Converted to Christianity


I recently converted to Christianity just to be polite to somebody I was talking to.

Now I'm deep in it. I'm going to bible study groups, church, christian meet ups, singing songs about Jesus, whole 9 yards.

What should I do?

Attached: christ.jpg (276x183, 7K)

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>What should I do?


Abandoning your people to convert to a foreign sandnigger religion. Disgraceful.

Watch Marching to Zion:
Also, don't post pictures of long haired hippies.

Meet a cute white girl (unless you're br*wn), have a nice family, and live a good life.

Become a Christian by believing on the name of the risen Jesus

If you don't believe in it then you didn't really convert

serve God and go soul-winning

You will be a slave Christian.

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Become Latin Mas Catholic

The God in the New Testament is different from the God in the Old Testament. They are two entirely different beings. Jesus Christ came to free us from the Old Testament god and also to learn about himself from the perspective of man.

The Old Testament god (Yahweh) is a piece of God just as much as man is. God manifests in all things. Yahweh rules this world, much like some Southern Baptists think Satan rules it. Yahweh rules the material world on Earth. Jews, known materialists, worship Yahweh. They worship an aspect of God that prioritizes physical pleasures over spiritual gnosis and love. Jesus came to preach love.

Never forget that. Heaven is not clouds and flowers and wine and other materialistic things, Heaven is the most overwhelming bliss in oneness with the Creator for eternity. It is the destruction of ego. It is love. Love is the highest law. Many Christians are misled and think of Heaven as a material place and God as a bearded man. God is not anthropomorphic at all.