I activate the trap card mirror force

I activate the trap card mirror force.

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Damn, I just want to be there right now and walk with her. Walk with her and support her sluttiness.

Why can't we on Jow Forums have nice things?

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The jews got jewed?

Get in line.

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hambeasts and depressed looking/mentally ill girls who have been reading propaganda every time.

Yeah, difference is the Jews aren't gonna be cucks over white guilt and beat the shit out of 'em for trying this. It'll go away in like a week, like when Pussy Riot tried shit at the Russian Olympics and no one's heard of 'em ever since.

Jews getting high on their own supply.
I support this and open borders for Israel.

Israel moat transform into a more diverse and inclusive society if they want to survive.

ONE thing
ONE guys said

>Jewish sluts
Kind of redundant

I want to open a sperm bank in Israel and provide sperm for Israeli women. I'd tell them that the sperm is from respectable individuals with high IQs and shit, and then impregnate them with fucked up negroid sperm riddled with genetic disease like the Jews do in Europe.