Can we have an incel support group thread

Women have made fun of us highschool to adult hood. Cock blocking us all the way. Now they have coined a term for what they are doing to us. It's like kicking us when we are down. I have been tormenter by women all my life and I'm 35 now. I can't take it anymore. What is a lifetime virgin to do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why would I do that?

To stop being incel, duh.

You know what to do.

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Gas incels

Dude that sucks

>Reject person
>Blame it on person
>Kill person

I was buying a sandwich today at sprouts and the girl at the counter threw it at me and told me to have a nice day stuttering and sweaty. Why are normies so afraid of us?

you literally have a whole board, this isn't new stuff

Listen you fucking loser you lost the genetic lottery now fuck off

It's time for an uprising.


Best course of action for incels is, if you snap, target women and don't do it with guns.

I'm volcel you antifaggot.

Right on bro. How many Stacie's have you plowed? Me I'm at 10

>target women

>Reject Jew
>Blame Jew
>Kill Jew

I've been willing to talk about the problems of feminized society that create the conditions in which incels become a thing,but we don't need "incel support group threads". There's already an entire fucking board for that called Jow Forums.

>become the jew

Says a filthy stinking red

This, hit them where it hurts the most. Their beauty.

You dont want to interfere with my meme magick children

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work out and do martial arts

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The sandniggers have the right idea.



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Daily reminder if you are over 6ft you can fuck any bitch

I've been happily married nearly 20 years and I'm a millennial. She loves watching me play video games, discussing conspiracy theories and serial killers, and fucking. So first off: it is possible.

That being said, this needs to be a meme:


If it's sex you want, a disease-free escort can be had for $300 max.

What you actually need are good, loyal, based, offline male friends to spend your life with. Not a woman.

Women are the Jews Hitler warned you about.
Don't pay their bills.
Don't date them.
Don't talk to them if you can avoid it.
Don't even look at them.
Stay the fuck away from them.
Pray you live to see the day when the world is finally rid of them.

>muh virgin shaming
>OHH what a pitiful virgin loser

You know what? YOU GOT ME. I am. I am a virgin. I also have a facial deformity which comes with a speech impediment. No amount of education, trying to get a better income, working out, none of that has ever convinced a woman to look past that. Ever.

After 28 years of it, I am bitter. I am frustrated. Have you, alpha tough guy on the Internet ever had to summon up the courage to talk to a woman, knowing you're not the best looking guy in the world and then get told "ew, you? Never." Before you can finish saying "Hey, how are you do-"? Have you? Because I'm pretty for sure your self-esteem would implode faster than Brittney Spears is career if that ever happened too you. I know. I watched the big tough chair force army guys get devastated over hearing a "no" out of a girl.

Something I live with everyday. Something the army wouldn't accept either when I tried to get in several times so I can get shot to death in Iraq. Hoping to make myself more useful than a suicide.

So there. I'm a virgin, I've managed to pull stuff like pic related if I'm wearing a mask. Women love me when they don't see my face. Are you happy now? Is your self-esteem boosted now because you got to shit on me over an anonymous image board?

Does it make you feel better calling frustrated men virgins on the Internet because all you're doing is making the whole an easier place for your future wife to leave you and take that easy military money in a divorce because she wants to fuck someone who's not you.

Yeah but the jew isn't innocent.

I'm sorry, but if you are incel, it's your fault. There is no shortage of low self esteem, low expectations having, fat bitches online that would give you the v, time now.
It seriously is easy.

Most of these people are just socially awkward having been born to single parent homes. They can be helped.

Target jews you retard. Women only do what they do because of jews.

I mean not in a violent way

What is your deformity?

>can we have a support group for antisocial weirdos?


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I'm an incel too. At first I was considering a prostitute, but I don't think I could stand the idea of her leaving right after fucking me and leaving me with a bill. I'll probably just get one of those sex dolls.



you pay them first and you could ask them to stay

I'm an involuntary incel

>you could ask them to stay
But they won't though. When your time is up your time is up. I don't think I could do one night stands for this same reason (not that I have a choice in the matter).

Why did life turn out like this

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This is a Jow Forums-tier thread but I will entertain you since this shit is starting to become a major issue nowadays. (Well, it has always been an issue, just that the mainstream media have been picking it up seriously only recently.)

You aren't entitled to a woman. Get this simple fact through your skull. And I'm not saying this the same way a feminist would. A feminist would tell you "you aren't entitled to a woman" because of a vested interest; she would tell you so becase she wants to get as much resources out of you as possible, or she only wants the most attarctive males and doesn't want to be bothered by uggos. That's the feminist perspective on the matter: women want to be free to pursue their own self-interest and look for the best mate available to them.

