Wouldn't arranged marriages be better?

Just think of all the benefits to society. After all, place where they still have it all have lower divorce rates and less degeneracy...

Attached: 1515617876807.png (500x522, 142K)

im too lazy to find the study but im pretty sure it said arranged marriages have a much lower divorce rate.

Attached: 1518398202857.png (640x940, 490K)

>7 inch dick
How is that impressive?

Another day, another fugly leftard MGTOW failure trying to force women to get with him.

Attached: MGTOW.jpg (300x122, 13K)

Because it's significantly above average.

yeah ikr? all the guys ive met have been 7 or over

its the perfect length, similar to 6'2 being the ideal model height

>arranged marriages
>take place in restrictive cultures which place social and family approval over individual freedom
>thinking that this culture has nothing to do with the low divorce rates

I have a 6.5 inch penis...

crossdressers always have huge dicks