Why do Jews hate us?

I don't get why someone like George Soros would go to such great lengths to destroy the West when it seems so much more likely that they're just doing what they believe is for the betterment of mankind, I certainly disagree with them, but I can't imagine why anyone like him would be consciously trying to subvert and destroy the West, explain Jow Forums?

Attached: Faustian_Bargain.jpg (400x370, 23K)

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I do not know, I have never even met a Jew. Just saw some walking around way back in Antwerp.

Well there's 2 possible reasons you think this, the first is that you're a compassionate white and the second is that you're a brainless mongrel, either way, with jews you lose.

See what orthodox kikes preach and teach and what they think of non-Jews. The second you realize they are the closest-knit community of people that benefit of all the others it becomes clear.

Not all kikes are like this, but I’m convinced there is a large portion of them in high places that fit the stereotype for the full 100%. Backstabbing and scheming fucks. Soros is just the an evil bastard, there’s no way around this, what motivates assholes like that nobody can even begin to fathom.

First of all, they're not all Jews. That said, they think everyone who isn't an elite, they don't see normal people as people, but just an fungible, interchangable economic unit. White, black, ""latinx"", asian, ect, not important to them. Culture, nationality, all unimportant. All that matters is how much they consume and they are not trying to 'destroy' anyone, they see demographics declining in one country, they wish to protect their revenue by replacing the consumers in that country. A blip, a minor correction to be made, an opportunistic gap that must obviously be filled.

It doesn't matter who to them.

since the destruction of the Temple by the Romans, slavery by the Egyptians, captivity by the Babylonians, conquered by the Arabs, conquered by the crusaders, occupied by the British, persecuted by the Nazis...they hold a grudge against goyim.
But the biggest transgressions they consider to be by the Romans and the Nazis, two western powers, and so they see European empires as the biggest historical threat.
European power was the easiest to subvert as Jews can easily blend into western societies and use the European suicidal empathy and natural spirit of defiance/yearning for a better society against them.

He believes the nonsense of racial egalitarianism intellectually and consciously, because the alternative, reality, is too ugly for his little mind to bear. Same as the west in general. He is fine with niggers and semite races ruining white civilizations. He can go on pretending they won't end up as shit holes, even if South Africa and anywhere else show no, that is stupid, come back to reality. Because The Dream is oh so pretty in his head. It's a vile thing. Millions died from Marxism over such mental illness.

Subconciously, he is a very racially aware Jew, that seeks to benefit himself and his own at the detriment of other groups. He is a Jew, therefore he has no white guilt. His ego can run free.
And egotistically speaking, he's a rich fucker who thinks he's on a noble crusade bringing about equality. He feels he is an elite steering society to a better outcome. It won't be of course, it'll be a quasi-marxist mountain of utter polluted poisonous manure. But if you can just imagine the outcome will instead be a multi-racial, income equal fantasy land where everything turns out all pretty, anyone can be a leftist buffoon. The process is easy; just think up something really really really nice happening. Like races being equal, or bleach giving you super powers when you drink it instead of killing you, and then try your damnedest to make it happen. While you look for every way to duck from consequences personally, when childish thinking goes to shit. That's the leftist's way. That is the George Soros way as well.

Jews hate everything

World domination

>First of all, they're not all Jews.
Yes it is.
>the elite!
Shut up, Alex. The elite have been replaced. The Templar-Gnostic-Freemasons-Vatican had a lot of the same designes but they didn't have a plan to destroy the white race through small incremental attacks.

>slavery by the Egyptians
Never happend, they didn't exist then
>captivity by the Babylonians
Never happened they didn't exist then, and if they did they were nomads (= "Hebrew")
>conquered by the Arabs
They didnt have anything to conquer
>occupied by the British
= Palestianians
>persecuted by the Nazis
They were the persecuters and killed 200 million people.
Romans maybe, but they did it to everyone. That's not an excuss 2000yrs later.

Attached: jews feminism cultural marxism demoralize.jpg (1496x3915, 944K)

Watch the following:

>Culture of Critique for Normies (Full)


>What is the JQ Jewish Question Greg Johnson explains


>Goy Guide To World History Part 1 - 7




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Attached: Sarah Silverman recalls being ‘scared,’ ‘shaken’ when boyfriend flew U S flag ‘I was freak (1549x1642, 840K)

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The historical validity of these stories is completely irrelevant, especially to a jew.
All that matters is that the history books continue to record these events as real so they can keep kvetching and playing on the 'most historically persecuted minority' tag.

They want to destroy anyone who
1) have the ability to stop them
2) have tried or at some point succeeded in stopping them from gaining control and using us as their work slaves. As of now the only people resisting them are Norks, Muslims, and natsoc whites

They hate everything good, because they reject God and they're jealous of whites.

I was walking around town and a bunch of Jewish guys came out of nowhere and started beating me for no reason,calling me a goy motherfucker after they destroy my face they told me "don't even think about telling anyone we own the police, judges and government" then they kick me in the nuts.
Seriously what the fuck it's wrong with these kikes?

Their holiest book, the Talmud, commands Jews to lie to, steal from, con, and kill us GOYIM.

Attached: zzzIsraelHateCrime2.jpg (1180x1063, 344K)


Bobby Fischer, the greatest chess player of all time and a Jew himself lays it out.

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to kvetching.

this essay isn't too long and covers the events of the past. They don't match up with the bible retelling:
>Actual Exodus story

lets not oversimplify the situation

whites are creative, innovative, and empathetic. jews see that as a threat and use our empathy to make us destroy ourselves. whites also stand in the way of the jew plan of a world of mixed brown people of no/all race lorded over by the jews.

Attached: jewish_talmud.jpg (998x1134, 347K)

This is how Jews would behave in South American cultures.

Jews see these events as G_ds punishment for their mistakes. They don't hate the goyim for his reason.

>Jews see these events as G_ds punishment for their mistakes.
Only a small minority of religious Jews feel this way.

I don't think Jews hate goyim, but rather have a patronizing approach. They think God gave world to them

Because you are a fagget. Noboly likes faggets

>Jews see persecution as G-d's punishment for their mistakes
Some penguins do, yeah, but most Jews don't.