Comey caught lying

How come you faggots aren't talking about this?

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Literally doesnt matter. Elites cant go to prison like us lowly serfs

Wait, he lied again? Color me shocked.

Because nothing ever seems to happen with this stuff. There are countless examples of lawlessness and misconduct by public officials over the past few years, but it's not like Jeff Sessions is indicting people for that stuff. So, fundamentally, what difference does it make?

>The NSA doesn't do any domestic spying

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The notion that James Comey and the FBI have represented an ombishambles that has permanently called into question their legitimacy and integrity is not news at this point...

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none of this matters since these people will never go to prison. us is a banana republic

You are not wrong.

Comey lied when not under oath.
Clapper lied while under oath.
Both are conspiring to over throw the government. Both have committed sedition, and are protected by the deep state.

cause we've been talking about it since 2015

>lowly serfs
Implying they think so high about average person.

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>what difference does it make?
t. goy

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Yes, but it hasn't been unraveled to this extent before.

First of all, Zero Hedge is garbage.
But more importantly, let's pretend just for a minute that it was true. It's not, but let's just pretend. So what? Trump lies ten times a day and you think it's the greatest show on earth. Comey lies once and you act stunned that I don't immediately change political parties.
So again, Comey didn't lie anyway. But even if he did, Trump lies more in a week than Comey lies in 10 years.

God i fucking hate Sessions so much.

First of all
Go read the fucking article
Lurk more


this is literally fake news

Bingo. Honestly they brazenly break they, go on talk show tv and laugh about it. Then nothing happens. You burgers need to take the law into your own hands.

Zero hedge is garbage. If I had a nickel for everytime they said the economy was collapsing I’d be Bezos rich


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I don't need to read anything on Zero Hedge to know what it's about. It's crap. I could just lay a blank sheet of paper on the floor, take a dump on it and get the same result.

When was the last time a suit wearing washingtonite faced any penalty harsher than "forced to step down". Have any of these cunts ever gone to jail?

Well Barney Frank was found to have a child homo sex ring being run out of his apartment, and he went on to become one of the most powerful congressmen for years onward until he helped pull off the 2008 bank heist and then retired into comfort. So.

Either he's working on a long-term double-super-secret master-plan, or he's lazy/indifferent/corrupt as fuck. And the chances of the first scenario being true drop with every month that goes by with no action, since many crimes are subject to statutes of limitation. Ie, by now, many crimes from earlier than May 2013 can no longer even be prosecuted.

These threads deserve more posts. Stop responding to threads with just a twitter screencap you fucking redditards

It's pretty well known Obama DOJ and the FBI were working hand and glove together.

Too fucking big to fail. These fucks should have just burried the Russian bullshit....

Or what? Comey just made 10 mil on a book deal and tour. imagine what Mueller is going to get for his.

His pension wasn't enough?

>person X, who I have been investigating for some time now, violated federal laws 1, 2 & 3
>no reasonable prosecutor would take this case
>person X is innocent of violating federal laws 1, 2 & 3

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the fact that its almost summer of 2018 and hillary is still free makes me realize nothing has changed
