Why are you guys so racist? Even if you hate blacks, it is more advantageous to ally with us. I, as a black man, hate globalists and Jews more than you can imagine. Don't you see we're on the same side against the cultural marxists? Don't you see the MSM pits us against each other?
Segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever is ideal, but for now, we need to unite to defeat the jews.
Don't you believe realize the world is on the fucking brink? Are you that dense? Forget about hating "niggers" for just a bit and focus on the true enemy.
Because I don't see any other black people saying this
Dylan Wood
Look, unless we can work out some situation where we resegregate, the country will always be split between our interests and yours, so one of us has to go, and guess which we prefer.
Nolan Brooks
If blacks made a united front and said they wanted to ally with whites against Jews I would fight with them immediately.
I don't really see that happening
Gavin Bell
Fuck you and your pseudo whitepill posting tendencies, sage