Let's fix Europes borders

Find me a better Europe.
Pro tip: you can't

Attached: europe.png (2988x2187, 687K)

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Attached: objectivelybesteuropewserbia.png (2988x2187, 539K)

what country is the dark red one?


This is my previous version but Yugoslavia made people mad

Attached: objectivelybesteurope.png (2988x2187, 539K)

serbia with literaly more albanians than serbs

Fight me.

Attached: Europa.png (2988x2187, 539K)

romania looks ugly as shit


Attached: BetterEurope.png (1984x1736, 148K)

what is the red one?

>entire poland speaking czech
i am ok with this

ackchyually the slavic countries should speak interslavic

10/10 thank you for saving Finland.

Attached: notice London.png (2988x2187, 544K)

yeah fuck you alexander you are speaking czech now too

pretty good

fuck off with the alexander meme, nobody belives that shit

Kosovo is Serbia

oh so youre a turk? lmao

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The snake of europe

are you fucking retarded?

let's face it, kosovo is lost


>Greater Romania

Brings a tear of pride to my eyes. Good job user.

of course my gypsy friend

Attached: fixed.png (2988x2187, 543K)

Come home white man.

Attached: ANTICKI.png (588x596, 61K)

Thank you Hans.

>tfw No independent Malta

Attached: ENOUGH(2).png (935x670, 1.05M)

no need for that im not retarded enough to belive that bullshit

post pic of the Med

Attached: a perfect world.png (2988x2187, 542K)

If I were to accidentally slip on some olive oil, I would always end up in the MED sea.

Attached: Maltese Aircraft Carrier.jpg (2100x1500, 356K)

Split macedonia and bulgaria off from yugoslavia please, thanks

you're a loyal ally
you deserve it

yes i can. this map is shit lmao


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>split off slav people off of yugoSLAVIA

Understandable, albania shouldn't be in there and macedonia is bulgarian

>giving land to magyars they did do not deserve

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That's a picture of the HMS Cumberland in Libya. Do you wish to be a Crown dependency?

Not bad, but gief natural border (and Malta).

Attached: italy natural border.jpg (894x894, 59K)

I have a more fair version if you want

Attached: fair version.png (2988x2187, 546K)

We do as we did to the Libyans, steal it.
Call it; ''reparations''.

Attached: Maltese Empire.png (423x279, 5K)


Macedonia's just having a midlife crisis


>I have a more fair version if you want
>Year 1310 german census showed 400.000 romanians in transylvania, 300.000 germans and 150.000 maghiars. Source: Kurzer Ueberblick der Literaturgeschichte Siebenbürgens von der ältesten Zeit bis zu Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts, Sibiu, 1857

> Fényes Elek, a 19th-century Hungarian statistician, estimated in 1842 that in the population of Transylvania for the years 1830-1840 the majority were 62.3% Romanians and 23.3% Hungarians.

>According to the results of the 2011 Population Census, the total population of Transylvania was 6,789,250 inhabitants and the ethnic groups were: Romanians - 70.62%, Hungarians - 17.92%, Roma - 3.99%, Ukrainians - 0.63%, Germans - 0.49%, other - 0.77%.
getting robbed less is not fair

Ukraine existed before Russia, and it will exist after everyone in Russia is praying to Allah.

>Backwater goatherding shitskins think that they own the land because they outbred the natives
How does it feel to be Mexico
Also your map is universally recognized as trash, here's a better one representing the region before WW1

Attached: Population Density in AHE.jpg (2822x2117, 885K)

>Fiume is outside the borders

I hope it's not intentional bro


Looks like the new old europe.

I`m too afraid to ask what`s that in red in the middle of europe.

Good london bad romania.

I want in the Third Rome.

hey diaspora magyar still in leaf land how are things going?
still claiming austroderp empire was great?

Why people love to suck german cock here?

>in transylvania
that's the reason why I just gave them northern trannsylvania, which has a signifcant population of hungarians, just like in your map the region belonged to hungary for over 1000 years, that's the reason why I'd accept giving a region with a hungarian minority to hungary
as a compensation i gave you Bessarabia

The ukraine never exsisted short of a Turkish enclave, go home CIA you're drunk.

>bad romania.
No suprise there, I expected that
so i made

No russhitholes please, we have enough of slavscum as it is. Let Poland/whoever have it.
Good enough

Fucking memers need to stop

Did you knew that during ww2 Romania slovakia and croatia had a separate alliance aiming to deal with hungary after the war, something hitler himself didn`t opposed? That hungary wouldn`t have lasted.

>During World War II, a joint friendship proclamation was created between the Kingdom of Romania, the Independent State of Croatia and the State of Slovakia against any further Hungarian expansion. Ion Antonescu, the Marshal of Romania, engaged in some intra-Axis diplomacy and created the alliance in May 1942. The union was similar to the interbellic Little Entente.

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"Praise Putin, Russia strong!"

I very much doubt the accuracy of the first one
>it's fucking 1310
but here's the percentages then
>1310 - rumanians are 47%
>1830-1840 - rumanians are 62.3%
>2011 - rumanians are 70.62%

Your """"""history""""""" consists of fucking like rabbits in the dirt and after your autistic gibsmedat shitfest of a part in WW1, the french take pity and give the land to you

We are not slavs.

Attached: asparuh-for-web.jpg (360x480, 40K)

>as a compensation i gave you Bessarabia
that is like saying i will take Bavaria but give you Königsberg (when it was not filled with slavs) as compensation

Make Dalmatia it's own country

when a country would be attacked by three sides, no wounder it wouldn't last, t.bulgaria

all that parts which Hunagry gained in the interwar years (exept he Übermurgebiet in Slovenis) had a significant hungarian population, but a larger expansion shouldn't happen, i give you that

White international confederation when?



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would do

Attached: europe.png (2988x2187, 539K)

Fuck, being made an example.

why did you gave us preßburg and western Hungary ?

so your historians lied about romanians and now even the germans ones did
next you`re going to tell us the we don`t even exist

>Matters had gone too far for Hitler, who brought pressure to bear on Antonescu and Miklós Horthy to gain their public recognition that the Second Vienna Award was irrevocable. On 1 August 1942, Antonescu fudged the issue by announcing he would make no territorial claims until after the war, but in private, he never ceased to press Hitler for the return of Northern Transylvania.[1]

Remember, not even the croatians would side with you.

Pic related the transylvania german censuses book

Attached: carte referendumuri transylvania.jpg (1074x1653, 86K)

>no quotes no nothing only butthurt from you
as expected have a nice time in leaf land magyar

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1913 was a bad year...

Wow thanks

imagine choosing turkic shitskin identity instead of a white slavic one

Imagine not giving a fuck what every incel on pol thinks about "white".

Breddy guud

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Severe mental retardation

>Crimea to khokhols
>Odessa to gypsies
Dumb swedecuck.



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There should be no borders.

damn why is slovakia so big

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>Northern Ireland doesn't exist
We need to have a word with you Macedonia

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My bad, messed up bulgarians and hungarians. Get a diffrent flag, you two

Let's not change too much

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Ppfft. This is some stupid map. What's with all the made-up countries in the Netherlands, Romania, Russia and the Balkans? Also, Cyprus and Malta are independent? Like anyone would give up those strategic naval bases. Also, the fuck is up with that country jutting out of Central Asia, is that some new Mongol Empire? I'd love to hear the history of this clusterfuck you call Europe.

>Giving the Alps, true home of the Europid, to broken slavshit Berlin

OP you are fit to hang

it looks better that way



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You are not to be trusted when you get too big.
Be happy I didn't take away Bavaria

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