I just want white people to exist in the future Jow Forums

Is that too much to ask? Are we destined to go extinct and leave the world to our inferiors..? What kind of an end is that for a people with so many achievements and triumphs..

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It just takes another economic disaster.

That's how groups like the national socialists, or the alt-right, eventually gain power.

And what exactly do you think will become of a country where whites who produce taxable income are outnumbered by welfare leeches?

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human extinction is inevitable
just enjoy your life

That's stupid, nothing is inevitable.

>Get pushed to extinción cuz u were too pussy to do something about It
>Calling ur foe inferior

We weren't too pussy, we fought a world war that YOU were too pussy to join.

you wish,kid

No one is trying to wipe out the white race, you Cro-Magnon moron. And stop taking credit for the achievements of a few geniuses. What the fuck did YOU ever invent, Racist? You should be more concerned about Global Extinction due to climate change, overpopulation, etc, instead of pursuing your own narcissistic paranoid delusions. And if you ever wave your little Nazi flag in MY face, I'll make sure YOU go extinct. I hate to use an old cliche, but get a life. Seriously.

Chill out, mutt. I just telling you that mischief, trickery and manipulation are valid evolutionary traits as valid as any other. And if u dont think so, just look at your currents situatión, I bet u are mutilated as well...

These are the whit*ids that represent Jow Forums. Do you really think these basedboys will save the white race?

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the best things dont last

its simply a universal law

>that flag
>that famous pic of a libertarian gathering

Made me kek

>Are we destined to go extinct and leave the world to our inferiors..?
It won't happen. As some European countries get more and more muslims, their societies will descend into violent chaos out of which whites will obviously emerge victorious.
The only real challenge is solving the immigration problem before it comes to major violence, which will require decisive change in the next few decades.

Honestly, we'll be all right. Worse case scenario, we fuck off to another solar system and watch the muds destroy themselves.

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I either want a ethnostate or for our genes to get completely obliterated. They’ll bring us back just to get our eyes in their own eyes.

>Navel piercing

Better off dead.

You’re wrong. It was upright white societies and a sex-negative Christianity that provided fertile ground for analysis, meditation, and invention. I will continue to stand on the shoulders of MY GIANT forefathers and laugh at your demoralization attempts. The fire is still alight in me. What motivates you, besides your jealousy?

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Wealthy civilizations always become nihilistic and are eventually beaten out of existence by savages who reproduce like crazy. There's no stopping it.

Reminder that white people are fine. Anyone who posts threads about white people are trolls or shills trying to spread anxiety.

Whites will go extinct in the US and Western Europe with 200 years.


It would be pretty funny if they actually manage to save the white race.

How are you going to have a libertarian society when you think future democrats should flow into the country freely?

It is a strange concept, I don't care about the environment 100 years from now, I don't care about if the planet runs out of oil in 100 years' time, I don't care if Africa and the Mideast go up in flames 100 years from now, however - I am bothered by the notion that the white race may barely be existent in the West 100 years from now, even though I'll be 6-feet in the ground.

You need to start being lazy and start breeding with the right woman.


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Same.. I don't even give a shit about my life anymore. If I was offered a button that would ensure the existence of the white race forever at the cost of my life I would press it in an instant. Weird isn't it?

Maybe because of the possibility that reincarnation might be real and when we die we will have no choice than to reincarnate in niggers for eternity.

Stop being autistic.

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Who's watching the rice paddies while you're browsing Jow Forums?

>sacrificing your life to save civilization itself
That's never been considered weird, friend.

Dear White People,

The Red Man will save you, once again, as it was in colonial times

I have plans to build a Native American themed Disney World Casino Resort, and all white people may come live in peace without fear of white genocide

"Then Spake Jesus, again unto them saying, I am the Light of the World, He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness; but shall have the light of life"

[John 8:12]

For he is the Living God, enduring forever his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion will never end

[Daniel 6:26]

Attached: God_emperor.jpg (589x480, 94K)

I've come to the conclusion it's how you treat a rental car, some people rent a car for a few days on vacation and employ the logic that they don't own this rental car and therefore they peel out in it, bury the needle and do 100mph and take crazy corners in it.

Other people such as me, drive the rental car as if it was my own car back home, because I know the rental car only will be in the rental fleet for about 3 years' time, then will be auctioned off to a low-income family and that family will be stuck with the maintenance costs, I actually care about that family even though I don't know who they will be and have never met them.

I have a hard time accepting the fact that the neighborhood I am in, where everyone comes out on Saturday mornings to cut the grass and do gardening and make it look nice, will some day be a neighborhood occupied by 3rd world street savages around the year 2100, and they will destroy all I that I have worked for and turn it into the next Detroit.

>I just want white people to exist in the future

So start a society for whites where you agree to only fuck whites. How hard is it.

>Is that too much to ask?

For neo-nazis like you it probably is because you want the government to interfere in peoples sex lives, to decide who it is okay to have sex with and not. Just start your own white club neo-nazi scum

>are we destined to go extinct
If we refuse to fight a war with jewish controlled infrastructure then yes.
>What kind of an end is that for a people with so many achievements and triumphs..
An end we thoroughly deserve if we refuse to fight for our own existence.