Are Jews considered 'People Of Color'? or minorities in the USA?

Are Jews considered 'People Of Color'? or minorities in the USA?

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they're niggers

They're white when they feel like saying "us whites need to do this" but they're a protected minority when they are perceiving a threat so they can cry "muh 6 million" as they strike out

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Actually, they're considered "white" here.

No, Jews are there to fill all of the remaining white slots after the poc have taken theirs

all sandniggers are considered white in the us of a


Exactly this. They’re whatever is advantageous at the moment.

This seems true. I was watching some videos today and this one Jew was talking with a black guy and explaining that the Jew understands the hardships of the black man also cause he wasn't white also, he was Jewish and was oppressed by the white man.

I'm black and I consider them white. They actually are white, most of them. They have colored eyes and light hair and live wealthy. I never met a poor Jew. They're basically like upper-class whites but not racist like WASPs

Black mang said; true dat brotha I feel ya bla bla bla. All the while this Jew looked just like a white American. How do they get away with it

Why is there all this extreme generalization in the us?

when it's convenient for them they're minorities but when they want to apologize for all the atrocities white people have done they're white.

>Jews not racist like WASPs.

I'd laugh at your stupidity but you're a nigger so I don't expect much comprehension.

Because despite multicult propaganda, all people naturally segregate themselves. Browns see all whites and jews as being the same, just as much as whites see Italians and Venezuelans as the same.

They are the ((( other white meat )))

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kekd and checkd

Such fucking horseshit. You look at almost any industry and it's all Jews at the top. To suggest they are oppressed like the black man is insulting

They're considered God's chosen people here. Above everyone else. It's sickening.

Depends on which form they need to take to benefit at that current moment.

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Jews are silently "white" until things begin to heat up then they suddenly transform into poor innocent Jews huddled with the rest of the minorities until the coast is clear and revert back to their covert "white" form. Basically, Jews are very subversive when it comes to the "Are Jews white?" question.

Jews are NOT "white" nor have Jews ever been "white".

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Jew here, I'm white. Adolf Hitler is my paternal grandfather and even without that, I am pretty white.


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nah to your nah bro. Check my ID.
ID 762 very white guy

Depends on which state actually, been to a few that loop them in with blacks


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sometimes they say the Jew is the black of the white, but anything of the white is white. Also, I find that only people who don't have anything else going for them at all, no accomplishments or notable traits, are the ones who get real excited about what color what they are on the outside.

Whatever you say mooshie.

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They're considered white, and i think most people consider them as white

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Jews would be tolerable without the whining, persecution complex. Jews are no doubt smarter than average and that allows them to be successful for good or for evil. The good ones you don't hear about because they act like white people.

Jews are white, but also oppressed minorities, and if you think otherwise, they will destroy you.

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