Public Service, what color is this check?

What color is the Twitter @Verfifiction check mark?

Most idiots think it's blue. This is the best twitter trolling you can find.

The check is actually 'WHITE'. Not rainbow or Chocolate, but 1488Whtie!

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 1.53.42 PM.png (620x364, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread: check&src=typd


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 1.55.25 PM.png (1185x799, 532K)

I don’t even know what that is. Fuck twitter and fuck you.

First world problems.

I love James woods, he's based.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 1.56.22 PM.png (587x266, 59K)

>I don’t even know what that is. Fuck twitter and fuck you.
Damn, you dumb!

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at 1.57.13 PM.png (1492x1025, 1.59M)

fuck off wayne

>this is trolling
Did you make the thread yourself Wayne?

I can't even read something that full of faggotry without tasting dick.

You're becoming a Zionist TRS shill, Wayne.
Re-think things.