Why do liberals celebrate breaking the law?

Why do liberals celebrate breaking the law?

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Wow she had to pay for her own education what a hero.


How is this even possible ? I have to sent an ID card scan any time I do an administrative procedure, especially when it comes to university

I hope she at least gave her "papi" a blowjob for paying for all of her college. Lord knows she would have taken up prostitution otherwise.

Because universities look for these types and push them to the top.

Subjectivity. Morality is subjective. They have loose morals when it fits them and their agenda. That''s why they support blacks chimping out while freaking out about the Charlottesville incident.

If a white person did the exact same thing in Japan, liberals would call for Japan to essentially execute that guy. In here, they celebrate this nonsense.

She didn't pay for shit: she had a man pay her way. She is a typical woman, "Oh, no! These are hard times. I guess I better become a financial vampire upon a man for a couple years."


I wonder what her degree is in.

Honestly the most disgusting part of the entire tweet is mixing spanish and english.

When my grandparents were kids they were bilingual until their families decided that even speaking German in the house was unacceptable. So much so was the desire to assimilate and not garner odd looks. Any person truly desiring to assimilate to US culture would be ultra conscious of using phrases like papi instead of father.

In my experience, it's mostly out of sympathy. I tried discussing why lax policies regarding illegal immigration was a shitty idea with my friends, and their counter arguments boiled down to, "but they came all this way" and "they just want a better life". As long as these people have a sad story to tell, it doesn't seem to matter to liberals that they're breaking the law, taking resources away from citizens/taxpayers, and fucking over people who actually take the time to go through our (admittedly bloated and bureaucratic) system.

She’s doing it to rub it in our faces.

Underwater vagina weaving

If it’s sympathy, why doesn’t it extend to white people?


women studies

>mixing spanish and english.
Where? Because she call her grandfather Papi? Is she not Italian?


White privilege son. White privilege.

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why are they all over weight, look at those sausage fingers

Why do conservatives refuse to change the law to reflect the reality of the situation?

Maybe they were ashamed of being Germans because of Hitler?

Why are people so proud of getting a degree? It's not hard you just do what you're told and pay thousands of dollars you don't have for 4 years. Any moron can do it, literally, that's why so many morons have degrees

Are there a lot of undocumented wops that look like chupacrabres?

Doesn't matter anyway, speaking spanish or speaking italian, still dirt languages that have no place in the US.

Racism basically. Whites are assumed to be automatically at a level of success/wealth/intelligence and therefore not deserving of help. Meanwhile, non-whites are all assumed to be somehow exploited or oppressed by whites at some point in history into becoming poorer/dumber than the rest of of us.

Liberals will even admit to this if you phrase it in terms of "white privilege".

They're used to fighting authority not becoming it.

>pizza in her name
>FGAS profile pic
>stay puffed marshmallow man tier hands
>clearly a subhuman mix breed
Could she be any more Amerimutt?

You're forgetting that holocaust brainwashing didn't start happening until years after the war and that during WWI the majority of the US wanted to enter on the side of Germany, to a lesser extent the same sentiment in WWII.

This was before WWII though, early 30's.

what is student affairs?

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Laws exist for a reason. Mexicans are the sole reason we have bed bugs in the US after not having them for decades. Think about that.

Good God the irony, I just can't even imagine the delusion.
That or great b8 either way here's your you.

(((she))) has to go back

>When my grandparents were kids they were bilingual until their families decided that even speaking German in the house was unacceptable. So much so was the desire to assimilate and not garner odd looks.

When your grandparents came over weren't most Americans kinda racist against Germans because of the wars? That probably had something to do with it.

If we were at war with Spanish speaking countries, these faggots would probably try to assimilate too.

>If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.
it's just more virtue-signalling in these cases since the liberals aren't even taking the risk themselves nor (in all likelihood) are they meaningfully affected by the breaking of these laws

uneducated guess but I would imagine it's a made up degree for people who decide to be failures and not even try at life (college counselors) from the get-go.

Besides what those two said, confirmation bias and emotional validation. It is the lazy man's way of thinking. To admit that Jayden and Willow Smith are hugely privileged compared to some poor white kid in Kentucky makes reality more complicated. Liberalism demands a simple oppressor(whites) and oppressed(minorities). To admit that these two architypes are mutually exclusive is to make history and social justice very complicated, contradictory and self-defeating. Accurate analysis doesn't benefit narratives and doesn't benefit agendas. It also doesn't benefit coping mechanism.

