OKcupid recently deleted this article in the aftermath of the incel rampage:

archive link:

The article demonstrates male/female views on physical attractiveness based on OKcupid's internally logged big data.

The male estimate for average female attractiveness falls in the middle, meaning they estimated 50% as being below and 50% above average attractiveness.

The women, however, estimated 80% of men as below average, and the top 20% as above average.

Take into consideration also the attitude of the woman towards an 'average' guy (keep in mind, such men are at the 20th percentile) - the actual percentage of men that are not just meh but acceptable is closer to 10%, with the men who are DESIRABLE closer to 1-5%.

In addition, preferences in dating in terms of race are heavily skewed towards white people - both white men and white women are preferred by the opposite gender of every other race, often by a large margin:

What this means in practice is that women are currently engaging in a historically unparalleled eugenics program, sharing the top tier, physically handsome white men while leaving 95% of men to jerk off in the darkness.

What are you doing to be in the top 5% ?

Considering that there is nothing inhibiting you from reaching your highest genetic capacity in terms of fitness and social skills, shouldn't Jow Forums be joyous that a de facto eugenics program is already in place in western societies?

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Other urls found in this thread:

also post qts

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binland :DDDDDD

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>Tfw top 5%

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Because it's hard to get into the top 5%?

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fuckin gay poofta sage this thread

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I've slept with around 160 women, mostly from bars, pof, Okc and tinder to a lesser extent, I'm 5 9 in average shape with a normal job, I can't see myself being in the top 5% so I don't really know if I believe this article.

fuck u nigger male ideals arent gay, fat fucks like u ascribing homoness to everything is why all the men are pudgy now

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>shouldn't Jow Forums be joyous that a de facto eugenics program is already in place in western societies?
But why would Jow Forums cheer for their own extinction?

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I like how OP doesn't even read his own shit.

>When it comes down to actually choosing targets, men choose the modelesque. Someone like roomtodance above gets nearly 5 times as many messages as a typical woman and 28 times as many messages as a woman at the low end of our curve. Site-wide, two-thirds of male messages go to the best-looking third of women. So basically, guys are fighting each other 2-for-1 for the absolute best-rated females

>the average-looking woman has convinced herself that the vast majority of males aren’t good enough for her, but she then goes right out and messages them anyway

So, men will rate more evenly and then only message the top tiers, while women will rate more harshly, but still message the guys they rate lower.

Sounds like men are more selective to me.

hahahahaha is this finnknight? hahahahahhaa
or did JIDF change the proxy?

some women find more than just looks to be attractive too. some like footballers others maybe into someones personality. this is a tricky one OP


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Someone say qt’s?

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this is ignoring who messages first as well as frequency of messaging

he looks like hes 4ft tall

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I would not mind Chads and Stacies if they produced as many kids as Varg Vikernes. But all they do is jump from cock to cock/pussy to pussy and use condoms and pills with xenoestrogens that kill their reproductive health. The top 20% of men are fuck boy degenerates. 100 lashings is what they should get so that they can learn humility

no poof

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To this twink? I'd fuck him in the ass and make his basic botch gf suck my shitstained dick

Can we post nudity ITT?

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If only men like your pic were allowed to breed, we would in a few generations produce a race of super-men who would conquer the Galaxy.

Don't let your beta butthurt stop the ascendance of humanity to godhood.

Men who use okcupid are by default asking you to accept them... you by default are saying you need a woman... hope you can find one on there.

Its just in its nature, not attractive in males.

Its like asking woman if its ok to kiss her while you are on a date... cringey and you best be super attractive for her not to recoil in lack of sexual attraction.

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why is pol full of fuckin pooftas now

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More like 10% of the males.
You either premium or you just shit.
There is no middle term.

Welp, at least we can finally dismiss the BLCKAD myth, right guys?

I've scored tons of pussy off of okcupid, but then again, feast your eyes upon the big-dicked adonis that is me

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Looks = everything

Working out and better social skills will not make you more attractive.

There's nothing impressive about that physique on a 5'4 body.

Ehhh so rape should be demanded of the male population? Like 4 rapes per month or we cut your subsidies / increase your taxes X amount?

Or maybe just stop asking females their opinion on anything beyond nursing and household chores...

>Implying they all are going to have kids with those chads

You wish. Sex has been disconnected from reproduction completely. We will pay cuck tax for many single moms tho.

