Why is "beta" thrown around as something negative? Why is there so little respect for soldiers...

Why is "beta" thrown around as something negative? Why is there so little respect for soldiers? Is it a subversive tactic?

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>Is it a subversive tactic?
Option 1: its the jews
Option 2: we have a self deprecating sense of humor.


A little of both makes sense to me.

That is like nosotros Pedro.

don't take any behavior of people today as a self-thinking act in it of itself, the majority of people (even here) are at their core animals that mimic their social environment because they must.

How are solidiers picutred as betas ?
Did I miss some new meme ?

The soldier is built to follow a leader unwaveringly. That's the classic understanding of beta in an ideal form, but it's been perverted to mean someone too weak to be leader themselves, something negative in other words.

Betas can be strong too.

Attached: beta.gif (480x270, 3.4M)

shut up spic

Here's better explenation

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>The Beta Positive male has a great amount of potential to reach Alpha status, though he possibly lacks the willpower, direction, and social opportunities he'd require.

But this is subversive nonsense that undermines the role of the beta in favor of the alpha. It defines the role entirely in the light of the alpha. It does not respect the role of the beta in any way. Some people are followers, not leaders, simple as that — and there is no reason to look at following others with disrespect like that.

Don't necesesarily disagree with the graphic, but one where the pics of the alpha males aren't very obviously dolled-up actors and models would be nice. Use real people next time.

>Teddy Roosevelt
>Trump (inb4 haters)
>Tom Brady
>Arthur Conan Doyle
>Peter Thiel (inb4 gay)
>Arnold Schwarzenegger

Just to name a few.

Being beta is not really bad in this insight, being gamma or omega is. Each alpha started as beta.
Also not eveybody has to be alfa,but being alfa is being superior.

True there are medicore or even ugly people who can make it through dedication and hard work

>Don't necesesarily disagree with the graphic
You certainly should. The graphic is retarded. The left side is labeled as "positive" yet for all the descriptions besides Alpha it talks about what they lack rather than what they have. It's completely subversive and encourages resentment above all else.

>tom brady
>not caesar
Boomer alert

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Or good social skills. Wilt Chamberlain for instance, wasn't particularly good looking, but was a notorious womanizer.

Don't fall for the propaganda.

>Being beta is not really bad in this insight, being gamma or omega is.
Gammas and omegas have their virtues as well, which the graphic does not touch on in the slightest.

>Not Jesus

Degenerate newfag detected.

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A soldier is someone who chooses to follow orders because he believes in and agrees with his leaders. A beta is someone who follows orders because he's scared of the repercussions, or will go against orders for the same reason.

Personally good look is only way I can go, got mental shit going on

What virtues ?

>Conquered millions and ruled with an ironfist, and still everyone loved him to a point his own son took power and killed everyone including a rival empire in the name of him
>created Christianity causing the reconquista and destroying muslim shitskin hordes from this Earth
>created base religion for most of Europa today

Hard decision desu.

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Looking at the graphic a second time, I did notice that "real" photos as opposed to staged or stock photos, appear more on the bottom than on the top. Look at the bottom tier of omegas - those are almost exclusively personal photos or some form of selfie/webcam, directly contrasting to the Alpha positives, which are all obviously actors or models (same with alpha negatives, possibly minus the Jersey Shore style pic).


The pic doesn't really make sense for Gamma because I wouldn't classify philosophers there at all. Artists, however, fit there, and artists are exactly what should tell you about the virtues of the Gamma.

Omegas are simple. There is nothing wrong with being simple. They will do the dirty jobs without complaining. Being content with that is a virtue.

You described deltas positive and theyre's nothign wrong with them,omegas are just trash tier.

I guess author of the graphic wanted to point reader into becoming alpha and achieving described skills. Not a bad thing considering it'd require a lot of effort and surely pay off

That's fair. Being physically fit outranks looks anyway. Correlates to being dominance.

Bottom line, alphas are the "triple threat" - physically strong, clinically intelligent, and socially intelligent.

"real" betas are not worse than alphas, but "alpha behaviour" = manly behaviour
it's not really a true statement, just how people use the word

I'm not really seeing the difference between Delta and Omega. I think the Omega is really just the shadow of Delta in that pic.

Couldn't say it better. I've read once that some study foudn that you don't necessarily need to be ripped ,women will already value you higher if you got strength rather than looks.

Delta is able to be part of society,he can fit and benefit from it, he's got a place for himself.
Omega on the other hand can't do that, wheather by not understanding rules or just unwillingness to adapt to them,they can't fit and will never be able to.


Attached: underman beta.jpg (850x400, 66K)

In that pic, the Delta is described as working "menial jobs." Those are the lowest paying and most basic jobs. Those workers are also always the people who are first to be threatened by new technologies, aka the people who can't fit into society and will soon not be able to at all. In a shift so quick it's easy to miss, these people can become exactly as the pic details the Omega. The Omega is just the shadow of the Delta in that pic.

If we want to theoritize I'd say deltas would adapt to other basic jobs, not all of them will be taken at once, it's slow process.
And before they run out of opportunities they will die