The absolute state of Spain

the absolute state of Spain

Attached: DcaovveWsAA6mUp.jpg (998x1200, 127K)

Most immigrants here are from latin america. They're just like tanned spaniards

I they asked about shitskins and nogs maybe the answer were different.
I don't uncomfortable speaking to spanish, polish, french or greek migrants.

>They're just like tanned spaniards

Attached: 1454313467406.png (1106x1012, 660K)

It seems you are one of them.

>They're just like tanned spaniards
now I understand why catalans want independence

yeah we must redo the poll

Please remove from this list.

Damn, still not sober enough for this shit.
I meant: "If they asked about shitskins and nogs maybe the answer were different. I don't feel uncomfortable speaking to spanish, polish, french or greek migrants."

spaniards are more clasist than racist at least if the cultural differece is not as big
south american are ok tier
blacks are those poor people that have sufferen unffairly and need to be protected
the only minority that nobody want here are the muslims not even the left want them here