The underlying reality is that we live in a society with a free sexual market. The real issue is not whether women want you or not. If some woman didn't have as many choices as most women nowadays have, you would easily get laid, no matter how ugly and/or poor you are. But that's not how it works. Sexual liberation means that some men (those who have wealth and/or attractive bodies) will own informal harems, whereas other men (those who are poor and/or ugly) will die a virgin.

Sexual liberation does not exist because women willed it into existence. It is merely a corollary of free-market capitalism, its natural extension. In the past, only kings and nobles owned harems (think Genghis Khan); that's how things were under feudalism. Nowadays men can freely bid for women, just like they can bid for other commodieties on the market. The result is that it is no longer a title of nobility that automatically grants you a harem; anyone can own as many women as one wishes, so long as he has the money.

You're taking it out on women as if they had an agency. You're not up against women; you're up against other males who are better than you and wealthier than you. That's why you can't get women.

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women are the original jews

>muh free market will fix it!
We got rid of harems for the sake of men actually wanting to participate in society you ancap faggot.

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You didn't get rid of shit. Harems still exist to this day. And they're part of the reason men give a damn about participating in society. People don't work because they care about their country, their race or whatever; people work in the hope of getting as much pussy as possible in their current circumstances.

Even if you get a good based waifu, you'll soon realize she is still a woman and while she can give you a wet hole to fuck and bear your children, there is little she has to offer in partnership, companionship or any other area. Women are annoying and intolerable and are only allowed to survive because they are a necessary chain in the reproudction cycle. A position they leverage to the max.+

incels are all beta cuck faggots who never try to better themselves
change your attitudes
be serious and talk assertive
do not talk like a lil bitch
walk with your head held up high and never lower your gaze fucking faggot cucks holy shit

Yeah and if certain men have 0 chance of getting any women no matter how hard they work, they'll check out, thats the point.

>t-the whole world i-is all about sex gaiz. Really!

then you're not a millenial fucking retard
Fuck off normies

>What is a lifetime virgin to do?
Get fit, snag a white war bride when everything goes to shit. Doesn't matter if she's a roastie wigger. Beat her until she's a good Christian housewife, and then take one for the fucking team and fuck the Arby's sandwich until you make white children. There you go faggot, the problem is solved in one generation. Now go get of the goddamn treadmill.

And as someone who has fucked some hookers, just go buy a fleshlight and worry about other things first.

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you really need to go back

Go to a brothel and enjoy a fixed price, limited sexual interaction with a women of your choosing.
Cheaper overall than paying for the dating of women who can just say no and fuck off after their free meal and drinks.
Whores are professionally obligated to fuck you and keep their mouths shut.
Small dick? She won't tell anyone.
Shit in bed? She'll take control if you ask.
Don't last long? Try again within the hour.
What have you got to lose?

>implying the world isn't all about sex

How do you think you came into existence? Storks?

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>What have you got to lose?

His virginity.

remember to sage and report

you have a full boards for robots

>only 10
Mods! I think we've got an undercover incel here.

cryptocel is the preferred nomenclature

The preferred term is Person of Loneliness or PoL. Incel is a derogatory slur that should not be used.

I want to do this. I'm 23 and havent touched a girl in 6 years. im working to improve myself and noporn is one aspect im working on. I really want to, but I feel like a loser for doing it. Then again why the fuck do i care what i feel about it. I should just do it.

>Person of Loneliness
we need a campaign to prevent the marginalization of bodies of loneliness, as well as spaces to explore the unique lived experience of non-gregarious identities

lol how can you be 35 and not have gotten laid? You were a teenager when people still went outside and visited people as a pastime, it was basically impossible to not get laid at least a few times.
Even all of the nerdiest loser kids I knew in school hooked up with women eventually.
I know handicapped people who have long term girlfriends.
This shit is your fault, whatever your problem is, you cause it and are causing it. You're not a victim, you're just a self-indulgent pussy.

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take this shit to Jow Forums where it belongs

You're absolutely correct user, and it's beautiful.

This. Teens these day are glued to the phone all the time. It's probably why rates of virginity have gone up.

But back then this shit didn't exist.

How the fuck have you never tried to get laid at a Halloween party you fucking rere? Or maybe find a blind chick? If the bitches love you until they see your face, you should be fine going down that route.

Back then sometimes you were literally competing with nothing. Nothing on tv, nowhere to go, nothing to do, and instead of international meat markets always being at your fingertips, nobody else around.

Unless you have a disability or a medical condition that makes daily life difficult (like IBS), then you have no excuse for being an incel.

Whenever someone using this flag or a similar flag boasts about their conquests, take the amount of women specified in the post and multiply it by the amount of times communism was successfully implemented.

It's what they're there for.

Keeping the boyim down

he gives a realistic answer and you call him a 'normie' Get off the internet, it's obviously poisoning your mind.

or kill yourself you fucking faggot.