Non-whites of Jow Forums

Non-whites of Jow Forums
What the FUCK are we doing here?

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Christianity, Far-rightism and memes

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The same thing I have been doing on Jow Forums for years... procrastinating.

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gas station poos are based as fuck

Feeling good

I like to laugh at sad basement dwelling racist virgins

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Rope Day is a cumming

Wait, wtf? Never noticed.

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speak for yourself shlomo

go ask /sg/

Because I'm a pale hispanic with bleached hair and you guys can't tell the difference. We took in Nazis after the war while your grandparents were busy destroying the Reich.

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It's going well hue Bro.

I hate niggers but this is tragic.

I’m absolutely terrified

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providing entertainment for us whites, WTF else are you good for?

get an early warning?

I hate all of you and if it were up to me all non whites would be put in labor camps for the rest of your worthless lives.

Having a laugh?

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No, they should be sent back to poo land asap. We never should have allowed them in.

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I don't know whites are funny, some even stupid but they are so arrogant that they have no self awareness.
Others actually make good points

Seeing how much the gaijin know.
It's not enough, keep it going.


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This too

It's the only place online where you can discuss right wing politics freely, where the fuck else am i going to go?

Supporting and helping whites when thier entire race is in danger.

> all of you and if it were up to me
This is the problem, you are a nobody

A nigger did it to her

What does this have to do with anything? I’m not associated with these fags.

Thats how they become niggers.
A life full of moral decay and violence

supporting white guy, why? because enemy of my enemy is my friend.

How is Argentina, user? Seems kinda shitty when it comes to cannabis laws. Look at these two badasses.

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What do you know about being non-white?

procrastinating an inevitable suicide

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Being African American

As a hispanic guy, I like blonde girls

In order to make sure the world has more blonde girls, I support movements that support them! I'm not sure if I'm making enough sense here because I'm tired af, but I hope you get the gist of it

I'm a dirty mutt: Italian, Jew (Ashkenazi and Sephardic mix), Brit, and -- to my greatest dismay -- 1/8th nigger. But I pass as a full "italian" in the North-East US, and usually have people thinking so. Plus my wife is 100% German and I know my future children will look northern European.
My mind and identity is mainly grounded in European values, and even if some of the ideology works against me by nature, I know it's necessary for the betterment of the West and the world.

You are here why everyone is here: internet addiction, chronic depression, masochistic tendencies and memes.

Thanks for proving that only shitskins shill the kike on a stick.

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I'm right wing and Hispanic and live in California. Jow Forums hates me but most lefties hate me more.

whoever did that needs to get shot in the head.. seriously wtf

Why not just procrastinate and live? Why are all you depressing faggots always offing yourselves. You don't have to participate but go buy some guns and go to a shooting range, buy a ruger mini and plink in your back yard, SOMETHING. Or maybe you're hopeless, in which case just do it.

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I'm literally 52% white, but being on here kills boredom.

Plus it's fun to argue with retards.

And we're here fucking your goris kek

What I know about cannabis is that you can he smoke it for private consumption but you can only have certain amount only , which makes the law seems retarded because if you can't own a plant you still need to buy the Faso (joint) from a dealer.
If I wasn't a nobody I would just legalize the fucking thing because it solves the dark market problem and niggers can be doped 24/7.
I mean I personally don't agree with pot heads and i wouldn't just shoot them but I need to look for practical solutions and just banning the stuff and pretending there's isn't already a huge ilegals market it's ridiculous

>tfw agree with most of Jow Forums's stances
Mainly here for the shitposting tho

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>I'm literally 52% white

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You must really hate yourself to come on Jow Forums as a shitskin.

This. Try to talk about immigration or feminism or nationalism or globalism or race or war and so on anywhere else on the internet without toeing the party line and you'll just get banned. Jow Forums may have its share of retards, shitposters, shills, and all manner of faggot, but it also has some of the sharpest, wittiest, and most politically aware people you're ever likely to meet. You just have to sieve through the bullshit to get all that, just like with every board.

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i'm black and Jow Forums really opened my eyes

This we need more white qts

>He genuinely believes a bunch of pale incels shitposting on Jow Forums could ever have any effect on me whatsoever
little arrogant don't you think?

Reminder that you all need to find a good woman to breed with or else our race will be done.

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I am not white, 1/8 Lebanese, 1/6 slavic
I look kinda like that jew from Blacked
>What do you know about being non-white?
Its like being white

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I've actually been hit on by white girls though so I'm OK with it. I don't look like any of these people.

you wouldnt understand user unless youve been there.

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cause you already ingested the red pill of race realism, its fact so thinking anything otherwise is ignoring truth

I can understand your point. I sort of feel similar. I think blonde blue-eyed women are beautiful, and that makes them attractive for me, which tends to kill me inside because they all only go for blonde blue-eyed guys here. Though I can comprehend and even support they preserving their blonde blue-eyed genes, it always makes me go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Though, unfortunately, white women being desirable also makes them more susceptible to being promiscuous, as they can more easily get laid and get way too many invitations. So that, as a conservative, makes brunettes more ideal to me.
I like European culture and traditional Christian values which makes this place kind of attractive. But yeah, you're kind of right, this place had a impact on my self-esteem. I'm already over it though.

