Mexican, Trump Supporter ask anything

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kys faggot.

try harder user

What happened to the term "Mexican intellectual" that was used here so frequently like two years ago? Also winning lottery numbers please.

what does it feel like to be an uncle tom spic?

You know that Trump winning is going to make your country to unironically vote for a Communist?

i dont know what you mean im just a regular mexican living in México

What are you going to do when we finally deport your citizens back to their home country?

What the fuck do you mean?

i will do nothing i dont care about illegals they are illegals, they should be here,the illegal problem immigrants in the United States is as much the fault of our government as US past administrations it was a secret agreement

what is your favorite meme?

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the jeb bush memes always made me laugh

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Are you voting for AMLO?

Of course, claro que si

have fun with making another venezuela, looks like all the spics are going to move here since we have daily murders but no communism.

well, so much for "based" I guess.

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I think I will vote for PRI this time.

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Redpill me on the Indios. Also how white are you?

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not based at all

the southern Mexicans have mostly Mayan roots that is why they are mostly colored, in the north the majority are white due to the Spanish and German colonization even though there are also many red-haired people, I live in the north in the state of Sinaloa


What state did you vote for Trump in?

No te sulfures amigo.. todo va a estar bien

I didnt vote for Trump, i cant vote for Trump, but i support hes fight against globalism and the establishment, I follow him since his Republican candidacy, also id made a lot of money betting on hem winning the candidacy to the republican party

I hate that you can't climb Chichen Itza anymore. Temple of the Sun is still cool