Very nice, I fucking hate natty faggots that post their physique - only enhanced athletes like you should post

Just be yourself

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Yeah but your analysis is flawed. Those women fucking chad are not getting pregnant by him.
>birth control
>abortion on demand
It’s not fucking eugenics is vanity. If anything it’s the absolute opposite of eugenics, it’s fishing for sport and throwing the best catch back in to be caught again be again.
It’s pure (((individualism))) in action and it is leading to the inevitable decline in the native western populations.

Basically only a small percent of men who use okcupid are attractive.

I have never had to scrape the barrel and use dating sites or apps.

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So low bf ecto faggots are the most desirable for females?

Good luck in the future when all you have is a bunch twinks. Ectos are over reprisented in sodomites already and there is a fucking reason for that, Joonas.

I'm close to this. I swear there is a stigma against whyatt bois getting swoll. I get people that try to chip me down. Bit the other give you more respect for strong physique.

Least attractive women in the bread

We knew this already, this is why Patriarchy is necessary.
But since Europe can't reinforce Patriarchy without Christianity, it's over.

Ectofaggot on tren talking shit. I'll snap your bitch ass spine like a twig.

how long to obtain this natty

Not some new Earth shattering revelation, all men who've brushed off women already knew this.

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Your fallacy is: NAXALT

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will incels go on killing sprees now?
will they target chads and stacies?

how can we stop them?

It's over.

>What this means in practice is that women are currently engaging in a historically unparalleled eugenics program, sharing the top tier, physically handsome white men while leaving 95% of men to jerk off in the darkness.
except they're not, because chad just blows his load on her tits or face

attractivenss is based on non physical & materials characteristics as well

> there is nothing inhibiting you from reaching your highest genetic capacity in terms of fitness and social skills

That's being naive. An ugly face with a fit body and social skills will net some women, certainly, but it will be nowhere NEAR the success rates of men with good faces and even mediocre social skills. You're not wrong for encouraging men to develop themselves, it will make the difference for some. I'm just saying the results from all that effort are still paltry compared to what handsome guys can accomplish with a fraction of the effort.

about 1 year if you know what you're doing

Women think 80% of man are below average... Only 20% are deemed acceptable or attractive at all.

Either your are premium or you are nothing.

or that women have two selection critieria- looks and ability to provide, while men only have looks

Shut up faggot. Maybe i'm ugly. Go work your miracles on people who give a damn.

My standards must be really low then to have gains so many swipes these years.

I bet this music triggers your fucking bitch ass and I could kick your faggot ass all over that shitty gym you go to. MAGA

You might be cute, but I can fight. When the war starts well weed you fucking dweebs out as always. How else do you think we got here pussy?

that's bullshit if you mean natty, 10lbs a year is a good amount of natty muscle you can build in a year if youre already out of adolescence

Interesting and fair point, thank you for contributing this to the discussion.

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Eugenics requires breeding, we do not exist in a eugenic situation you utter moron, if anything we live in a generally extremely gysgenic environment because intelligence/wealth/success is strongly inversely correlated with fertility rate.

>Basically only a small percent of men who use okcupid are attractive.
The same trend shows on Tinder. Your explanation that OKC especially skews toward unattractive men relative to other apps where men and women pair up isn't a convincing one.

That's exactly what is going to happen.

They pretend it won't be & act like they're right but that's why theyy will get shot & their bodies looted.

Win first then go to war, which we have done

I gained 4lbs in two weeks just now

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water weight and fat

Some of that will be fat

yea that guy is clearly a physicist

I'm having a hard having a flat tummy. In progress and continuing but fuck this takes long.

is it actually possible to get a gf out of real life interaction these days?

Absolutely not

uuhhh yeah, actually since few other guys are doing it, it kind of shows balls if you do it well

oh look..
this thread again...
with the same replies...
and the same image posts...

why is the entirety of Jow Forums the same shit spammed endlessly?

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Nothing. I'm not going to bother with those whores. In a few decades people will be growing genetically modified children in artificial wombs and once that happens women will be obsolete. They're genetically inferior to men in every way except for being able to produce offspring. Women will eventually go extinct while the rest of us evolution past the need for biological reproduction.

This is interesting. The most attractive women get only barely more messages than the absolute average. The most popular ones are the ones that would be 6-8/10s, by far.
Matches what you can see in the real world, it's always the approachable cute ones that are the most popular with guys and the most approached. And there is truth to the cliche of beautiful women stay alone because guys don't feel fit to approach them.

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One thing that impressed me about tinder was how difficult it was to actually fuck, I'd rate myself at a conservative 7/10 and maybe 8/10 in certain regards (6'1, had an athletic physique, decent face) and I got matches OK, but it was so damn hard to get them to meet up, out of like 100+ matches over 6-8 months, literally none of them met up.

