One of these women is Asma al-Assad
The other is Federica Mogherini, an EU representative.
One of these women is Asma al-Assad
The other is Federica Mogherini, an EU representative.
Why'd they kill ghadaffi?
>Federica Mogherini
Oh noooo, a blonde Italian woman who isn't fat!!! Hold the presses.
what are you even talking about
Nothing wrong here.
I'd fuck either of them - Asma gets first dips, but if push came to shove I'd stick it in the wop.
TIL dying your hair blonde makes you blonde.
I heard that Mogherini bitch was literally a member of the communist party in her earlier days
For those who are slow on the uptake: Mogherini is wearing a hijab and Assad isn't.
>TIL dying your hair blonde makes you blonde.
It literally does.
>Mogherini is wearing a hijab and Assad isn't.
Then Mogherini is doing a fucking bad job at it, because the religious fanatics that are Muslims think a "hijab" is worn the right way in pic related.
Their mantra is "not one hair!"
She'd look better in a burqa
Of course she is, she's an Italian virtue signalling. She probably doesn't even know that.
shit, I wouldn't have guessed
Eurabia is real
Seriously, take this Sarah Rhodes girl. She's not the best looking girl, but she looks miles better without the hijab. Anyone who says that tablecloth looks good on anyone is just a virtue signaling retard
>Anyone who says that tablecloth looks good on anyone is just a virtue signaling retard
The point of the hijab is so women and girls "do not arouse sexual feelings in men". Which is also why Muslims want kids from age 3 wear hijabs - simply because Islamists are typically pedophiles who get sexually aroused by small girls without hijabs.
EU are islamists , syrians are not
Asma al-QT
I agree, I'm talking about virtue signalling westerners. My sister said this shit when she was a 10/10 SJW and she's slowly swallowing the redpill.
Asma. Based and beautiful.
What I wouldn't give for a stroll in the park with her on a sunny Sunday afternoon.
The point is being naturally blonde, you fucking retard.
i remember reading that passage, 4:28 it was i think
Europeans have always been wearing headscarves though. Doesn't make them Muslim.
No we haven't. Not like that.