>Student Affairs

Is this like the college version of HR? A bunch of women, and in this case illegals, helping more of their kind get an unfair advantage over qualified applicants because of what is essentially racism?

student affairs apparently, i don't know what it is but it sounds useless

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Feminist dance therapy

Because they don't want law.

Lmao fpbp

Her parents should be locked up for child endangerment. Running across the fucking border and abusing the system only to bitch about it once caught. Fuck off, low IQ beaner peices of shit.

So whats her degree?


Why didn't she get deported?

>a father helping their child is bad

go away jamal

why do people study things they know are useless/ low payment jobs?

why don't they just study engineering or some shit that gives you money and actually gets you somewhere in life?

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uuugghhh useless degree how tipycal

Us citizen who refused to sign up for the draft zero college funding, risking 20 years in prison, cannot have a federal job for life because I refuse to die in a war making sure rich people get richer!
Fuck these illegals!!!!

Lots of Germans saw what was happening before hand, such as Einstein, and left.
Most Americans didn’t have any strong opinions one way or another. Charlie Chaplan made it big for his movie “The Dictator” in which he made fun of Hitler, and that was before everything got serious.
The Nazis were nothing but a bunch of bullies before they started killing everyone

Kinda like gender studies...

>celebrate breaking the law
something done by left and right, liberal and conservative, mostly religious idiots thinking their magic sky-daddy law trumps everything

fuck off you retarded faggot

I've had people say those things to me as a response too but I just tell them that isn't an argument and then they usually just back out and say they don't want to talk about it anymore, because they can't debate it without muh feelings

A lot more people’s lives have been ruined by the war on drugs and lack of sex education/family planning access and other conservative ideals than any liberal policy.

Because no university would accept them for engineering.

At the university I went to for engi, you needed a full roster of academic-class (aka hard-level) science and math courses AND an 80% high school average. Even then most people ended up dropping out.

A lot of people just want a degree for the sake of having a degree, and end up working retail or whatever. They think having a bachelor's degree in bongo making will help them to one day advance to manager or whatever. Plus they want the "college experience" of parties and sleeping around, and don't want to feel dumb for not having a degree.

Lots of universities cater to these types and have a whole plethora of fake degrees with almost no academic requirements at all. "Have a 60% average in high school? Then you're qualified for our course on feminist vampire literature studies".

Counseling actually pays decent for what it is, but you are required to do other stuff like chaperone or do job fairs. You work salary and could potentially have really bad hours, especially if you're a male in a workplace of women.

So, I'm a little bitter that my father continues to support my sister even though she is well into her 30s with bastard children (also receiving support from the father), while myself and brothers get little to no help at all. Even though we are younger and less established than her.

That doesn't make me a jamal.

For the same reasons conservatives pass laws at the local and state level they know are unconstitutional and will be struck down in higher federal courts.

Everyone thinks they are right.

Nobody cares about the law.

They care about power.

Why weren't they both deported?

>why don't they just study engineering or some shit that gives you money and actually gets you somewhere in life?

I personally became a humanities major because I wasn't smart enough to hang with the engineering kids. Some people just aren't so inclined. A lot of them are also indolent pieces of shit though.

Yeah that's basically where I was at too, but my one liberal friend was the one who admitted it. Said he knew we weren't ever going to agree so we should just quit going back and forth over it.

That's an extremely subjective point.

obeying the law is optional when liberal politicians are in local power

Because they are retarded

They LARP they are the "rebellion" against the evil empire when in fact they are the establishment and suffer little to none consequences for their breaking the law .

Yeah they act like they are outspoken when all of the mainstream media agrees with them, little coons

You have no idea about the arrangement she has with him. Might be paying him back

With blowjobs huh

Based on her BMI from the picture, she'll be dead in 20 years from cardiac arrest. So she's got that going for her, which is nice.

ya, America is dead. people celebrate the fact that they are bi-lingual/(((multi-cultural))) instead of assimilating. assimilating into a culture of evil colonialist, white males is wrong in the first place, goy.

