2:30 am at 7-11 in 1987

What happened Jow Forums. Why does it seem like people were so much nicer and happier back then?


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Other urls found in this thread:


They're all white. Whites still behave like this when they get together.

Higher social trust, due to Whiter demographics.

9/11 happened

Thug culture wasn't as big as today, less jews in the system, and brown people weren't everywhere.

9/11 and Jewish forced diversity finally caught up.

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to my knowledge shit like this has persisted into the early 2000s -- and maybe it still does. you just need to be in an all-white or almost all-white town.

We had pride, also less degenerates AKA people born after 1987*cough*

what a bunch of low quality brain dead mutts

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This is why synthwave is /ourmusic/ and so damn comfy. It represents a time when people were generally happier and things were more laid back.

I was unironically born in the wrong generation. I wish I was an early Boomer born in 1946. I resent being born too late.


I was born in the wrong time and I resent it.

Why? You would have had to go through the '60s and the '70s, the two worst decades prior to the present Triggering Teens.

Those were the best decades because everything was so idealistic and dreamy.

Your future Jew is telling baby white what to do awwww

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like a completely different country back then.

>2:30am, beaners buying sugar

but..why? other than that it was an enjoyable time capsule.

I was born in 86. Want to be born in 46. I had to be Millennial instead of an early Boomer

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comfy 87

This is right by Disney World, the area is almost all hotels of people on vacation

This was before ghetto rap culture.

Decades of politics engineered to divide us and make us hate each other. Racism, sexism, all these things were designed to fracture America and make it impossible for the masses to ever oppose (((their))) rule.

yes, it is. I wish I had a video me and some friends made back in the early 2000s. We stole a lawn gnome in broad daylight, visited a giant statue of Goofy masturbating (he was holding a golf club but it kept getting stolen) and finally we took the gnome to McDonalds for nuggets.

Shame the masturbating goofy statue is gone and no it wasn't in Orlando but it was in Florida.

RIP MasturbGoofy


meanwhile in 2014

Social media didn't exist

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Things have gotten much better since 1987

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this one breaks my heart


Why was I cursed to be born in this time?

Half the people in that clip were Hispanic or Arab

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Wtf is this?

How should I cope with being born in the wrong era?

You might not believe it due to my flag but it's often like that where I live, 99% white here and the atmosphere is just so relaxed. I'm starting to see niggers and pakis a little to often though, they never partake in the banter, they just spend their time looking to be offended or offensive.

Recently a nigger walked into a pub full of white people and started saying "none of you are real, you're all wastemen etc..." cue the good times stopping as everyone was just like WTF... the people here have not seen diversity like the place I moved from. I know how bad it gets and this place will end up the same way, it's really really sad because I love living like this YouTube clip. White people are great

There was a common culture, identity, camaraderie. This goes away from multicultural societies.

Move to Poland. Join the police or become a politician

This thread gave me some serious deja vu
I remember this exact thread from 3-4 years ago, can't remember if it was on pol or somewhere else


87 was awesome. I saw Prince in Frankfurt Festhalle in 87 and Bowie Berlin. The Cure in Frankfurt as well. Mettalica in Nuremburg and Simply Red in Frankfurt at the Alte Oper or someplace like that.

This was before the ZOG media started brainwashing all the minorities that muh whites are evil slave masters and deserve to die
Minorities used to aspire to be white, now whites aspire to be like niggers
The media is the Jews most powerful weapon

There was less niggers in white countries for sure

That's a chart of how men became better at LYING

I want it to be 1964 to 1974 forever

These sorts of videos make me hate boomers. They took this sort of life away from us, and have spent their retired years sucking us all dry through their gibs programs


>mostly white
we have to go back

Those kids would have been gen X. They would be 47-50 now

peak economic prosperity, pre-internet age of information, dominant consumer media culture, atrocities of social life kept on the periphery, atrocities of foreign policy not known, cold war looked over.

This trend actually peaked globally 95-96 with Space Jam.


Why did you all decide to be unfriendly? We can decide to be friendly again.

one year ago at this exact date, at this exact time.
prove me wrong

will trump get his revenge for 9/11?

>Space Jam.
Wtf is with that movie? So many people make a big deal out of it, must be before my time.

I look at videos from 1964 to 1974 and resent I wasn't there.

I know the people in the video aren't boomers, I'm saying the boomers are the reason we aren't like that anymore

If you're on Jow Forums, you're not part of the problem

Dude it wouldn't have mattered honestly, you'd be surrounded by white people but the odds are you still wouldn't have a better social situation than you did now.

The guy in blue just did a massive line of uncut cocaine 3 seconds before he went in. I'll bet the stuff they had back then was crazy.

Homogenous countries, non-filthy media, no SJWs, more respectful people, more submissive women, less population...

Drunk in 1987, those were the days.

>not a kike puppet
This meme needs to fucking die you newfag brainlets.

Millennials decided to not be friendly. Why?