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Not really

I have been there, faggot. You can either be a whiny bitch who's "depressed" and act like a martyr or you can do something about it.

Just in the past 4 months my father died, my grandfather died and I had to shoot and kill my uncle. What are your problems?

I come here to shitpost about the satire scenarios that is slowly becoming the future

>Just in the past 4 months my father died, my grandfather died and I had to shoot and kill my uncle.
S-story time? My condolences user

With the right technology you may be able to become White one day

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story time would be cool but dont drive yourself mad trying to tell it

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>Just in the past 4 months my father died, my grandfather died and I had to shoot and kill my uncle. What are your problems?
green text?

1/8, 1/6
Mother fuck is this some math test

Feeling sorry for and trying to understand the white race because if it can happen to us, it can happen to you.

Becoming a Savior to White People so that they will worship me as their God

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Anything for the lulz.

Long story short, my dad was a martyr depressed crackhead that finally offed himself. My grandfather had a cancer sore the size of two apples on his carotid artery and I had to watch him slowly die, this is the man that truly raised me, not the former.

Now as far as my uncle...
>Be me, get woken up at 2am by loud banging
>wtf is that shit?
>get pissed cus I think my girl is trying to activate the garage door in my still just awoken stupor
>uncle comes around to the front of my house and is screaming at me with bloody hands
>I yell back at him that he needs to calm down or gtfo
>he proceeds to charge at me and smashes out one of the windows in the front of my house
>I run back to the master bedroom where my girl is and grab my .22 bolt action
>he grabs a garbage can that was on the side of my house and begins to use it as a shield
>I notice he has a hammer in his other hand
>Say fuck it, fire a warning shot over his head
>just makes him matter
>he gets inside the house pretty easily as this is a bigass bay window
>I fire one shot through the garbage can that hits him in the chest
>he immediately is stopped in his tracks and begins to run away
>eventually is found dead at his buddies house 20 minutes later from bleeding out, I guess I hit an artery
>police arrive and handcuff me, take me into questioning, 20 minutes later and I'm set free

Sorry, one of my great great grandfathers was from Lebanon he was a merchant and got killed by gauchos, he was non white (brown skin, black hair, green eyes, your typical middle eastern )
One of my great grandfathers was from slovenia in that time the Austro-Hungarian empire after WW1 he settled in Argentina where he lived many years

lmfao roleplay much? shoundt have gone so dramatic i might have believed your retarted ass. nice try kiddo.

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Yall are funny thats it

Wow you shoot a man and got free lucky you

You think that's bad user, try being a Jew on Jow Forums...

Non white monkey

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Whatever your race or nationality, each individual should be based on their individual merits.

I no objective truth bothers me. The problem isn't truths, it's inaccurate prejudices and violence.

Also I want to see what people think and people are most honest when anonymous. I even LARP as a racist to blend in.

Welcome to America, user. Where if someone is on your property threatening harm, you can freely shoot them legally. I just wish it didn't have to be family, it's really been getting to me but not like the faggot below.

I wish I was lying but some of us aren't mega pussies like you. Some of us have to deal with these punches life throw at us on a regular basis and it's almost common place.

Most of them sympathize with white genocide. A world with no white people would be much shittier for them

YOU FUCKING MUTT your children will still look non white lamo

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Isn't the one of the left a Renaissance statue?

Based. Carry on brother

Why is this white owl guy being shilled everywhere. His videos aren't even that good

Lol im 100% lgbo what is your race makeup

Learning, enjoying the debates etc.

>Welcome to America, user. Where if someone is on your property threatening harm, you can freely shoot them legally.
Here in Argentina you get in jail if you don't follow very specific steps and even if you manage to kill the thief the family of the thief will hunt you down.
Also you did what you got to do, why your uncle tried to kill you?

seeing what people say when they aren't afraid of consequence

we do

Detroit in this bitch

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the HAPA asspain knows no bounds


>not snapping up all that heavy machinery from every business closing down or moving away that shit-hole

Speak for yourself white boi. I'm here to keep an eye on my enemies. Fuck your white genocide bullshit. I'm more concerned with your abject hatred of anything non-white.

well, in my case i come on to this board becaus of the memes and to learn a bit more about what is currently happening in the world

>bu but how can you say that, can't you see there's nothing but faggotry and autism n sheeeeit

yes i know, but the media can not be trusted anymore (we never should have done it in the first place though). Chink hate threads are funny as fuck also, kek.

Why the fuck did your uncle charge at you in the first place?
You sound like you come from a white trash/trailer trash family desu.

They get the truth white people are too polite to say to their face


>here to keep an eye
when you will die of hunger, you mean

My uncle who is 1/4th nigger (and looks like an Arab as a result) married a 1/2 italian 1/2 Irish blonde woman and his children and blonde/blue eyed and look as white as snow. I, being more white than he is will have white children just fine.