Bet she wishes she'd just stayed in her trailer park.

Attached: palinbtfo.png (1013x539, 53K)

Yeah because she made his candidacy relevant, brought to much attention to him and his bullshit I guess.

What about killing all those sailors?

(((Lieberman, former Democrat. What a surprise that a RINO would say something like that. Lieberman would not have helped McCain‘s odds.

She did bring in the brainlet vote. Too bad your kind is too retarded to figure out how to vote.

Cant wait to kill you take your land and tape your wife.

But you'd probably like the wife thing right?

I doubt it considering she made a shit ton of money out of it.

Mccain never had the charisma to win in the first place. It is same reason he lost to Bush despite having a good solid military background.

LOL does he think he lost because of Palin? McCain lost because he was yet another neocon after America had just suffered the worst brunt of their policies. At least the other neocon was black and that was novel.

He's mad that she became more popular than him, she was the only thing on the ticket that wasn't complete shit.

his brain is LITERALLY rotting

why would anyone care about what he says?

She made a fortune out of it so I think she is still just fucking happy.

Realistically, it was his only chance at winning. Unfortunately, she was about 20 IQ points too low to play the national politics game successfully. You can compensate for lower IQ with more political experience (like Joe Biden), but she didn't have that, either.

wouldn't it be easier for him to write down a list of things he doesn't regret doing
murdering hundreds of thousands of retards in iraq is more important than losing the election, because you picked a glorified soccer mom at the suggestion of bill kristol

We don't regret it.


he lost because the financial system killed itself betting on securitized debt under a sitting republican president

A kike with dual Israeli citizenship is who the fucking chancellor of the deep-state military industrial complex wishes he ran with. Just fucking die already you piece of fucking shit.

I'm sure the GOP regrets running McCain

It's funny because Trumps president and he's not.

You’re 15 if that’s what you think. Bush started never ending wars and doubled the national debt. People were pissed. Obama swore up and down he would solve everything and was a nigger, so he rode that wave. He had the centrists in a spell.

He's jealous of Palin's healthy brain.

bet he regrets talking under torture

you are a retard
the economy shed nearly 2m jobs before the end of 2008, and over 1m of them by the election

The Palins were wealthy before she was picked you moron

he still would have lost with lieberman

he's mad because she could still run again and he can't