The One Question Jow Forums can never reconcile

This image shakes the Jow Forumsack to their core.

Attached: z134z44143.png (978x481, 126K)

Good for them

uncle toms

They still steal, rape, and murder more. Also, as fucked up as this sounds, blacks, per IQ, are better at things like arithmatic. Like a 120 IQ black will be better at long division on average than a 120 IQ white. They are worse are more general G-traits. Even smart blacks are more likely to be replaced by computers. Sad but true.

>the average white is on par with the top 10% of blacks
Sure showed us

They should go back to Africa and try to make it less of a shithole.

NAXALT fallacy.

Attached: naxalt.png (500x441, 50K)

>What about these competent and intelligent blacks?

What about them? They're not part of the problem. Niggers are part of the problem.

Hint: They don't like niggers either.

>what about these competent and intelligent blacks
That's prime Dunning–Kruger territory. and...look at black academia.

The image shows everything we are saying. The average black IQ is mentally retarded. Sage obvious bait

Super! They will be the leaders in the Black Ethnostate, won't they?

This seems like a subtle redpill to me.

Doesn't that image make leftists and social constructionists shit their pants? It basically proves equality of outcomes is impossible, and that you should expect a smaller percentage of black scientists/engineers/doctors/etc compared to their share of the overall population.

they should rule africa

They can rule Wakanda

>5 captcha panels 'error'
>'nother 5 unskippable panels 'error'
>Another 2

Regression to the mean. Read more about IQ and inheritability.

like 0,1%

Attached: 1525570250397.png (978x481, 133K)

their children will regress to the mean of black IQ

tfw in the competent zone with my based talented tenth bros

we are not many in this side :(. All bellow 130 iq will prefer going sjw or lolibeetarian

where did you read that?

About equaled id blacks are better than whites in arithmetic.

Your graph shows that 95% of blacks are below average IQ.

those are the ben carlsons and kanyes..
aka the coons in youre liberal mind

More like Thomas Sowell.

That fallacy goes the opposite way too though. Just because you can point out the center line does not mean that people far above it don't exist.

Exist, but they're very rare.

>Double trips
I'm going to say we must both have good points.

google "regression towards the mean"

Attached: iq83.png (978x481, 181K)

I just pray those blacks didn't succumb to toxic black culture.

Fallacies in this one image:

IQs are even bell curve distributions - they are not. Blacks are heavily skewed towards the lower end. It's not an equal distribution in any way. Whites are not an equal distribution either and varies greatly between men and women. Men have a flatter curve with higher extremes. Women bunch up in middle.

2) Niggers arent human.

They post on Jow Forums pretending to be white.

Thomas is beyond most humans in general, even top Asians.

Attached: 1231.jpg (750x750, 61K)

You would love to have Thomas Sowell as your neighbor huh bud?