A message to all of you racist nazi facist pigs

You fuckers with your conservative views and unwillingness to changed have fucked up so much. The mess you've left the world in will take decades to fix. Fuck you all. Fuck your racism. Fuck your inability to flex on fucking anything. I hate you. Your fuckers are the goddamn fucking worst. Thanks for trump. and brexit. and la pen. Fuck you. Fuck your lazy fucking oldness and your "Oh I'm an old dog and can't do new tricks" bullshit. Fuck right off and die. I've had this sitting on my chest for months. Jesus fucking christ I hate you. thanks so much for a world where your children will clean up your messes. Remember how you would always scold us when we didn't clean the table? Thanks for fucking up the planet and society. Suck a monstrous cock, drop dead, bye and die. Fuck you.

Fuck all of you pieces of shits, I hope you all die. FIGHT THE PATRIARCHY

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Other urls found in this thread:


Give yourself a post-term abortion.


>a world where everyone is a feminist
>having kids in it
top kek

Im sorry your parents havent gotten to burry you yet

OP is a fag.

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>doesn't piont out that rape culture is in fact African and islamic culture because it's easier to lynch a skinny man-gina beta white boy

Coward bitches.

>The mess you've left the world in will take decades to fix.

Oh the irony

Do you want to go on a date with me sometime user?

Typical leftie, blaming every other fucker for their problems. Anyway, we're not in charge are we? We're the fucking edgy minority, not you, bucko. Get ye hence.

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No u

Not sure if LARP...

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Part of me hopes this is real, and that your heart is racing fast as you type. You can feel the pressure in your neck, the room is getting hotter, your hands feel unsteady. A sharp pain shoots across your left shoulder and chest. Your face is plum red and your sweating. You've barely managed a breath or two in the last 30 seconds. Later on in the week your Tumblr followers will notice your drop-off and try to reach out, with no success. Too bad you use a pseudonym and they can't find anything about you, but I don't think they publish obituaries for fat orphans on the internet anyway.

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if you put this woman in power expect millions dead and a total collapse of civilization, please kill yourself you deranged roastie

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We are in such a mess because women forgot their place in society. Women need to be controlled for their own good.

nice b8

but still...unironically this is what the far left is actually thinking and is capable of doing when gaining power. We have seen this vicious violence towards absolutely everybody who stands up for them or disagrees even a little.
This kind of fanaticism can't gain any power because it will fuck up the society by crawling every aspect of life

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>1 post by this id

I learned a long time ago to let go of hatred. All I have now is a realistic, logical understanding of people, society, politics, and history. I have purged all emotion from these topics and approached everything at face value, stripping away emotional appeals and feelings and getting to the heart of the issue and solving moral dilemmas by logical means.

If you take this approach, truly take this approach, there is no way you're incapable of identifying the jews as a group as a parasitic tribe controlling the money supply of every major nation, manipulating people for their own benefit and gain, controlling what you hear, what you see, what you learn, and how you should think.

If you take this approach, there is no way you're able to turn a blind eye to the repeated shortcomings of Africans and those of their descent around the world. There is no way to not notice their lower cognitive abilities as a whole, their lower achievement as a racial group throughout history, and their negative, aggressive, detrimental, primitive, and criminal nature especially when placed into civilized societies in Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

If you take this approach there is no way you're able to view all people as equal and hold the childish belief that all people are indeed equal human beings. Equally protected under the law? Sure, maybe that should be the goal, but people are or aren't endowed with different skills and abilities. These vary from person to person at the micro level, culture to culture at a level above that, race to race at the macro level. Just as different breeds of dog are better in areas and at certain tasks, so are humans.

Stating these observations makes me a radicalized hate filled psychopath in your eyes. You have been so conditioned to not question the world around you that you reject all reasonable observation of it.

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your "new tricks" are what has actua;ly fucked up a great society you fucking commie
we will hang you from streetlights by your intestines to make sure no future generations repeat your cuckold mental illness


Didn't read the post, but just wanted to laugh at your poster.

Leftist propaganda literally encourages people to suppress knowledge.

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The hand symbol in this image is a Moloch symbol, it's his two horns. They are everywhere.

don't fucking call something b8 then actually reply in the thread without saging you fucking idiot. stfu. you people are goddamn stupider by the day

How nice of you sweetie. I love you too. Go now, please, and get me my fucking sanwich.
And stop swearing like a redneck piece of shit so someone might actally fuck you one day.

>remember when you would scould us for not cleaning the table?
OP, I’m going to drop all the edgelord shitposting, for you, right now. Get off of Jow Forums. Call a therapist and make an appointment. You’re being taken advantage of in ways that you’re still to immature to fully understand.

>it's not even a LARP
>this is the 'resistance' we're up against

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Low quality bait. Try next time with more effort.

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>getting irony
>ironing clothes

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Another roastie bound for hades, good job satan, good job.

>inb4 OP is actually a male feminist trying to earn brownie points

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The Jacobs ladder motif there represents the path through through the Kabbalah. It's something that is used often in leftist pamphleture

This is why we do it.

In the ribbon at least. You'll often see words on it as here or it will be an elaborate lightning bolt, referencing Jesus's vision of Satan

Obligatory “I will enjoy shooting you first”.

kek we're far past that here

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wow, why are you on the wrong side of history?

OP = Coal burning cuck
Perhaps you can live in Vt with Bernie Bros in a hippie commune and never ever have to battle with soap and water again.
Filthy fucking commie hippie.

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>vroom vroom

Ditch your problem haircut, grow it long and find a nice boy and get married. :)

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wake up

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you're all being slid

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>Progressiveness for the sake of progress
>Change for the sake of change
You don't get it do you, we don't want change for the sake of change. We think think things have either gone too far or need to stay where they are. You just want things to be different.

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Freemasons and the connected elite benefit most from your democracy. Go now, your stupidity is showing

>1 post by this ID

>fight gender roles and sexism
>start treating women as equals
>are where did all the good men go
Yeah, Nah. Go fuck yourself.

So when are you going to move away from all the evil white men?

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What have we fucked up? Please enlighten us. Last I checked, the left is driving the world into a ditch.

((They)) always want to tell us how evil we are.
My response is compared to who?
Because if they can find a 'better' place away from us, please do, from the bottom my heart, fuck off there...


REEEEEEEEEEEE! Hey, tell the truth: how fat are you? I'm guessing at least three bills.

Mad roastie or troll?

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Unlearn isn't a word.

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toasty toasty no roastie!

>>remember when you would scould us for not cleaning the table?
yeah what is this even referring to


Artificial wombs and sexbots will make women obsolete

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fairly good b8

Just for that rant, I'm going to make my wife get on her knees and suck on my cock. I'm not even horny, but I need to put a woman in her place.


i want to get my weiner moistened

>Fuck your lazy fucking oldness and your "Oh I'm an old dog and can't do new tricks" bullshit.
My racism and anti-semitism was learned. As a child I was a good little goy who thought racism was really, really bad and naughty, and that the jews were hapless victims.