That's the most untrue thing i've ever read.

Watch these six movies.. Torrents around I'm sure. Some are on Youtube. Watch them in this order.

This is what it was like growing up in the 70's and being a teenager/young adult in the 80's
Hell you could get into any bar in the 80s with a $5 fake id. Most never even cared unless you looked 12 or something.


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They are a product of their surroundings. The United States has changed

I still am surrounded by white people. It just seemed like a free era of adventure

because they werent competing in the oppression olympics back then for the title of most offended

>I know the people in the video aren't boomers, I'm saying the boomers are the reason we aren't like that anymore
Oh I agree.

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I was 22 in 1987, AMA.

[ you can play bash the boomer later, I remember these times ]

>That one worker there that looks like Moe from the Simpsons, standing next to a 9/10 lass


Bullshit, losers now would be losers 50 years ago or any time, location matters but people who say that "if only I lived in X everything would be better!" are full of shit.

Everyone can create their own attitude and identity. I mean there are even imaginary genders now. Why is being friendly in the 2010s such a stretch?

>free era of adventure
That's the definition of poz dude.

Yeah giving all the illegal Mexicans amnesty citizenship. Paved the wave for more to rush in.

But at least I'd have tons of LSD for cheap

Because things were so much nicer and more pleasant. The 80's and 90's were the height of Western civilization. It started going down hill in the late 90's, and accelerated after 9/11. God I want those times back.

>Everyone can create their own attitude and identity.
People don't want to create on, they want one they can be born into along with other people like all of human history.
>Why is being friendly in the 2010s such a stretch?
Because we don't have a future, nobody cares to be nice or pleasant when everything around you is dying.

life was so much simpler back than. no internet or cell phones or video games, you spend about 90% of your time outside hanging out with friends. people were actually social, you could have a conversation with a complete stranger about anything and it wouldnt end up with someone being triggered. you could speak your mind and people would agree to disagree. i want to go back. oh and the music wasnt shit like today

You can still experience this in white towns.

Dunno about that. Even my biggest loser Dungeon and Dragons friends all lost there virginity by college. 100% of them. I was out of the country for 12 years and came back and one of the first people I met was a 35 year old who told anyone he met that he was a virgin.
There is a new level of fucked now.

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But we can still have each other if the future isn't good. Try tripping and you will see.

>You can still experience this in white towns.
and then all the kids jump in their cars and listen to rap.. Yeah not the same. I've seen both times.
Young white kids do seem alot more complacent now. I don't know the last time I saw a race on the freeway or a fist fight in front of 7-11.

Yeah if you're in a majority white town it's still like this.

I was 34 in 1987, get on my level faggot.

A ton of Jow Forumsacks are losers because of broken families, not genetics. Sure, 5'4 uggos would still be 5'4 uggos, but the chance is if your a sperg now you wouldn't be back then.

I've seen both things happen.

>*moves goalposts*
really makes me think...

>Young white kids do seem alot more complacent now. I don't know the last time I saw a race on the freeway or a fist fight in front of 7-11.
Because there are serious consequences for everything now, you don't get off with a warning you get put in a jail cell or have your life destroyed.

I'm always curious how you oldfag find this place and why you stay. It's weird picturing people my parents' age lurking here

>But we can still have each other if the future isn't good. Try tripping and you will see.
Sorry but the goodness gets drained out of you when you live in such a shit world my dude.

Shit, if you graduated in '71 I can't get on your level. I've got stories about growing up in the mid 70's and hitting adulthood in the 80's. But being 18-ish in 71-72 is on a WHOLE different level.

braindead? there were some quality bants in that vid. wit and humour.

Still can on the dn.

People don't act like this when they're stressed out from trying to survive in a system that exists to exploit them and BY exploiting them and are CONSCIOUS of this fact. Partially it was blissful ignorance and partially it was the last hurrah of neoliberal prosperity. They had HOPE. That's the difference between us and them.

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I arrived on September 1, 2014. That was the day I heard about the fappening, and that a topless kate upton was one dangerous click away.

After that I stayed because the freedom of speech in Jow Forums is about as close as I could find to what America used to be. Hard to believe, but the whole US used to be Jow Forums

People just wanted to have live now every cunt is out for themselves.

I can ignore the world. Tune into nature instead

My millenial tenant 'redpilled' me back in 2014. I think he was autistic though.

Pitfall, the must have videogame of the 1982 christmas season:


I remember as a really young kid watching the Apollo landing in 72 and then my dad being all upset about Nixon fucking up the party.
I also remember all the older kids who seemed like adults to me at the time on a certain section of the beach, playing drums and smoking (pot).
Their children now are playing drums and smoking pot on the beach. I see alot of similarities between Boomers and Millenials as I do between gen X and Gen Z.
I never saw a drum circle from say 1972 till 2005.. Now it all came back.

It was really not as groovy as Hollywood puts it. Honestly I envy you millenials.