Bernie promises 0% unemployment

Are you feeling the Bern yet, Jow Forums?

>Senator Sanders' ambitious new plan will require the Federal government to provide a guaranteed job that pays at least $15 per hour and provides full health insurance to every adult in the US.

>Sanders says his plan would drive up wages by significantly increasing competition for workers, ensuring that corporations have to offer more generous salaries and benefits if they want to keep their employees from working for the government.

>“The goal is to eliminate working poverty and involuntary unemployment altogether”

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I barely remember Atlas Shrugged

But isn't this exactly like one of the nonsense plans from the retarded strawman villains in Atlas Shrugged?

Yes Bernie, let’s follow the Venezuelan model of economic growh. Great idea.

How hard do you have to actually work to keep your $15 an hour guaranteed job? Is showing up at all even required or can you just mail it in?

Hey, everybody in Venezuela is a millionaire

fuck this old man send him to the nursery already

> will require the Federal government to provide a guaranteed job that pays at least $15 per hour and provides full health insurance to every adult in the US.
Doing what though?

"Environmental, infrastructure and caregiving work"

They'll figure it out after they hire you

>A commie doesn't understand economics

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wasn't this same policy one of the main reasons the USSR collapsed?

Useless shit like digging a hole and then filling it back up

Perfect, stub your toe then hire a (((lawyer))) amd sue the government for a million dollars and retire. Just cut out the middle man and put a million dollars in an interest barring account and send them a check every month.

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As an economist, I love reading stuff like this. I don’t even know where to begin in explaining how retarded it is

And they call us Incels LOL

>It's not clear what would happen to a worker who violated the terms of employment. The plan suggests creating a Division of Progress Investigation to “take disciplinary action if needed,” leaving authority to the head of the Labor Department. Aides to Sanders stress that the policy details remain in their initial stages.

what happens if i dont want a job, or to work

Bernie needs to stop floating his wildly irresponsible economic fantasized around and retire like a good old man
I wonder if his wife was ever held accountable for defrauding that university..

The idea behind this is the same one that FDR had behind the New Deal. Infrastructure and public works projects, not a bad idea on it's face. The problem is that those jobs do not last forever and not everyone will be attracted to them because they involve working outside unless to government can find other busy work for people to do.. So the government has to keep creating more busy work to keep the labor they just hired on, which is impossible, or face causing more problems like FDR did when his policies actually created a recession inside of depression. It is one of the most short sighted policies that I can possibly imagine.

We've outsmarted ourselves when it comes to the economy and its starting to show.

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>wasn't this same policy one of the main reasons the USSR collapsed?
No, the reason USSR went to shit it because the leadership had everyone murdered who had a spine (to rise up against the earlier leadership)

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Sounds like gulag!

t. Plebbit

So people who are making $15 or close to it will be butt mad that now lower class citizens who fucked up their life and are burger flippers make the same amount will make wages in other sectors go up, which will then go up the chain as now middle tier is making the same as someone higher middle tier, etc etc etc. Also there goes all the small businesses because they can't afford to pay people $15 an hour. So this will cause inflation and we will end up where we are with everyone making more money but purchasing power is probably worse than it is now. Can this old faggot just die on a trannies dick already.

Bernie is fucking evil, he knows he is spouting bullshit yet keeps doing it to further enrich himself and his democrat buddies

>a politican with no power promises free shit
What a revolution

It combined with several other crucial factors.

Just saying, wouldn’t that be slavery?

Just like Hitler.
>88 confirms sanders names the jew.

Enjoy getting taxed over 80% of your wage then.

I thought we already had this. We just called it prison.

America works.

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>doesn't know some frictional and seasonal unemployment has been a cyclical, natural, and expected variable in the US economy for over 100 years
That kike faggot needs to die soon

Didn’t hitler give everyone jobs?

Did bernie do any of this for where ever he was in office?

In other words: "Yuo not of Work? Go to Gulag!"

The worst part is that he actually does understand, he knows exactly what his policies would lead to and that's why he advocates for them.

