White people almost completely genocide multiple races, rape/enslave innocent people and treat everyone else like filth

>white people almost completely genocide multiple races, rape/enslave innocent people and treat everyone else like filth
>white people are now being raped and driven to extinction by Muslims and the so called ”Niggers” they once ruled over

Karma is a bitch. See you mayonnaise covered demons in hell. Where you belong.

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Thats it, warm up the gas chambers, we got a lot of work to do

You need a soul to get into heaven or hell so either way both will be whites only.

those races also raped and enslaved another races.

If white people honestly wanted to genocide the other races they would've done it.

anglos =/= white

And black people were the Egyptian, slave masters

>>white people almost completely genocide multiple races, rape/enslave innocent people and treat everyone else like filth

By those criteria "Muslims" deserve it more than white people.

>white people almost completely genocide multiple races

The people that got genocided were engaging in genocide themselves.

Go be a faggot somewhere else.

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Why do we pretend that whites are the superior race when we couldnt febd off a couple of turks on horseback from enslaving us? Russia is doomed to fall and fron there the true reich will grow


>whites have the capability to genocide every other race, right now, at this very moment
>they don't

How do anti-white racists explain this?

yass queen slaaaaaaaaaaaay

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>wh*tebois and their fantasies

Obamanation made sure to give even the poorest of poor free seed killing cellphones in pocket. The mark of the beast, facebook was 3 foreign guys black person dating site king Soulman juju religion. 3rd temple is your brain technology is so smart it can target certain GNO'S

those hair extensions are legitimately well done

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Can't build modern civilization without breaking a few eggs, OP.

Jews have a book where they freely admit to genociding multiple races yet no one calls for them to be eradicated.

>I'm responsible for something my ancestors didn't do...somehow
My ancestors lived in peace with the natives and never had slaves.


t. Pakistani

that's the most passive aggressive hairstyle I've ever seen lolz

See juju religion and what color was Soloman Soul man.

Africa is all niggers. Latin america is all beaners. Asia is all asians. White countries are melting pot shitholes. Yeah. We really genocided you didnt we. Stupid fucking nigger.

>white country

>1 post by this ID

Niggers are born with that Mmmm-hmm, that's right whitey, look on their face. They are naturally antisocial and must be brought under control with the whip. There is no other way.

Technology traced white people there, why do you think they are killing them over there

>1 post by this ID

Does your Muslim owner know you post here?

>2 posts by this ID

I am the Muslim, idiot.

One day im gonna massacre shitskins. Im gonna massacre a bunch of kikes in a synagouge. Im gonna drive down a barrio shooting spics. And then im gonna run around the hood killing niggers.

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Bantu genocided all other native Africans within like a century.


>white people make the legislation importing niggers and erasing our culture
>implying we aren't genociding ourselves
Our genocidal instincts have gotten out of control! We're self destructing!

>jew id

>They are naturally antisocial
American whites don't talk to their own white neighbors, and it's the niggers that are antisocial...
They're perfectly sociable amongst their own.

> le monkey face

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Im sick of multiculturalism. I dont want to live with other races anymore. Im gonna fucking massacre these people. I dont give a fuck what happens to me. Ill let you know what the fuck i think before i leave this earth.

It's a completely different dynamic.
Shitskins were genocided against their will. They did not have the power to stop it.
Whites are being genocided by their own will. We have the power to stop it. All we need to do is decide.

you should invest in puncture proof tires and bullet proof glass, unless you know a synagogue sitting directly between a black and "dreamer" neighborhood the way to a mosque


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Niggers enslaved themselves. Whites just purchased their property.

>Jews almost completely genocide multiple races, rape/enslave innocent people and treat everyone else like filth
>white people are now being raped and driven to extinction by Muslims and the so called ”Niggers” the Jews once ruled over

oh, carry on then, its your country after all.

>niggers rape, murder and enslaved each other for thousands of years
>white people come along and do the same thing
>end up stopping it and stopping the international slave trade, including preventing the Ottoman Empire from enslaving niggers (you’re welcome)
>dragged the world into modernity, making life better for everyone
>get blamed by some subhuman monkeys who want you to be held accountable for the crimes of your ancestors whilst not doing for their own, and whilst ignoring the constant crimes they commit in the here and now

I unironically can not wait for the race war. I will kill so many you fuckig low IQ monkeys with my own hands

T. Subhuman nigger who lives off of the handouts of superior white people

Does this look shopped?

Attached: Unshopped Nigger.jpg (534x822, 28K)

The FBI have noted your post and will investigate sometime after Trump's impeachment


Sorry shitskin but we btfo of the Ottoman Empire

Go and live in Pakistan then with your ugly inferior inbred scumbag people


How do you think we stop so many terrorist attacks? It takes one to know one.

>Wildebeest in OP pic pinnacle of nigger beauty

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