>go visit my mom
>see this on the table
They just steal your DNA for some global storage bank and sell it right?
>go visit my mom
>see this on the table
They just steal your DNA for some global storage bank and sell it right?
Other urls found in this thread:
yep. also jews I think.
If someone wanted your DNA that bad they could break into your house at night and take anything they want
They need the information to engineer a weaponized genetic selecting death virus.
Use the dog's DNA.
ok then have fun breaking into billions of people’s house at night
I'm 0.5% Ashkenazi, if they trying to target then they're bound to get some collateral damage
they have the rights to your genetic data once you give it to them. I don't know what they do with it after that
they can't associate a name with it though. This way they have your name, age, everything, and now your genetic profile
The Mormons run the other one.... I’d go with the Mormons
Someone once posted that they sent in monkey DNA and got 70% African and 30% unassigned.
Yeah they got the golden state killer with it alone. Watch them now do it when a baby is born.
well they basically have half of your DNA now.
Looks like some corp now owns you mate.
All thats needed is for a relative to be on one of the fucking sites.
>Police said they checked the crime scene DNA against one of the genealogy sites that have lately become popular — databases filled with the profiles of people who have volunteered their genetic codes in the hope of discovering their relatives and ancestors. GEDmatch, a free service, confirmed that police used it to identify DeAngelo.
the CEO is married to one of the founders of Google
Yep, sister or cousin or something to the CEO of Youtube, or something. Could be another DNA-company. But it's fucked up none the less.
>needing a DNA test to know his race
Seems right
Yes. This is how they caught the Golden State Killer aka the Original Nightstalker. One of his relatives sent in their DNA.
>I don't know what they do with it after that
probably sell it to insurance companies. imagine getting denied coverage because you carry a gene that makes you susceptible to some sort of illness.
That's just the point you brainlet why would they want a bunch of insignificant proles DNA?
Really or is this bait?
just open the box sweetie just spit in the test tube just give us your DNA darling don't worry just let us tell you how white you are
just give it to us
well after a quick search on wikipedia i found that the ceo is a lady named Ane Wojcicki, who is the daughter of a russian jewish lady named Esther wojcicki
All the insurance firms want that dna info for sure. However, those 23andMe types of health tests aren't very reliable. As been previously posted here.
Yeah, we caught them doing it and shilling here over a year ago and yet retards still decided to do it. Don't ever give anyone your DNA like that
One more generation of BLEACHED and her kids will be white but still get gibs for being niggers.
Don't worry, nobody wants your shitty 56% DNA.
That's a Polish name.
making statements in the form of a question aka valley girl.
the wiki page of her mother says her parents were Russian Jewish immigrants
>They just steal your DNA
It's nto stealing if you literally pay them to take it, it's garbage disposal.
Fitting since if you are stupid enough to do this then your DNA is probably garbage anyway.
The point is that they'd have a collection of dna of a sub group of people. this would allow them to research into a common weakness amongst them. Then give that research to a bio weapon team who could then create a virus that targets that specific race with that specific weakness for maximum casulaties. Don't believe me, look up which country actually developed race targetting virus's
hi there 23IDF
It's so much bigger than any of you know.
Know anyone black who you could convince to spit in it?
They use it to find super genes they will copyright and own in the future for making designer persons. The rest they use in genetic warfare in engineering diseases.
never fall for the DNA jew.
my grandmother died a year ago. about a year before she passed, my mom got her to do 23andme, and my mom, not understanding websites and privacy and whatever, checked the box that opens your profile up to discovery by others who might be related to you.
flash forward to earlier this year. my mom gets an email from a possible relative. she looks into it, turns out my grandmother had a child out of wedlock and covered it up, because she was Catholic and raised with that Depression-era sense of shame. this half-sibling of my mom and her brothers went on to have kids of his own, and one of them is now a cop. he's the one who contacted my mom.
my mom revealed this to her two brothers, and it's basically caused a schism in the family, because they brothers didn't want to know that about their mother. I think they're being fags, but the point still stands, my otherwise fairly unified Catholic family has been torn apart by this DNA revelation. my uncles won't talk to my mom, nobody wants to forgive anybody (despite all being Catholic... ... ...), and it's just a depressing shitshow all around.
don't fall for the DNA jew.