>paying back a debt.
Are you serious? The best the man can hope for is that she marries well and becomes another man's financial vampire.

you need to pound into their stupid heads that eventually these people will be the main population of America and there won't be anywhere to flee to once they turn America into Brazil. These people are so brainwashed that they'll probably gladly lower the living standards for themselves and their future offspring just so they aren't called bigoted though. these traitors are worse than the invaders.

They aren’t intelligent enough to be engineers. They could still go the business admin route that so many engineering dropouts choose, instead of a degree that makes people look at them as lower than trade schoolers

Turn her ass in. ICE loves this shit.

This but the dirty Japs can call me onii-sama

So how did they react, retort?

Those same friends will do a complete 180 if and when they go to enroll their sweet little 5 year olds in kindergarten. Suddenly, they will notice that most schools are """not good enough""" and """too diverse""". And suddenly, these Tolerant and Enlightened (TM) liberals will move far away to the reddest suburbs, under the guise of """wanting what is best for their children""". When in reality, they were perfectly happy to be a shithead liberal until they actually had some SKIN in the game.

Fucking liberals, every single time. They are cancer and need to be irradiated.

because you a parasite and a second-class citizen compared to African migrants

>and here's why

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>Mexicans are the sole reason we have bed bugs in the US after not having them for decades.

You just don't appreciate the VIBRANT and DIVERSE tapestry of CULTURE!

i don't want to sound like a commie but i'am glad my country has public college education, i coulnd't afford paying college. I'am gonna be studying engineering next year and there are no restrictions of any kind, the carrer of engineering itself is the filter literally 1 out of every 10 freshmans finishes the carreer
Pick related is the shithole in where i live.

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>father is white

So is he her actual father or just her sugar-daddy?

>my mother has actually sabotaged me financially
>still takes no responsibility and refuses to help me

Haha but male privilege tho

I am of the opinion if the spaniards killed all the aztecs that Jow Forums still wouldn't consider the mexicans white

Southern Europeans are often noticeably swarthy

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>MY scholarship and in-state tuition
This level of entitlement pisses me off so much. Never made an effort to become a citizen, but her minority based gibs are HERS and it was wrong to TAKE them away.


You mean her cuckold dad?

It's because they believe "freedom" is not being held accountable for their actions. They hate responsibility.

This has been true in my experience. They're PROUD not to assimilate, and admit they're taking over.

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>Why do liberals celebrate breaking the law?
Because they believe the ends justify the means.

Nope. Castillos (Cahhss-tee-yos) can actually pass for Huwhite. And they usually have their shit together - which is the real issue, desu.

Hope she can put that degree to use working at the Gap

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>you need to pound into their stupid heads that eventually these people will be the main population of America and there won't be anywhere to flee to once they turn America into Brazil.

I tried explaining how small degradations in the rule of law like ignoring illegals, giving them fucking driver's licenses, and euphemistically referring to them as undocumented will lead to the kinds of corruption that made them flee their countries of origin. They just pivoted to how crucial they are to the economy (don't worry I know they aren't).

I think shit like this is a process. I'm a little older than all of my college friends because I did a stretch fighting for Israel, and I think by the time my friends are my age they'll become less idealistic and start to see what I've been rambling about this entire time.... It'll probably be too late then, but we'll see.

See above. I just kept talking about how we can't just keep making exceptions for people and giving them handouts because their lives suck. Not to mention that most of the illegals here are essentially slaves, and that we're enabling a soft form of slavery by allowing the system to continue as is.

i'am of southern and northern italy descendant still most people here probably would say i'am a mutt because of my flag.

>tfw looks indistinguishable from America

How many kids has she shat out already?

Your shit spelling with auto correct and aspirations for becoming an engineer is a prime example of why free education is a dangerous waste of money for the country at large.

KEK, this just looks like anywhere in California where spics are the majority.

You have no idea how bad things really are...

t drinking a margarita cause it's cinco de mayo

>Pick related is the shithole in where i live.

Looks like a lot of places in Los Angeles. I'm not a complete racist piece of shit. I have latino friends, and like foreign food and all that, but it really bugs me driving around this town and watching it slowly become Mexico City.

I think she's Argentine, so she probably didn't run across the border, but overstayed her visa.

ahahah, yes sorry, english is not my main language i type too fast that's why i sometimes make grammar mistakes.

Even her fingers are fat

Don't tell Amerimutts that because free things trigger them