It's impossible for me to be happy in public anymore

I can't fucking take it /pol. I can't even go to the fucking grocery store without being reminded of how america will never be what it once was when I was a child.

>be me
>wife and I go to grocery store to get food for the week with our 2 kids.
>notice that most women are wearing spandex pants so tight you can see the cellulite in their ass
>see retarded looking lesbians always wearing work out clothes with 3 kids. Each dyke has blue or green or pink hair.
>see race mixed couples
>while in the vegetable isle I see 15 fucking Mexicans walk in wearing traditional Mexican clothing
>think to myself holy shit you never see any display of European culture anywhere cause it's "rayciss"
>remember it's fucking Cinco de mayo
>suddenly I hear fucking Mexican music blaring from the speakers in store
Pic related is my face
>Mexicans start dancing
>all the white people gather around and look in amazement as the spics do some retarded dancing
>go to check out
>kids say "let's go over there to look I want to see what they are doing"
>I say "no you can see from here, they are just dancing and our car is closer to other doors opposite of mexicans"
>accidentally say out loud "what are they even here for"
>bagger bitch here's me and says "it's Cinco de mayo"
>can't hold power level in any longer
>i immediately answer back "Cinco de mayo is a made up holiday for americans to get drunk, Mexico doesn't even celebrate it, and it's not even Mexican independence day"
>wife here's me, tells me to calm it down, she knows he rage has already built as usual when we are in public.
>bagger bitch shuts up and doesn't say anything
>have to explain to kids in the car that Mexican culture has nothing to do with American culture and Cinco de mayo is a made up holiday

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can't take it pol. I can't fucking take it. White people, my fellow people, are literally the worst enemy to the white race. Liberalism has ruined EVERYTHING this country once stood for. I fucking hate it. In 2 yrs I will have 10 acres paid off in the middle of the fucking woods and we will be building a house that we will live in for the rest of our lives. My wife will home school the kids and I will constantly teach them what it means to be white.

I pray for something to cause chaos in this country, it's time for war, it's time to hang the traitors. I know chances are it will never happen, but a man can only hope this country will be restored to a time before (((they))) ruined everything.

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Everything is coming true

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>go to a grocery store
>it's fucking cold so everyone is wearing winter coats
>piles of snow on the streets
>what a nice average day in May

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You're just black pilling and being vague in your statements. Another deep thought thread with no solutions, just "find peace or die angry". Did you think of that while stoned? Jesus didn't say to be a cuck to other cultures, he said to fight with a sword and keep it sharp through the teachings of the bible. Christianity today is a joke of what it should be, and of course the (((subversion))) plays a role in what Christianity is today.

yes go to a house and wait for the army to kill you once stfh.

My plan is better

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10/10 gif

0/10 reply cause you are being vague. My house is not to keep me safe, it's to keep me isolated from the spics and niggers. Unfortunately I will still have to go in public but it will be a smaller city with a higher white population. Obviously I could be bombed in the middle of the night, so your point is redundant. I could only pray that I die in my sleep if shit gets that bad.

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fucking retarded burgers

>says I'm retarded
>doesn't even offer a correction

The absolute state on non americans

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> I could only pray that I die in my sleep if shit gets that bad.
Or you could build a bunker an get fancy weapons. What i am telling you is that your plan will meet an army of skilled soldiers and subhumans too. Subhumans will leave the city and hunt for whatever resource they find, that includes "the fuckings woods".

If you want to survive you better get prepared for it or either leave America. Go to Alaska or anyplace with hard living condition where no sane nigger will ever put a foot in it.

you faggots keep calling leftists "liberals"
do you not see what's wrong with that?

OP, stop being a faggot! Mexicans don’t celebrate “5 de mayo”, idk why Americans celebra......oh it’s because Americans don’t have traditions.
Hard to be aware when you never leave the echo chamber of your prejudices.
They played us.

>die in my sleep

why do you come to 4chins and cry like a little bitch?
take your family and move to a place were they dont have to see niggers and sandmonkeys.
what about montana, oregon, idaho or whatever, i heard there are still some good states left in your mutt-zoo burgerland

>we totally won WWII!
>Germans BTFO
>we fight for freedom!
At least you faggots go down with us.

Well that’s what you get for enlightement era values.

You didn't even read did you. I have already bought land away from all the niggers and spics

At one time we had culture. Now American culture is considered racist and shunned. The subversion worked quite well.

good, so why are you bitching?
why are you talking about war and bombs and dying in your sleep?
everything will be fine, just stay away from big citys and (((media))).
raise some fine white children, and when you are old and have many grandchildren you will die in your sleep fegget.
dont shit your pantys.
but anyways, this whole thread smells like larping kikery

youre a faggot frenchie
do you not see whats wrong with that?

>pathetic insult
read a book and address the point nigger

why are manbabies allowed to have children?

Yeah, living in American or Britain as a white male will red pill you pretty quick.

you've already set your children on the right path. They will be race traitors thanks to you. Don't touch means touch. don't look means look. don't ask means ask... You done fucked up.

I fear We have only just enterered the so called “good times”