Juden Peterstein Lecture Q&A

I will be attending a Jordan Peterson talk on the 29th this month and plan on asking a question that will make him squirm. Any suggestions? I was thinking:

>"How do you reconcile the cognitive dissonance of being staunchly against ethnic tribalism while simultaneously being a supporter and admirer of the state of Israel?" (Credits to user in yesterday's /jpbtfo/ thread)

>"It's a sociological fact that people will favor those of their in-group and their interests above everyone else. Given this fact, and the fact that Jewish individuals are overrepresented in nearly ever facet of American government, media, and finance, it it really that conspiratorial to suggest that there is a problem with Jewish overrepresentation?"

Will also be attending with two of my friends who are bluepilled on the JQ. I promise to deliver, anons.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Juden Peterstein

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Frame yourself as a practicing Jew, drop red pills about them whilst asking about the importance of "telling the truth or at least not lying".

Go with the first question.

And if he comes back with some bullshit like, "The difference is that Jews have been persecuted all throughout history, bucko, clean your room"?

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The first question can easily be doged by denial,
"I'm not an admirer of the State of Israel"

2nd question is better


Also you must read this whole pic related thing before you go.

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> mfw Jow Forums are the jews now
feels good senpai
expose these alt_lite controlled opposition faggots who want to lead whites off the path of NatSoc.

What are you trying to achieve by this? Do you think that he's stupid enough to admit his power level in public (assuming that he knows the (((problem))) )? Dude's already being attacked by the media for being "alt-right", of course it would make sense to distance himself as far from the alt-right as possible. I don't care about his beliefs regarding race, etc. I think he's doing a great job educating young men to be functional members of society. He's helping them to achieve the basic requirements for a bright future yet you fagget are shitting on him for not running around screaming "MUH GORILLIONS LOL 1488 GAS NIGGERKIKES KEK".

Maybe you are the one who should actually start listening to him. Go be a functional member of a healthy society and after that you are allowed to be worried about race issues. Fucking mutts, get your shits together.. geeeez.

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How can OP fit more dicks in his mouth?

You shouldn't. Peterson, despite disagreeing with Jow Forums on several important topics, is semi red pilling normies everywhere. The harm he does to the cultural marxists is worth not attacking him.
He clearly choose to ignore the JQ and the role of their nepotism though.

I was in that original thread, that user is extremely bright and helped wake me up from his spell. Unfortunately, my friends and my father are devout followers of the cult leader. My father has bought me both of his books and has been trying to get me to read them with him. My friends just recently found him and now spend hours a day listening to his biblical lectures and every conversation I have with them now is just regurgitated JBP garbage. Any time I give the slightest criticism, like denouncing the radical individualism, they really do act like it's a personal attack and rush to defend his honor with "CLEAN YOUR ROOM". It's so disheartening to witness. Then again they're the ones that browse T_D everyday and think Israel is based like good little goys.

Is the final red pill that most whites don't deserve saving? Should we instead plan on becoming the next Jews?

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>if you want to remove a tree you cut off its branches
You fucking moron. The west WAS filled to the brim with functioning young men who contributed to society, I can't imaging (((what))) happened. We get rid of the conditioning and the proud men of the past will resurface.

Point in a direction of a healthy society.

>I promise to deliver, anons.
Godspeed, you magnificent son of a bitch.

We're counting on you OP. That first question alone might send him into a sobbing fit where he repeatedly mutters "I-I-I c-can't".

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>thinking the only way to red-pill an audience is scream "GAS THE KIKES 1488"
So tired of hearing this shit. Nobody wants JBP to go full Stormfront, but we at least want him to tell the fucking truth, or reveal snippets of the truth instead of outright denying it. He's a Zionist and is surrounded by Jews, he denounces the idea that whites should form together and fight back against the cultural Marxist encroachment on our race and values. It would be one thing if he remained silent about these things, but he doesn't do that, he outright attacks any of these possibilities.

Please read before spouting further autism.

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call him lobster king

Said the fucking fagget who's getting butchered by niggers in his own country..

No seriously, are you actually retarded enough to think that bringing up the jews and their cancerous affect on society will somehow help the masses to wake up? Don't you think that it should be more subtle and slow to make them want to wake up? You are too stupid to understand the basics of social dynamics. Go back to r9k you god damn autist.

