And European = White
Why do Americans forget that Spanish is a European language
The people who speak Spanish in the U.S. are largely mestizos. The Spanish ruling class whites are I think generally appreciated.
Cuz Hispanics are mostly mestizos and mostly cancer
The beaner scum that the Spanish conquered are now allowed to go live and work in Spain and fuck Spanish women.
The Spanish language has been totally ruined when it is spoken by loud ugly Central Americans.
I literally hate everything Spanish now. I wouldn't be surprised if the Spanish government is using these beaners as a form of conquest.
White hispanics usually stay in their home counties.
They literally only export their trash to us.
Its all about skin color.
If you're shit skinned get out of my country.
You do realize of course that there's only like 1% of the US population that is white, and speaks Spanish as a first language right?
Europeans are Europeans. '' White '' is predominantly an American way to identify yourself since Americans have no identity.
Exactly, so Ronaldo is a shitskin, right?
Latin is a european language. Spanish was created for retarded unevolved rape babies.
>Why do Americans forget that Spanish is a European language
Mexicans, that's why. Because of all this illegal immigration shit going on, anyone who speaks Spanish is considered Mexican.
Most American exposure to Spanish is from the failed states of Mexico, and therefore there is a negative association. If you hear Spanish spoken more than English, it's generally accepted that you're in the rougher part of town.
because the only kind of spainish we're exposed to is from mexicans. and mexicans are arguably worse than niggers.
Because only third world shitholers speak it, dumbass.
Who’s that qt? Must find his shirtless pics for a quick fap.
Spain isn't really European anymore
Anyone pretending otherwise are delusional
He's Portuguese not Spanish
He also doesn't live in the US
Mestizos ruined it. Should've kept your dicks in your pants.
Why do Americans forget that French is a European language, and Congolese, Haitian, etc =white. Duh
Spanish is mostly spoken by brown people, i.e. third-worlders. Historical backgrounds are sometimes interesting but most often irrelevant.
Find yourself a rope and hang yourself, degenerate
Bruh look at this dude...
Mexicans ruined it
Is Messi white?
>muh meme map
>doesn't take into account that only lasted about a decade before the moors receded down to Toledo.
>there were barely any moors left behind after the conquest because the army got recalled back to Damascus
>Spain is one of the most mountainous regions in Europe and was sparsely populated at the time.
>Many of the "moorish terrirtory" was actually under Christian rule that allied to the moors and payed tribute but was otherwise left alone.
>Iberians never stopped fighting against the moors and it was a continuous war of conquest to regain the territory
>pushed the moors down to a sliver of Granada, which they allowed them to maintain in order to have stable trade with North Africa.
Cool memes Pablo.