Um, guys.. He's got a plan, right? There's no way he'd let Berlin get encircled..
We post like it's April 29th, 1945
That's an awfully Jewish thing to say
>implying I'm not going down with the ship
Feeling comfy with my cyanide pill and Luger P08.
What are you bloody jollywoggers doing, drinking beer and dancing and fornicating in the streets????????????????
We need to keep going. Now is the time to crush the commies!
Let's rearm those kraut bastards and let's start fighting those ungodly communists!
Communism is anti democratic and will cause nothing but problems. We need to stop it now or we will inevitably enter in an arms race with them and it will progressively get harder to defeat them.
Lay down the booze boys, it's time to hunt some reds!
Also, did you hear what hitler supposedly did to (((them)))? Maybe he wasnt so bad after all...
Bro, we have no ammo or reserves left..
Hahaha you guys are fucked lololol this is what you get racist nazis. You guys are so gay lol stop attacking people for reason!!!!
Glad it's over. Sick of socialism, time for freedom, thanks John!
>sick of zero unemployment, good roads, owning a home and a car, access to food and healthcare, no more communist riots, degeneracy, or jewish usury, and living with a sense of purpose
As you wish..
lol just hung a slav by his balls after raping my daughter, future generations will know not to let subhuman scum into their borders.
>Vote for Wilson and Roosevelt they said
>They'll keep us out of war they said
All I want is to come home and stay out of all of this. Let Europe burn, they got themselves in this situation all on their own