>might send him into a sobbing fit where he repeatedly mutters "I-I-I c-can't".
Audibly kek'd. JBP is the one who says "Speak the truth, buckos" so I will simply be following his advice. Just looking for a good bombshell question that will fully expose his true motivations.

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>call him a moron
>proceeds to reply as if he's a regular on Tumblr
Relax man, I just disagreed with you. No need to spaz out.
Sure on paper it makes sense to "get them to want to get rid of jews" but in practice it doesn't work. In the past the only way governments and kingdoms could get rid of jews was by just throwing them out. We need to go manifest destiny on those rat fucks. In 50 years time no one will even care about the kikes.

There is no other way! The masses won't be woken up by your autistic screechings about MUH JEEEWWWWZ. We need to raise their level of acceptance for traditionalism and slowly work our way up. Jesus fucking christ did you learn nothing from Dr. Göbbels?

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come up with an answer to those questions in advance, he will respond neardly the same way you plot him if you know how to read a person what terms and words they always use.

that way, you are already prepared for his bullshit answer

Fucking jordan peterson. Good normie tier purple pill

Islam=Violent intolerant
Leftism=Violent intolerant

All he is missing is blacks and he's woke.

Stop. Just stop with the "muh breadcrumbs of truth" bullshit. Anyone who listens to JBP extensively knows that this is not what he's doing. The only truth he spouts that "red-pill the masses" is saying that Marxism is bad and there are 2 genders. Everything else is directly opposed to the goal many of us here have. He is no different than other neoconservative boomers like Shapiro, who supposedly "red-pill the masses".

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How are we going to "wake them up" when the jews keep convincing them that the red pill is evil? It'll be ten times easier to give the people a filthy boogeyman to hate and take their anger out on.

>If we keep bringing this up maybe they'll fall for it!

Didn't mean that Shapiro is a boomer, but that he espouses the same neocon drivel*

>pol hates Peterson
>So does the entire left


No, Jow Forums hates centrists, so does just about everyone else except centrists.

note how the meme is adapted from a typical right wing meme, and isn't very funny.

this image was made by a leftist.

I sincerely wish you would kill yourself.

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It won't matter. You are talking to a wall. At best you will get to ask the question and Peterstein kvetching, then it MIGHT get a bit viraly in the Alt-Right. But that will only preach to the choir. You need other ways to break the conditioning.

I suggest you make irrefutable historical videos that actually debunk propaganda claims about Hitler's Germany, WW2 and others. Don't try to brand it NAZI. Just do videos explaining WW2 in 10 minutes, "What was life like in Hitler's Germany" etc. If you know how to hide your power level, they can't shut you down, but will be able to actually red pill people.

See, this guy as a staunch enemy of the New Right, is very good at that. youtube.com/watch?v=b8AcmzqFdPM

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Again, your autism is showing. You can red-pill people about the Jews without "SCREECHING MUH JEEEWWWWZ". Nobody here woke up because of anons screeching about Jews, we woke up by seeing the actual undeniable data. When someone like JBP intentionally subverts this process by shitting on any and everyone who is proud of their race and recognizes the Jewish problem, that makes him an enemy to the cause. I don't give a flying fuck that he says there are two genders when he pushes a huge majority of potential allies into radical individualism.

If you were him, would you bite the hand that feeds?

Would you follow blatatantly astroturfed 1488 garbage movements and end up in a fema camp? Further right isn't the answer. Just do you and do it well. Families are the foundation of society, not state-driven collectivist movements like natsoc. I actually can't even believe how retarded you racewar faggots are. Ethnic groups need to cooperate in order to topple the elites, of which all demographics collude to divide and conquer us all. Be a man, schlongmeister. Put away your hitler dakis, fix your home front, and start a family.

It's not about being right-wing. It's about doing the right thing. Radicalized fools could never hope to successfully redpill a feminist. Transcend the prescribed political spectrum. Stop being divided and conquered.


Watch Faulk's latest video where he provides a lot of good data backing up the JQ. Formulate some questions based on the main points of his video, and don't let Peterstein get away with his "Jews are just so gosh-diddly-dang smart so they deserve to rule over you, bucko!" nonsense.

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>his power leve
STFU, hasbara and go back to Israel

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You have to go back

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>Watch Faulk's latest video
>watch gay omega male faggot Ryan "it was white nationalism which destroyed Hitler's bizarre Aryan race cult" Faulk

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Get him to admit niggers have the IQ of chimps. He was so adamant about Jews having high IQs so it's only right he addresses the nigger IQ question.