She's also the sister of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.
literally nothing to do with dna
(((christian))) cucks are hypocrites, more at 11
Show your flag.
the relative connection was made on 23andme because of similar DNA you triple nigger. my mom just wanted to find more relatives, she didn't think she'd uncover a family secret that would tear it apart.
My mom did this recently. She had given us a spook when she thought we may be Jewish, we aren’t, 99% Baltic 1% other European.
>it's basically caused a schism in the family, because they brothers didn't want to know that about their mother
>Communists don't want to hear about how evil Stalin is
>Nazis don't want to hear about how evil Hitler is
>Khmer Rouge doesn't want to hear about how evil PolPot is
> Your fag relatives don't want to hear about how evil their mom is for abandoning her children, a fate that they could have just as easily suffered
She's burning in hell, and that's a good thing.
you're blaming this on 23andme when it's not their fault your grandma was a degenerate
I used 23andme a bit ago. I don't mind them using my DNA -in fact it 'd be nice if they can use some of my genetic information to give other men extra large monster penises.
I'm not a selfish guy.
lol good try memeflag there's circumstantial evidence that it was rape
Did she rape the children?
She abandoned them, likely to her rapist no less.
You throw away pounds of trash a week with your DNA on it. If someone wants to catalog it they could get it there. It is not exactly secure.
it is owned by the sister of the owner of youtube whose 3rd sibling is into desease research. they try to fix their fucked up jew genes while simultaniously creating a bioweapon targeting people based on their ethnicity, as in non kikes
They never really explained how they caught the California killer. "we got his DNA!!!" "How'd you get it though?" "huh? we caught the killer!!" "I get that but where'd you get the DNA!?!?" "STORMY DANIELS TRUMP!!!"
Not surprised.
Boomers will do anything to sell out their country and genetic line to jews and china. Its what their generation will be known for.
They're also wrong 40% or more of the time. This whole shit circus is a scam to create a DNA database that YOU pay for. The best way to go about this is to go out and find a lab, pay a shitload of money, and get your shit sequenced, and take all the copies as your personal medical records, which belong to you.
This. I would pick Ancestry over the jewish ones.
>browse pol, listen to TRS
>get 23andme last week
>27% Ashkenazi Jewish
Of course you would
how much are they paying to to shill (((joseph smith))) here?
Yeah or they could make dumb goyim do all the work and pay for the pleasure
That wasn't the fault of 23AndMe. That was the fault of your cheating grandmother.
I'm completely OK with this sort of thing being uncovered in families.
But there's absolute evidence that it happened. So either convert your circumstantial evidence to actual evidence, or realize that you have a belief and not a proof.
Yes they did.
They had original DNA. They submitted it. It matched someone. They looked for relatives of that someone who were also suspects. They found one. They grabbed his DNA from discarded trash. It matched with the DNA they had in evidence. Boom. Caught.
What are you going to do with this knowledge? And what's the remainder?
What would I have to lose doing this ? Police already have my dna so i can't see what I'd have to lose .
It's worse than that. They send people fake information that tells them their 10% African or 10% Jewish
26% British and the rest is various continental European groups. It’s on my mom’s side also. I don’t know what to think.
You're grandmother was a whore.
That's why you use multiple services. 23andMe isn't the only one. There are 4 or 5. Do them all. You get better data and multiple analyses that way, too.
I sent my sample this morning. I expect to be X% Jewish but I imagine they'll throw in some dindu for good measure too.
why pay millions of soliders when you can just get the retards to send it in?
No no no... the best thing to do is put in the time and effort into an extensive family tree. No kikes get your DNA that way and you become closer to your family through the discussions
Dude I'm so infuriated.
