Did the holocaust happen Jow Forums?


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No, but it should have

Not to the extremes mentioned by (((historians))).

Yes, the people who died by firebombing or nuke were the victims of the "completely burnt offering" to the European nobility and banking clan

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Yeah but it wasn't LE 6 GORILLION XDDDD
I'd say more like a million tops. If even that.

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It was recently discovered that 90% of American Jews were slave owners vs .5% of American Whites. Sounds like dem Jews need to pay debnts. America should charge Israel reparations. Finally a Hall of Cost.

Dishonoring sacred digits

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It could not physically have taken place the way it's told, so until we are presented with actual physical and empirical evidence instead of insanely absurd extrapolations of circumstantial data and eyewitness testimony, it must be concluded that the Holohoax is Jewish mythology.

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No, but it will.

It would be so easy to have great sex in there

no, but there were camps where people were forced to go. That's what stops me from being a full national Socialist. I want the same thing as Hitler did basically, but I refuse to put people into camps

Americans put Japs into camps after Pearl Harbor.

It did, but 6 gorillion is questionable as an out of ass number

Depending on your definition of it.
If you mean "the mass extermination of around 6 million jews by Nazi Germany, under Hitler's orders, through gas chambers located on particular concentration camps", then no, it absolutely didn't happen.

There was mas detention of jews that refused to leave the country after 3 years of being given an order to do so (partly due to England closing the border of Palestine because they had promised the land mass to both the kikes and the slimes during wwi), as well as other kinds of degenerates (homosexuals, blacks, etc), but there was no "final solution". Hell, Nazi Germany was considering conquering... fuck, I'm blanking on the name of the island, but some African island to give to the jews, but the jewish leaders refused (because they were plotting the taking over of Palestine that started in '47 and is still ongoing, so of course they didn't want the island) so the nazis were like "fuck it, send them to camps and then deport them", but then the war intensified and shit went south fast.

There was an armenian holocaust though. And a few russian ones. And fucking Cambodia, jesus christ. But not the jews under Nazi Germany.

I recommend you read the following books in order:
- Benny Morris' The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited (he's a zionist, by the way. Ignore the conclusions, focus on the facts presented. To complement it, watch the BBC documentary "The Birth of Israel", which includes interviews with many of the jews who participated in the palestinian takeover).
- Alison Weir's Against Our Better Judgement.
- Miko Peled's The General's Son.
- Jennet Conant's The Irregulars: Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington (another zionist, but boy do the facts presented speak volumes, specially because she lists several treacherous acts in America during WWII as something to be praised).

Weak shit, nigger. If anything was fucked up, it was Dresden.


That's one goofy name. Thankfully no.


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You're right, the issue is the packet was found in Hamburg and the claims that White Phosphorus was used were denied so I kept the meme topical to the location it was found.

German efficiency

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>mfw v3 can't come out soon enough
I know it's scheduled for mid July, but man, I'm dying for it. The LNs are so much better than the animu it's not even funny, and the animu wasn't even bad.

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with the technology of today we could build a real holocauster think about it

Ah, wait, I had this without the cover text.

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(s)hes a cute middle age salary man

Another poll here by the way


No...But it will

Unfortunately not

Madagascar is the island

No, but I wish it will happen again.

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I think what happened was Hitler rounded up Jews to deport them to Israel as a mild political stance to show good character. Unfortunately the Americans destroyed food lines and Jews and others died en masse from starvation and Typhus. Bodies were burned to prevent the further spread of disease and surely some people were shot as well. The gas thing was a myth.

unfortunately not



missed opportunity to build a super maze and trap people inside

Has a jew ever lied?

those who told the truth died

He's cute. CUTE.

If you haven't read the LNs, do. He's much cuter in them, because you don't actually get the extent of the misunderstandings in the anime.

That's the one, yeah.

Other than the thing about Israel (which didn't even exist at the time, and Palestine had its borders closed by the brits who were occupying it), you're pretty much right.

I mean, he had already kinda deported them all to Palestine 3 years before the thing with the camps started, and many who couldn't hit Palestine went to America instead, but those who refused were interned to deport them wherever the fuck accepted them (France, Murica, Britain) after some talks, but these talks never came because lolpoland, which happened after the polish government approved the massacre of some germans in one of the towns that had been taken from Germany and given to Poland after WWI. In fact, Hitler and the previous president of Poland (fuck if I remember his name though. Fuck polish names) were pals. It wasn't until the dude that took office after, IIRC France, ousted the previous one, in 1939, that shit went south with Poland.

Since .. forever, really .. jews have been too much in the face of other nations with their "chosen people" and trying to take over shit.
And in every single case (i think), they got royally, historically and biblically fucked and they lost every single time.

So nazi germany doing this ?
>climate for scapegoat was very appropriate then because of the economic situation
>hitler hated them (and gipsies and gays and disabled and blacks ..) so much
>people angry, get the crowd's temperature ..
>"dem jews, right ?" => crowd cheers => awesome possum, it's on

Totally true. Numbers though, not quite sure .. not that i give a fuck, really.

Lying is an integral part of their religion, and thus, a big influence in their secular culture as well.

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Imagine in 2018, with the entire wealth of knowledge from the internet, and you STILL think the holohoax happened

Stop lying, Jew. You're not fooling anyone.

came to post this