Nice pathetic strawman. Another Peterstein cultist detected, see how aggressive this faggot gets when we disrespect his Messiah. Nobody with sense is unironically advocating for violent genocide, we're encouraging people to fight back AGAINST genocide. In this sense, he is an obstacle.

Go back to cleaning your room and sucking Jewish cock, bucko! Those biblical lectures (aka shitty Jungian rip-off series) aren't gonna watch themselves!

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But that's also bullshit, user. It only addresses Western European Ashekanzi. All other Jewish subgroups have lower average IQ. And even then it doesn't explain anything.

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See how the Austrian kike flees the thread as soon as he's stumped and can't further defend his god. This is why I genuinely believe Jow Forums has become significantly overrun with shills the past few months.

>muh power level le 4D chess

fuck off shill

Then drop some Holohoax redpills or talk about the Holodomor or something similar to that.

Here's another one:

"How is it that you can say that 'it's not self-evident' to you that the neo-Marxists intend to replace White European people using mass immigration? It is a fact that the neo-Marxists see mass non-White immigration into majority European countries as the importation of the 'oppressed' class and as socialist redistribution of those majority European countries to the 'oppressed'. Some neo-Marxists even explicitly celebrate this as an act of social justice, calling it 'reverse colonization'."


ask him his opinion on Solzhenitsyn's antisemitic statements

That's true but I think it's better to just pin him down on the nigger IQ because he was so strongly advocating for white subjugation by Jews because of their supposed high IQ.

Just because Jews IQ isn't the reason they are in power doesn't mean we can't use Petersteins (((reasoning))) against him

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Recite “Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life” onstage

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Wtf!? I love Zionism now!!

Good job giving him advanced warning on your question. You know that jewish loser posts here.

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>just be a good goy
>you don't want to get in trouble do you?
>that would be scary
>telling the truth is too dangerous

This is simply not true. Many of us started their path with conservatism and traditionalism which further lead to nationalism and so on. No leftist/centrist self proclaimed "skeptic" is going to look up the data and information you mentioned. For them it's not even thinkable to suggest that the problem might be the jewish elites and therefore they'll never be curious about it.

Personally I felt like I had lived in a simulation or a dream for years. 5 years ago I'd have called myself a liberal and wouldn't even have thought the slightest thing about the JQ, it wasn't even an option.
This is why I believe that the only solution is a slow and subtle conversion of the opinions of the masses.
Of course these thoughts are based on my own experience and I have to agree that my autistic screeshing here doesn't solve anything. I'm sorry for insulting you and other anons here. We shouldn't fight each others like savages but work together and discuss these issues in a civilized manner.

The Holodomor was brought up by the first Peterstein JQ video. And you could already see how they react: the Jewish guy, if he even was that, was laughed out of the room as if he had something ridiculous and insane. The conditioning is way too strong for this to work. You'll just look like Westboro Baptist Church. You need to have SUBSTANCE, not shock value.

The only constructive thing you can do is bring up Vox Day and how he has disproven everything JP has said.

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Can you provide a link to that video please?

He's been absolutely eviscerating Peterstein and has stated that he plans to focus on doing so for the next two months at least. He was also invited onto the Alex Jones show to explictly trash Peterson (coming soon):



>A subculture appears
>Full of disenfranchised, above average IQ white males
>demands changes to the current social order and the status quo
>suddenly a "wise sage" type character appears, starts spouting some New Age nonsense and involves followers in navel gazing introspective "self-help"


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Jordan Peterson claims that Jews have a higher mean IQ than whites, attributing the claim it to Ashkenazi Jews, which is why they're so successful. Problem with that assessment is that Ashkenazi Jews are converts that hail from Europe and not Israel. Seeing as they are, does Jordan Peterson acknowledge race realism and does he concede that his narrative that Jews are intellectually superior is a flawed?

I'd phrase the question as such:
> If we can draw a causal link between the over-representation of Jews in positions of power and higher Jewish IQ, could we also correlate the under-representation of Blacks in positions of power with a lower Black IQ?

>the Jewish guy, if he even was that, was laughed out of the room as if he had something ridiculous and insane.
That's no what happened in the video at all you lying kike.

The audience politely listened to his question and then listened to Peterson's answer with rapt attention. The one who asked the question was not mocked in any way.

