What does Jow Forums think of him?

what does Jow Forums think of him?

Attached: MBS.jpg (1023x575, 79K)

He looks like a real life "le happy merchant" drawing.

i believe he is an atheist and wants saudi arabia secularization and maybe liberation from islam

really has a lot of potential the man

actually he looks like bluto from popeye but thats not what i meant

Attached: ة.png (563x377, 421K)

attempting to de-radicalize the country makes him an atheist. dont think so but interesting thought.

He's not bad

I believe that you Arabs wake up so slowly and realize that Islam will not help you.

I know that atheism spreads like a forest fire with you.

I hope you get out this vicious circle , good luck

hes cute

you not want to be oppressed again by the Turks?
you want to live in freedom?
you will only have this one chance

>atheism is a good thing
Fucking hate you german faggots so fucking much
Turkey will never be the Ottoman empire again, House of Saud has more money than Turkey.
Its gg Mehmet

he looks based to me


i do not say atheism is good, but islam is so bad that even atheism is good against it.

I do not think you are well versed in politics, what do you think why Erdogan wants the Ottoman Empire back, why do you think he wants to build a poor guy in Islam?
Once the americans are out of the way, he wants to acquire the old territory

ask a saudi how he sees it

>Once the americans are out of the way, he wants to acquire the old territory
Y.. you know thats not possible right Mehmet? Its a pipe dream

what are you after islam if you do not follow islam 100%? an unbeliever = atheist

puppet to distract from his father's crimes

What the fuck is his problem with Yemen? He can't beat the Houthis and their allies militarily so he just has the place bombed for years on end? What's the end game? Do they really plan on just bombing the place forever?

He pretends to be a reformer but domestically all he's done is consolidate power and continue on the same path as every other monarch in the kingdom before him.

Do you know how to take a state? by subversion
erdogan + muslim brothers = strokes on the royal house
prodaganda against the royal house throughout the middle east

unrelated but this makes me miss those Saudi user AMA threads.
a few weeks ago they had a patriot missile do a u-turn because of a rounding error and new Iranian missiles. Houthis always causing trouble

>prodaganda against the royal house throughout the middle east
Turkish TV isnt watched around Middle East, however Al Jazeera...
Erdogan is in over his head, and falls under Russian sphere of influence.

Another kike puppet better off dead

I think the saudis see it differently

He solved the Wahabbi problem and admitted some red pills about it. Not bad I guess, but it continues the trend of autocratic leaders in the ME.