’ve always feared has finally come. We have risen to dominate you in every way. Your colleges and businesses can’t discriminate anymore, so we’re quickly becoming the most educated and prosperous people in the world. Your women are free to choose what they’ve always lusted for but couldn’t have, black men. I laugh when I walk past one of you pale chubby pinky dicks, and watch your submissive body language as you cower in the presence of a real man. I fuck a different white girl every weekend when I go out, and you’ve probably never gotten laid in your life. We have risen. And you are powerless to hold us down any longer.

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it does seem like a curse. im bald and that kinda sucks but at least i can blend in with civilized people.

>tfw being a black pollack is pretty much the same as a white ally.
>white allies feel shame over things their forefathers have done.
>black pollacks feel bad about how incredibly stupid their kin is and that their race tears down their entire potential.

Let me explain you a little thing:
To me there are two kinds of colored folk:
The Nigger: His Name is Shaqueil, is asocial, needs to assert himself in every situation, left his girlfriend when she was pregnant because he is afraid of responsibillity, has little to no education and has a longer crime record than my elbow so would you print it out in arial size 10.

Then there is the black dude, his name is nick, he did something out of his life, is a good neighbor, loves his family and is part of society.

Don't be a Nigger, be simply black. You can't do anything for your lesser fortunate "REAL G NIGGAZ" but you can exceed everyone's expectations.

People might judge you, but that's what happens when most of your kin is quite frankly utterly retarded and had no sort of civilization prior to the colonization, but you can just be better.

t. German who hates Niggers, but is not full blown Niggerkiller3000

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This shit again...


Become Kanye West

You are an evolutionary product.. You weren't "just born black".. you are the result of deliberate choices for better or worse. I am a different result of deliberate choices and it's my obligation to earn my genetic lineage by being just as discriminating with decisions as the thousands of genetic links prior.

Everything I am, I love.
Everyone I am genetically linked to, I love

everything and everyone else is trying to take what my people have earned.

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Fuck off memeflag

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Wake up black man

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This is pasta...

work at BET

Repost. Shill OP is not white, but not black either. Gas yourself OP.

This thread was posted months ago with the exact text. Sage it.

pic of bbc or gtfo

This is copy pasta from 2014 or 15

it's just bantz, like with us, they pretend to hate México but I get its just funny jokes.

This. Niggers are really good at killing other nigger. Just start killing Niggers my nigger

>does not realize that if you fuck all the white women, there wont be any left after 100 years.
statistically, then than 0.1% of black guys will have ever fucked white women if you get your way. You destroy everything you touch.

This is just a copypasta of an older topic, but I will repeat what I have said before. The true redpill is that most people are shitty regardless of their race or ethnic background.

Pol shits on every race, ethnicity, and background. This is pretty much the shit flinging thunderdome.

Just be the best man you can be. Cultivate your strength. By strength I mean strength of the physical, strength of the mind, and strength of the spirit.

Do that, and you will easily be above 90% of the population user.

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King Larp is 0/10 bait

be a black, not a nigger.

Quit being a faggot OP, and kys so you have another chance at the genetic lottery in your next life

>Barely any culture
what a stupid thing to be concerned of. culture is just holidays observed and social norms. any other groups "culture" can be emulated and adjusted to taste. you dont have to be japanese to take off you shoes when you enter a house

You don't become educated and prosperous if you have so few of your people entering universities, you are owned by Asians, Asians are the real master race and will rule over you in the future.

Before anyone keeps posting, keep in mind that I saw this same exact thread months ago. Same image but different words.

I really started to like Kanye lately

Buy top sirloin and carrots. Stop eating McDonalds. No wonder you feel like shit.

you being emotional about no liking being black. is very typical of your kind.

just saying. jews RARELY complain, the most things jews compalin about is how they havent killed off the white race, and arent ruling earth yet. ZION Protocals.

Just be white bro.

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Pro-tip, most whites are burger munchin walmart shopping retarded football fans. Just is few here, who think things should change. We're all alone, together.

ive seen this pasta before

>1 post by this ID


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Now start thinking as an individual. Discover individualism. Group & identity politics are for losers.

Hey understand him, he wants to be in your delusional white ethnostate.

Nigger pasta

This is a slide thread.

If I was black, I'd move to Africa and lead a nationalist guerilla movement to try and implement a right wing authoritarian government to whip everyone into shape, acknowledging that low IQs meant that such drastic steps would be necessary.

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don't listen to the pol fags on here they're all losers, im sure you're a nice guy. Live your life the way you want

> You can't always get what you want

> be black
> save real money
> move to Africa
> become King Nigga
> everyone happy

Twice in one day.

Sir you need to excel at what your people do best! Killing other Niggers!


>loves desperate niggers
>loves niggers

get rich get white pussy

look at all your rapper fucking white bitch everyday

Nice try. This image was uploaded two years ago. And, sage.

I remember when this was posted the first time. I felt feels.

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This is a copy pasta slide thread, everyone who did not sage is a newfag.

Get a grip

Dont hate yourself man, you can be whatever you want, work hard.
Get off Jow Forums if its making you feel bad about yourself.

who do you think you're fooling, nigger? always lusting after the white man, gtfo.

Same exact thread and even same mcdonalds picture gets posted every 6 months. What's the point?

your'e teh piont, neo

>all these retards ITT
this is stale pasta

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This is bait we already had this thread before.

Someone show the Jow Forums is a board of peace thread. JIDF is here.

I know the feeling. I'm a mutt. Vow celibacy unless you somehow find a nigress you can stand being around. If I somehow find a mutt girl that's into me then I suppose I can break my own vow.