He already answered Jewish questions at some interviews,
He attributes it to their overrepresentated success to statistically hired IQ
you Should listen to some of his previous Q&As

>Low IQ skinhead shitskin fag prepares himself to get humiliated

Send photos.


>That's no what happened in the video at all you lying kike.
t. Der Skinhead-Untermensch

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Not going with
>Have you ever picked the African boggies out of your arse crack because you were bored?
Disappointment has hit epic levels, son.

>He attributes it to their overrepresentated success to statistically hired IQ
Yes, he lied about Jewish IQ and declared that anyone who disagrees with him is an antisemite.

Use this interactive calculator to prove that Peterson's argument is mathematically invalid:


Do you really want him to explain why thinking all black people are dumb is wrong?

I have to type this on my phone as I don't have access to a computer right now.. I'm not good with these little screens, this is why it takes long to reply.

I'm not a shill and I most certainly don't think of Dr. Peterson as a god. I just think that he's doing more for the youth than any of us have and probably ever will. What we say is just too scary for the masses. They won't ever take us seriously if we behave like the Waffen SS, they'll just see us as monsters. You can't break their conditioning that has gone for many decades in a single lifetime.

My opinion is that we should accept any help we can get and don't go full fourth reich on the normie population.

>When someone like JBP intentionally subverts this process by shitting on any and everyone who is proud of their race and recognizes the Jewish problem, that makes him an enemy to the cause.

What's the cause? Serious question.

>and doesnt afraid of anything
Oh christ I just had an aneurysm reading that

>my disinformation failed
>quick, post mutt memes
Yes, call me a skinhead for pointing out that the Jew who asked Peterson a question was not laughed out of the room like you falsely claimed.

You are quite obviously trying to intimidate the OP into not asking Peterson questions that will blow Peterson the fuck out.

(((You))) are terrified.

an approach could be to bring up other people that have been persecuted/genocided that now are living decent lives among other nations

Ask him about his opinion about reducing black on black crime and blacks over representation in violent crime


>I just think that he's doing more for the youth than any of us have and probably ever will.

Peterson's self-help advice is intentionally enmeshed with his political ideology. He uses self-help advice as a hook, and then teaches that people who have different political views than he does (i.e. are further to the Right than he is) have messy rooms (i.e. don't take personal responsibility and embrace his ideology of "radical individualism").

It's one of the oldest tricks in the book. Help people improve their lives with good self-help advice and/or community support, then indoctrinate them to believe some ideology.

It's a typical cult framework. It's literally the exact same thing that Scientology does.

>What's the cause? Serious question.
14 words.

>My opinion is that we should accept any help we can get

Peterson isn't helping anyone, he openly stated his mission is to subvert the Right Wing. He literally said that on his own. He openly shames European identitarians EXCLUSIVELY, and uses the same Leftist arguments. He was a keynote speaker at a Balfour Declaration Cenntenial. The foreword to his new self-help book openly discusses how his act was put together by a Canadian TV producer. If you're not a shill, you're a dumb cuck.

This. Remember to wear that little jew hat, I don't know what's it called. If you want to go one step further, buy fake jewish wig that has those faggy ass curles, you know what I mean.

I will donate you 100USD in bitcoin if you pull this off :D I promise.

Alrighty, then. Change that last part in the pic to: "Doesn't tout wildly stigmatized conspiracy theories about Jews." Now what? It still stands.
I have personally witnessed Peterson material hardening people against the very influences you're bitching about. Do you not see how incredibly valuable that is? Don't sabotage Peterson, you fucking moron. Supplement him. Use the ground that's being gained. Unless you're just an angry manchild RPing about saving the white race and obsessing over internet soibois to pass the time.

Found the underaged. Go back to reading for a few more years before you post.

I think this is the best question, I would actually want to hear his responce

How do you go about securing that future?

>Is the final red pill that most whites don't deserve saving?
Everyone knows this, this applies to all peoples. Why is this? They are low IQ, therefore they don't matter. They can still be harnessed and used on tasks that don't require that much intellect. They shoulnd't have any voting rights, though, they have no idea what they are doing.

>How do you
Since you didn't say "we" I have to assume you're a non-White concern troll.

Fuck off.

Ask him how Jewish IQ can be the sole reason for the massive jewish over representation in many industries and government while there are far more whites with IQs just as high or higher.
He never addresses this point and I'd wager that it'd break him.