Mind you I didn't waste my time with sub 6 women and if you just want to fuck, it can easily be done (if you're good looking), but it was still difficult to even get anywhere with 7+ women.

It definitely sucks as a millennial because we're the most fucked generation out there, gen z will have lower expectations and gen x got the best of technology without the hassle, all we got is the worst of technology and none of the benefits of established society in terms of just approaching women and having them be smitten at the attention that they now get in a nanosecond by posting a selfie anywhere online.

Yes its the only way.

I think that's mostly a meme desu, they still get a fuck ton of messages, maybe 2-6/10 males don't waste their time, but what do Stacys care about those subhumans anyways?

how do people actually get into a relationship? like what happens?

A good portion of women on Tinder are just swiping so they can match with hot guys for an ego boost. They will put very little to no effort into actually meeting up. Why would they waste time talking to you when they have 400 other matches on deck sending the same lame messages?

I always just pulled the trigger fairly quickly.

We'd talk for one hour then I'd say we should get drinks.
Then most important: I wouldn't text them until the day before, and it was only the check and see if the date was still on.

Too many matches fizzle due to beating around the bush or because of the fact that texting is garbage.

>tfw apparently top 5% too because I've fucked dozens of females, some people would call hot
What's the point though?

It's like a golden trophy that you realize is just a piece of stupid candy with a golden wrapper. The 95% is chasing a false prize and making the prize think it is way more valuable than it is.

Yall need to lower the demand because the supply is finite and the price will go down. Stop raising the demand and expecting the price to go down. THESE BITCHES AINT SHIT YOU RETARDED WHITEBOYS

This is nothing new and makes perfect sense. Women are gatekeepers of sex therefore their standards are higher. Luckily, because female mate selection revolves around raising children in a stable accommodating environment females choose mates based on personality characteristics. A commonly cited one being sense of humor and maturity, which promote a positive and stress-free home environment.

When the conversation shifts to just getting your jollies off, personality doesn't mean much, and the women's standards are not counterbalanced.

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This guy gets it. You can never get invested in a match. Matches mean almost nothing because so many people swipe just for the ego boost and have no intention of meeting anyone. Stop wasting time and ask them out quickly. If they don't commit, say fuck it and move on to the other thots.

We'd have a bunch of faggots taking selfies for Tinder in their bathroom crying when someone calls them ugly

He even has some gay tattoo to project harder that he's "badass"

Feminist system is destroying the top men too.

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I turned down every girl I matched with on that site

Buncha dumb fucking selfish entitled sluts

Never date online unless you want some selfish entitled slut

attractive men dont need to use dating sites. they consider that?

>Considering that there is nothing inhibiting you from reaching your highest genetic capacity in terms of fitness and social skills
lol cope harder. facial aesthetics are all that matter and if you don't got it then lifting and getting healthy won't make a damn bit of difference

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Poor Brad got hooked in to adopting all of those nigger babies, and then his daughter ended up being a tranny at the encouragement of crazy Angelina. Truly a horror story.

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In order to get anywhere in life as a man you need to:
>be good looking
>be fit, have a vigorous, structured weightlifting routine, and a diet that involves accurately gauging the amount of protein, fats, and carbs you consume
>be witty, charming, humorous, confident
>be able to completely carry a conversation all day every day
>have interesting hobbies
>have money
>have a high-status job (even having a high-paying job like plumber isn't good enough because it's still "blue collar")
>have social status, large group of friends
>be able and willing to put up with bullshit like shit-tests all day

In order to get anywhere in life as a woman, you need to:
>not be fat
>no really, that's it
>even if you're fat you will still find some chubbychaser

This is the shit that happens when we let sexual liberation go too far. This is the reason we moved away from "law of the jungle" and started creating institutions like monogamous marriage. Liberation has just let hypergamy out of the box to run rampant.

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>Taking online whores seriously
What madlad does this?

Would you really want to date some slut who fucks guys off an app?

Obviously you don't date whores off Tinder. You do the minimum required to fuck them and then move on to the next thot.

Lol I just realized how I pulled some of the hot ones

I just see right through their makeup and know what ugly losers they really are

Modern waman are fake

Rub their makeup off and see what ogres you losers idolize

>all the girls want me bruh look at my hot bod

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And after you do that a few times, do you really feel fulfilled?

I got more annoyed by the dumb sluts than happy with life

Woohoo, I got to waste money on lunch, bust a nut and then share my bed with some annoying slut

Woohoo bravo modern females

We're splitting hairs here. Date, fuck, whatever. Point being some sort of sexual courting ritual.


>just lift bruh the girls will forget all about your ugly goblin face

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