Don't create more mutts. In a perfect world, people like me should not exist. Remember that.

Gake and fay

Even though this is a larp. Actual black people who browse /Pol.

I want you all to know that we’re not racist we just want an ethno state and be left alone. That’s it.

if you are not racist, why would you want an ethnostate. why not just have a patriotic america where people can do what they want? i think that's probably the best case scenario for us. ethnostate seems like something for a single ethnicity nation like a poland or finland, but america has long passed that point i'd say.


>1 post by this ID

passed? even indians had their differences. 'white' immigrants were all from different countries from the start too

that's what i meant. america was never single ethnicity, so an ethnostate for us makes no sense

The only thing left for you is to troll SJWs with your black SJW privilege. Tell them to their face that Obama was a fucking nigger and watch their heads explode.

You do realize cuckservatives will go head over heels for you if you parrot even one of their opinions or talking points. Look on Jow Forumsthe_donald for all the proof you need.

If you aren't autistic, you could easily set up a political youtube channel where you talk about tax cuts and how much you hate Obamacare, and your channel would become a hit overnight with retarded boomers, you would get invited onto Sean Hannity to talk about how BLM doesn't know what's right for their own race and make a fortune.

Quit squandering your opportunities.

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Just saw this post outside on my phone and came in wanting to reply right away. OP, if you are being honest and that wasn't intended to be satirical or subversive, you've got to be more kind to yourself. I hold prejudice, and I think everyone does whether they admit it or not. But someone is not defined by their race/creed etc. People should be (and generally are) judged on their merit. Don't loathe yourself simply because you have a certain skin color or whatever. Just try to be the best person you can be, and others will recognize and value you for your worth. I hope you can get out of the slump and feel a bit more confident. Take care, man.

Shut the fuck up negro and grow some balls. You sitting there in McDonalds, whinging on Jow Forums, claiming that you're a black beta virgin, is the exact same fucking victim mentality that you fucking hate other blacks doing.

Blaming their victimhood on their crime rates, or their violence, or their unsucess in life.

Fuck off.

I'm a minority. A massive minority and not one have I ever been racially discriminated against. Not once, has my fucking name which is so foreign, it looks alien, been used to draw prejudice against me. Not once has my height, ever stopped me from getting a girl or pussy.

The problem isn't your fucking race. The problem is you. You lack confidence. You lack charisma. You lack the motivation to fucking change yourself, thus, change the way the world perceives you.

Fuck, I was an alcoholic for my entire teenage years, wasted away. I had my life taken from me due to a traumatic experience. It took me 4 years to get my life back, but now I'm on the route to being sucessful.

Shut the fuck up.

Get a fucking shape up. Hit he fucking gym. Get a job. Get a new wardrobe of clothes. Start talking to people. Get off fucking vidya. Learn a hobby. Become an interesting person. Persue a fucking talent, or an aspiration.

Become a fucking role model for other blacks to look up to.

When you die, you're going to be known as a pathetic waste of human. No one will give a fuck. No one will remember you.

You're still young. Fucking do something with your life. Leave your mark on this god-forsaken planet.

Just remember it was (((they))) that did this to you and your people. They destroyed your culture and stole any chance at blacks being a successful, reputable group in America. Blacks were economically independent and classy in the 1930s until they were systematically bought out.
The civil rights movement was a trick.
Gloria steinem, the CIA feminist bitch initially targeted black women to get them to turn on their men and destroy your family structure in the 1960s.
They funded and promoted (((gangster rap))) all the while owning stock in private prisons.
All this BLM shit is another red herring to further divide us as a country and distract you.

Sorry this had to happen, but maybe you could find some comfort in knowing the truth.

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As long as you're not just another criminal statistic nigger then you're fine. Stop putting yourself down because of the memes here. Even the most top tier shitposters here probably don't mind a decent normal black person IRL. Work hard and be a decent human being and make sure everyone in the vicinity knows you're not a scumbag nigger about to mug them and you'll be fine.

hmmm.. just a coincidence goy.

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According to Jow Forums
>Americans- Mutts
>Europeans- Cucked by Abdullah
>Canadians- Cucked by Trudeau
>South Asians- POO IN LOO
>South Americans- Best liveleak creators.
>Aussies- Man eating Insects.
>Middle Easterners and Africans- Mudslimes and niggers.
Everyone and everything gets equal hatred on Jow Forums. If you take anything said on Pol seriously you are just going to hurt your feels.
Don't mind adding any other places I've missed.
Ps:Op's copypasta is from 2016 just read on archives you faggots.

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Just do your best and improve yourself a little each day within a month youll be doing way better off than now. Save 10% of your earnings in the bank and stop eating shit food. Work out and drink lots of water. Stop jerking off and learn how to talk to people.

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you do you. remember, you are an individual, you cant change how other people think about your race but your actions will change how others think of YOU.

>implying someone will remember you
You sound like a nigger. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.

Live with pride knowing that you're living proof that niggers aren't niggers because they're black, but because they're niggers.

if i was black i would be out trolling white liberals every single day of my life
just go make fun of white libcucks dude, you could be the next sam hyde

i do actually feel sorry for blacks that aren't niggers trapped in those concrete jungles.

i'll tell you what though, if we get our country back to 90% white or more, i would be perfectly ok with a certain percentage of not nigger blacks around.

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Yes you could be the "Day walker"

This is a damn repost

just become a jazz nigger, OP. get an afro and a nice white suit. maybe buy a radio station.

>if we get our country back to 90% white or more
What's ((your)) definition of ((white))?

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