Excellent, pic related, sir. I love that dude's grandfather, too

Are you implying he's a communist?

The media now:
>unemployment is at an all-time low, why thats bad under trump

The media under bernie's proposal:
>unemployment eliminated, Bernie our savior

Lol just have the government pay people to dig holes less lmao xD

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Unemployment too high? Start a war!

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How big would this necessitate the government being?
Also why wouldn't people working in the private sector making less than $15/hr just quit and work for the government at that point?

I thought he was in jail or something?

Yaah, I'm done with the Bern. Hilldeabeast almost became President thanks to him.

If implemented properly
>no mercy for scum and bludgers
>actually getting big business and corporate interests to foot the bill instead of only nominally increasing the tax rate on the rich who tax dodge anyway, so the middle class will have to take up the slack
>fixing the homelessness problem by throwing all homeless people into work camps

This is literally Fascist economics if implemented properly, but it will be half assed and egalitarian in nature, everyone will abuse it, the wealthy won't foot the bill and thus leave the middle class to fund it and no cunt will actually work.

I don't want to work. I just want to play and be NEET all day

Democrats did this before, but they called it slavery in those days.

and a coffe cost 5 million dollars

The jobs will be door to door gun confiscation

Yeah that as well as bringing high wages down so like a true communist

>be businessman
>want to hire some workers
>oops, all of them are already employed

If you are guaranteed a job, that means that no matter how badly you perform, you still have a job. You could just not go to work, or maybe just go in to sign the attendance sheet, and then leave. They can't fire you.

lol to a commie that job litterally deserves a salary becuase they cant get it through their thick skulls that labour=/=value.

Full employment is nothing new. Finland used to have a job guarantee, and the US reached pretty much full employment during WW2.

I think $15/h is too mch for job guarantee, but it is a solid idea and if the left gives people material benefits, they will win. So we too should promise this.

>How big would this necessitate the government being?
They're describing it as "a bigger governmental effort than World War II"

>Also why wouldn't people working in the private sector making less than $15/hr just quit and work for the government at that point?
That's a feature, not a bug. Instead of raising the mandatory minimum wage, employers would simply be unable to find any workers whatsoever at lower wage ranges.

>work retail part time
>my boss is amazed that I actually work for my whole shift and lets me join the "we just HAD to stay late to fix something every fucking day" club so I can get full time hours within a few weeks
>first week at about 5 in the morning, some black girl on overnight was walking through the aisles squeezing a green, squeaky pig, saying, and I quote, "I DON'T LIKE THIS VIBE UP IN HERE!" The same girl would do things like shop while on snapchat during her shift and don our Halloween masks.
>fair chunks of the employees are old and not all that fit, part of the job for a younger male is letting them flag you down for some lifting
> another fair chunk of them are "actually" intoxicated on the clock.
>best coworker is a college grad that doesn't want to move on to something bigger because he'll have to pee in a cup (can't say I blame him, weed seems like it's a great drug, especially given my particular neurotic tendencies
>it's not all that social, unless you work service. A shy hello will do (you don't even need to do that much at wally world and similar franchises)
>only ran my toe over with a pallet jack like 20 times before I got the hang of it
So yeah, what are your excuses? This working stuff is pretty easy.

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Lol just import more workers lmao xD

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based gramps

But we own the money printing machines we could afford to make every one a billionaire.

T. Sanders Supporter

He can do it. cut %100 of funding to Israel and put into road and bridge work.

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Sounds like a plan!

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>using facist ecenomics in an ultra low trust, atomized, multicultural society where everyone hates eachother and is only concerned with doing the least labour for the most money.

simply will not work.

This is incoherent. the point is to provide a wage floor and to employ everyone, so that they can contribute and maintain employability when they lack a private sector job or a real government job.

No one wants these jobs, because there is no possibility of a raise or a promotion. But the alternative is they hang out, collect unempoyment and become unemployable and often criminal.

It is in effect an alternative to unemployment insurance.

