ITT: Stupid shit normies say

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i smash my phone so i buy new iphone

"I'm going to make a funny post on Jow Forums! Tee Hee!"

>I consent to eating your beefed out pastrami pussy

i don't see color


"The republican Party needs to get rid of most of its eyes if it wants to win"

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Bad actors, now they are saying "rule of law"

The jews didn't do 9/11


and their "muh tinfoil hat or take your meds" when you try and redpill them on 9/11

steve from bay shore you're on the air

>Democrats are the real racists
>Trump should lay off the tweeting
>They’re just looking for a better life
>Israel doesn’t take shit from nobody
>Segregation harmed blacks
>Idc if someone’s gay they just better not hit on me
>People are fleeing California because of high taxes

Fuck reasonable normies

"we need to love everyone"

crazy conspiracy theorist!

Who cares if we’re all brown, as long as we’re all americans.

normies dont say that fag

>just be yourself
>lol who cares about the law
>holy crap the game is on
>recreational sex is the ultimate goal of my life
>that X is SO last year
>no one watches that anymore
>i need a new Netflix series to bingewatch
>no one is illegal

"I'm pro-Israel, but..."

Nice crop, Tits. You're not fooling anyone.

This is a Jow Forums thread.

Every single one of those gave my tumour cancer.

"we need to help fight another war in middle east"

Yeah they do

"That may be true, but you can't say it".

>I don’t want to hear your antisemetic bullshit
>I don’t care what other people do as long as it doesn’t affect me
>you can’t masturbate that much, it’s bad for you

Diversity is our strength

That kind of thinking is unimaginable to me. Idk how you non-Americans handle it.

>blacks just commit more crime because of socioeconomic disparities and "thug culture"

The world doesn't owe you anything.

>Always sticking their hands out for gibs

>constantly vote for parties that get themselves rich off taxpayer money

>I don’t care what other people do as long as it doesn’t affect me.
The fucking ultimate.

A yank said it on the Twitters.

get of your house you shut-in

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Are you actually saying that or just saying what the OP said to say

>import a bazillion shitskins into west

Omg were so racist

>Keep your head on a swivel lambchop

>I'd go as low as 13

>theBlueAwning is an untrustworthy shekel chasers

>there is a difference between respectful black people and niggers
>the black community would behave better if they were given education
>I can't have a child I have to focus on my career

There is no worldwide jewish conspiracy, but I agree that a small greedy elite probably has too much power and influence.

Go to bed SA, you’re drunk

To be fawkin honest witcha...

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lol I actually hope there's a South African who is on the O&A sub

using the word "hate" when referring to anything that isn't nice.

>I didn't sleep with Sue Lightning! She's just fun to hang out with. And so what if I did!?


Leave it alone
Leave it alone
Leave it alone

>>I can't have a child I have to focus on my career

Oh I love this one. They usually couple it with one of these:

"I never got to play with X when I was a kid, but now that I am an """""adult""""" I can spend tens of thousands of dollars on this useless shit and live like a child FOREVER! Hurray!"


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>I’m not having kids, they’re too expensive!
>Buys three big ass Huskies


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I don't get why that triggers you. Who cares about degenerate shit people do. If it doesn't affect you then it has no bearing on your life.

I know what you're trying to say here, but you are wrong. Dogs eat food that costs like $0.60 / meal and do not go to college or crash your car. They also die at 15, the age at which humans begin to get really expensive...

Dogs are not a comparable expense to children. Not even close.

>t. pride parade homo

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Kids aren't even expensive. They play outside in the yard and eat dirt. Big whoop.

Somebody took time away from work, friends and their family to make this.

>absolutely harem

"what if"

"Did you catch the game last night"

hey, don't forget to listen to Opie's new Podcast, Opie Radio on Westwood One™ with features from the Mad Cuban.

See you there brothaman

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Nice digits brotherman

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not all "x" are like that

I hate sportsball fans

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I go to Jow Forums to find breaking news

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*stares at blond guy because they hate white people*

and how fast is africas population going to explode?

democrats are the real racists tho




Have you ever once considered that just MAYBE things can matter that don’t directly effect you?

I bet you were an only child.

It affects me, when it fucks with the foundations Western society was built on.

and that's a good thing!

The problem isn’t that the statement is wrong, the problem is that it just ends up with a conservative and a liberal arguing about which one loves niggers more.


Hate that fucking word

let me see those poker chips, user..

"the N-Word"

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You know god damn well the person who made that has none of those things

3d women are better than 2d

"Do you have a snapchat?"

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"Where are you from?"
I hate this question, it's worse than, "what do you do?".

Q: "Where are you from?"
A: "My daddy's balls."

"Mein Kampf needed an editor!"
>Hasn't read Mein Kampf.

"I might not agree with what you say but I'd fight to the death for you to say it!"

"Racism is wrong!"
>Proceeds to call Asians and Jews superior.

"Men and women are the same"
>Believes in gender

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."
>Doesn't realise that we don't live in democracies and the person who allegedly said it didn't live in a democracy either.

"I believe in democracy"
>Wants to bypass the EU referendum and impeach Donald Trump.

"I am a feminist"
>Supports Islam.

So, your mother was murdered...

how'd your parents die?

im told the pendulum will swing at the center of attention..


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I'm on Face Book or Reddit !!

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>how does the collective wellbeing of society affect me. Mind your own biz...

What'd he do with the food?

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more importantly, is the board important?

its as if my blood were getting heavy
and my heart cold
i feel as if /pol has changed me into something i just cant control

Just another day another condescension

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Jow Forums has turned you into something you can control. No longer will you have uncontrollable rage, suspenseful guilt or fear, and a lacking in moderation or joy. To control once's self without the manipulation of others is peak self control. See how others laugh because someone else made them laugh, not because you wanted to laugh or thought it was funny. Notice how people get mad because other people make them mad, not because you decided it made you mad rationally or because you made yourself get mad. The power of emotion makes you feel cold until you truly want to react, and it makes you seem out of the norm. You will be called heartless, soulless, but realize it takes both heart and soul to become heartless and soulless. Fuck these faggots and their 3 seconds of pleasure, and unconventional self control.

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Sorry sir, what was that? Your phone crapped out



>I believe in one world, one people. The human race

whats that?

if you see me coming best get outta mEYE way!
the pendulum is swinging back the other way!