Whiter than america

You can only post here if your country is whiter than America.

Pic related. America is so non white that even Pakistan is whiter

Attached: kalash.png (608x912, 913K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>country is 70% inbred
>iq is literally going to shit because of above mentioned point
>muh pakis are white!!1!!111

go back to pookistan

>This white in America

Attached: mutt8.jpg (1280x960, 132K)

we are literally just rape babies bhai

Attached: A.png (744x222, 37K)

We aren't white, we are just whiter than america.
Even Uganda is whiter than america that's how not white america is

Attached: mutt6.jpg (960x660, 174K)

>91% street shitter genes
god how fucking delusional are you, at least the
actual pakianon gets it.

The most powerful nation on earth is ruled by Jews, Goblina, Maria, José Juan and Miguel.

>Le 0% is still lower than le 9%

Attached: mutt3.gif (1920x1080, 1.03M)

She looks worried.

She is worried that the amerimutt negro will rape her.