USSR had no unemployment because they had a command economy that provided jobs to everyone. They did not have a voluntary job guarantee nor a private labour market.

This policy has been used in Finland and other countries.

Mostly not. More like cleaning the streets. However, even holes and filling them up would maintain a person employable, out of crime and motivate them to get a better job in the jobs market. NEET life typically does none of those things.

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Came here to post this. From a macroeconomic standpoint 0% unemployment is unsustainable in the long term, and unrealistic as technology advances. There’s always going to those out of work, wether they’re between jobs or the market is in a downturn or advances in tech make certain employment options obsolete or unneeded. It’s funny because three years ago I would have been all about this. Berniebros are idiotic idealists, and I include my former self in that pile.

>Yeah man, like, just get rid of borders like
>If the workers of the world unite you know
>We could split the work and we could get all the work done and work like only like
>We could work like like uh 4 hour work week
>*Falls asleep in mom's basement*

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guess that means we need to import 6 gorrilion niggers and spics.

>democrats able to kill both communism and white genocide birds with one stone

yes because everyone will have starved to death

Yes. And German economic recovery was the second fastest in history after Japan. Giving everyone jobs was the main reason he got 80%+ popularity.

Whoever enacts this policy will get to do whatever else they want. It is the ultimate trump card.

>jew cutting funding to israel
I actually really do hope that Sanders gets elected, contrary to what many lefties feel, he'll do the biggest and most irreparable damage to the US economy in the history of all presidents, to the point that everyone is going to want Trump back immediately.

Unsuprisingly, you make no arguments.

No refunds

Oh you pessimists always looking at the bad side of things.
Who cares if you millions of dollars can't get you food or basic products, you are still a millionaire!!

Creator of anti Jew right wing Facebook is in the hospital. (((They))) are trying to kill him!!!!

communism fails, always
because it stands against all that is most Human, ie self ownership, material ownership, and non-aggression of those respecting the two formers

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And thus the Gulag is born.

So everybody will be forced to work but then given room and board, food, medicine and old age care. This sounds familiar.

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0% unemployment is possible when the slate makes us its slaves

>pulls it off and gets a job to anyone that wants it
>welfare kangs and kwangs still stay unemployed and blaming whites
i would vote for this jew just for that

Who is going to hire everyone for $15 an hour. There isn't demand for all that labor. And making a $15 minimum wage will just speed up automation, so this doesn't solve anything. In any case, now is a bad time to be alive if you are dumb.

That still wont fix America's debt and fiscal problem.

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I respect your opinion (how often are you gonna hear that on Jow Forums) but the fatal flaw is highlighted here, though America is not Germany, or Japan, or Finland

>work like a slave so the boss gives you the privelage of working more like a slave

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Wages mean nothing if not account for supply of currency

cant have high unemployment numbers when there's no jobs

In actual first world countries they have 6 hour work days. :)

How are people like this not a direct threat to usa and eliminated, like the communist garbage that they are.

oh it would be just WONDERFUL wouldn't it

t. been there done that

He should visit 1960's Britain and see how full employment actually turns out...

Who decided on the 15/h number? Why not 13 per hour? Is that to little? Then why not 20 per hour?

Due to inflation you will need to increase it sooner or later (with policies like this, probably sooner because of all the debt) anyway and who decides that?

It what minimum wage should be at if you account for inflation. Min wage hasn't been increased in a long time.

$15/h is about double the current minimum wage, and it's a lot easier to understand than having minimum wage tied to inflation or cost of living

>>“The goal is to eliminate working poverty and involuntary unemployment altogether”

So he is going to bring back slavery?

Why not just remove inflation then? No need to increase minimum wage, ever.

But I don't want a job.

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>Bernie Sanders promises an economic bubble

>Blocks your historic 3.9%

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Bernie has never even held a job, to say nothing of running even a fucking ice cream stand.

>Has fool proof plan for jobs for everyone and economic Utopia.

Yeah I don't have time for retarded fan fiction.

Retarded jew