Went to my nephew's birthday lunch the other day. He talked about getting 23andMe and how we could be Part Ashkenazi Jewish™ (apparently 0.2%, of course). The whole room could feel my fury even though I smiled along.
Fucking kid had the nuts to say he wanted to DNA test my dad, too. No way.
>welcome to you
Euugh i dont know if its just me but these newage pretentious slogans make my skin crawl.
Swap her swab for one with some nigger DNA for lulz
Recently learned that my Mom and Aunt goaded my grandfather into doing this shit so now I'm essentially in their database forever as that story of an old murderer/rapist finally being caught a few weeks back has established. I doubt I'll ever be a bad goy but I still don't like the idea.
It's tough. Do some research on who the Ashkenazi are. For example:
While their beliefs may be abhorrent, it's possible that you are of a line which is actually European in its source.
And if you're not? If you are of Near Eastern Jewish blood? You can support your beliefs, even if they go against the Jews.
I used to cringe at the people asking Richard Spencer “I’m X% Y am I allowed in the ethnostate?” but I just found myself thinking that. Wew
For some families, that's fine. For others, it's not. Genetic analysis is a tool that can be used to verify descendance.
I thought a bit about this. If I were the leader of an ethnostate, I'd be reasonably lax, but I think a number of 75% of "Broadly European" would qualify. Genetically, that causes the next few generations to become more and more European. And that's the goal.
It's fucking this. Since the government can't legally obtain your DNA without you committing a crime, they get dumb goys (mostly women) to hand over their DNA willingly to these companies, then law enforcement gets full access to it.
I mean, all you need to know is that the founder of the company is a Jew AND an ex-google executive.
For all the people stating that the Golden Gate serial killer was found this way, you're missing some info. They didn't go to the companies such as 23&me or ancestory.com and ask to run their DNA sample against all the samples in their system. They utilized a secondary website where people upload their genetic sequencing in attempts to locate relatives. The people using the site basically put it out in the open and anyone could do what the police did.
>law enforcement gets full access to it
Untrue. Read the actual 23andMe agreement. They will not turn over your data without being forced to by legal means. And they have never in their history been asked to do so.
Law enforcement in the recent case used 23andMe like anyone can: they submitted their stored DNA from the case and looked to see who it matched, and if any of their suspects were related to any of the matches. He was, they verified his discarded DNA from his trash, and they arrested him.
23andMe was used by law enforcement, but they didn't force 23andMe to do anything.
Right: GEDMatch.
All these people yelling that these genetic testing services are turning it all over to governments and such are just idiots. They're not doing that. But those services can still be used by law enforcement in this manner, and we've now seen it happen.
You can decide not to use these services because of that. But you shouldn't say that the services are at-fault when they clearly aren't.
I agree with you. This isn’t really an identity crisis moment or anything because I think I have a pretty measured view of the JQ that isn’t obsessive. It’s just really surprising since my parents never mentioned anything about this nor my grandparents, but one of them has to be really high percent based on this.
you're retarded nigel
gg no re your future crime career
Unlike you, I can shoot someone dead the moment they tresspass on my property at night.
its like hes not aware that lies are a thing
remember when the head of the nsa swore before congress that the nsa wasnt spying on americans. because it would be illegal. then we find out through snowden that they are spying extensively on as many americans as they can but they dont even get punished for it.
lies dude
the government lies, corporations lie, and if the people in power have their back then they get away with it. dont be naive
If this has ever happened to you, you're definitely white
Leaf, you don't even live here. Fuck off.
That being said, yes, people lie. But you know what? I can't live like that. I have to assume that somewhere there is some order. And if I can't find it, I have to try to make it.
pretty much, it's like a pyramid scheme for DNA.. " YOU WILL GET BETTER RESULTS IF YOU GET FAMILY TO TAKE TOO SERIOUS! WE PRMOISE ! "
This. And they'll even pay you, the dumb fucks.