As him the basic question
>if you believe Jews are genetically superior in IQ and that they should therefore lead the feast of us...doesn’t this by default mean you believe in SIGNIFICANT racial differences in IQ and also by defaul doesn’t this imply that ther is a racial pecking order! Doesn’t this mean you are a classical RACIST mr (((Peterson)))

Start killing corrupt politicans, cuck.

You went off the rails at me but apologized to him, hmph pretty gay desu.
But nah it's all good we don't hold grudges against a fellow user who admits his mistake. I think there is a compromise here that will allow us to achieve our goals. The thing that scares me about peterstein is it might happen that people don't go further. He has the power to confront them with the uncomfortable truth and chooses not to.

It's easy to insult someone with "dumb cuck". Well, I'm not, I just don't have enough time anymore for looking up even more about Dr. Peterson and/or his speeches. You could provide me with videos, etc. instead, so I could educate myself more on this subject.

Use this interactive calculator to prove Peterson's math is wrong:


However, I don't suggest OP go this route for his question he will ask at the microphone, since the real problem is that Peterson is using bogus IQ statistics, and you can't effectively challenge someone on that verbally (you would need to cite sources etc.).

Also PLEASE FUCK HIM UP with this
>if you believe Jews are justified in ruling over us due to higher IQ...doesn’t this imply that Europeans were equally justified in dominating the other ethnic groups of the world during the several European global empires and the conquering of the USA by Europeans?
Fuck this puppet, get him discredited as the Jewish supremacist he is

Jordan Peterson need to call out the jew he is living already from our donations. We control him now. JP; if u reading this... now is the moment to slay the dragon and save your (R1A/B//Aryan) Father.

Is his wife Jewish?

"...and other anons here..."
You were included if I'm not misquoting myself. Of course I have to apologize to you too, user.

This is a valid concern. I hope that he's somehow "collecting" a huge amount of people around himself so he can mass-educate them on the JQ at a right time. But I guess this is just my fantasy playing tricks on me. Well, one can only dream...

>Many of us started their path with conservatism and traditionalism which further lead to nationalism and so on.
It doesn't matter what path you took, that doesn't mean it was an optimal path.

The truth is the truth. Path from ignorance to the truth is a straight line, it needn't necessarily be some meandering path through various half-truths that eventually land you at the actual truth.

Furthermore, my argument is I firmly believe that Peterson's message is too poisoned with his ideology, and that poison too masterfully hidden in his overall message of self improvement, that he ultimately does more harm than good with regards to getting people to the truth.

While it might seem good at first to have a half-redpilled friend or family member, many anons can attest to the fact that it is almost impossible to redpill them the rest of the way because of how deeply poisoned they become by Peterson's ideology.

There is a reason why the Peterstein cult meme exists. It's very difficult to break this kind of conditioning.

Look at this user's testimony in this very thread: He is not the first user to post about something like this. People have lost friends to the Peterstein cult.

>I actually can't even believe how retarded you racewar faggots are.
Yeah? Retarded? What would YOU do when Abdullah, Jamal, Igor and the mighty Chong decides to invade your countries, drain your tax money through gibs and after all that they make their own laws by voting in the democratic system?

I believe that's already happening, and you are doing what exactly to stop it? You 'slowly red pil the masses' and this takes how long again? Given birth rates of humans vs. niggers you will see how much time you have left, do you see it?

You are too late, your tactic would have worked WITHOUT the jews having control about 50 years ago. It's way late for that party now. Centrit faggies like you are the REAL problem. You enable the Juden by your fucked up behavior and outright stupidity. You are voting cattle, nothing more.

Ask him
>as it’s clearly a racist viewpoint to consider ONE ethnic group (the Jews) as superior to others, why do you think the (((msm))) has not chosen to ruin your reputation, for a very obvious expression of racial superiority?
Fuck this cunt

It's amazing. I'm asking a simple question to determine how someone can go about creating a better future for their children and the responses I get are Fuck Off, and Kill politicians. It's almost as if you want someone to blame for being miserable more than you want to "secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

As it's going there isn't going to be a future, at least a good one, for white children and it's an obvious problem. What's happening now is Peterson is doing the work you can't because you keep fumbling with your hate boners. He is deprogramming people from the ideologies that say it's OK to hate and eradicate white people.

Do you want to be a victim, or do you want to have a future? It seems to me that expecting someone to confirm your victimhood on a public forum is more important than your stated goal as evidenced by the six months of Peterstein threads.